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Oct 12, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014 Matt Skoczen & Patti Varol

Theme: "Twelve-Step Puzzle" -The end of each theme answer can precede "Step".

23A. Door holder's quaint invitation : LADIES FIRST.  Indeed the very "First step" of the theme set.

25A. "Hurry!" : COME QUICK. Quickstep.

39A. Native American ritual : RAIN DANCE. Dance step. In this type of Precede/Follow theme type, it's desirable when the key word has different meanings. But sometimes it's not possible.
41A. Comic collected in "Cows of Our Planet" : THE FAR SIDE. Sidestep.

50A. Where stars come out : STAGE DOOR. Doorstep. I saw two "door" in the theme answer clues. Don't bother me as my solving is very jumpy.

71A. Secure door feature : DOUBLE LOCK. Lockstep.

73A. Where many tweens may be seen : JUNIOR HIGH. High step.

93A. "No, No, Nanette" number : TEA FOR TWO. Two step.

101A. Birds Eye rival : GREEN GIANT. Giant step. Green Giant is based here in MN. Here is their Jolly Green Giant mascot.

103A. 1974 #1 hit for Helen Reddy : ANGIE BABY. Baby step.
123A. Prepare for the ring : SHADOW BOX. What is "Box step"?

126A. Like some test questions : TRUE OR FALSE. False step.

I thought of Splynter and his AA when I saw the "Twelve-Step" title.

Heavy themage. Total 116 theme squares. As I mentioned before, 12 entries is more challenging to grid than 9 entries with the same theme squares. I like that they're all arranged horizontally. There's a continuity in the 12-step.

Matt and Patti did a solid job with their fill today. They made all their long entries count and got all the 3's and 4's as clean as possible, which is not easy when you have 74 of them to deal with. 

1. Takes great pleasure (in) : BASKS

6. It may be fit for a queen : TIARA. Lovely clue. Queen Elizabeth has the world's most precious tiara collection.

11. Loathe : ABHOR

16. Sushi bar tuna : AHI. Yellowfin.

19. Three-time Wimbledon champ : EVERT (Chris)

20. Rigel's constellation : ORION

21. Alla __: music notation : BREVE

22. Big __ : SUR

27. Nebraska settlers : OTOS. Or OTOEs.

28. "G'day" sayers : AUSSIES

30. Network with regular pledge drives : NPR.  And 132. Network with regular pledge drives : PBS

31. Fifth Avenue retailer : SAKS

32. Unprovoked : WANTON. I associate this word with "Willful".

34. John of Scotland : IAN

35. Part of i.e. : EST. Id est.

37. Bolt, back in the day : HIE

46. Zesty start in London? : ZED. Just letter Z in Zesty.

47. TV production company co-founder, familiarly : DESI. I need Arnaz or Ricky or Lucy in the clue.

49. Like gossip : RUMORED

56. Quarterback Marino : DAN

57. Immortal Russian ballerina Galina : ULANOVA. Never heard of this "Immortal" lady.

58. Hard work : TOIL

59. Car and Driver check : ROAD TEST

62. Alain, par exemple : NOM. Alain Delon!

63. When two hands meet? : AT NOON. Nailed it.

66. Minute : ITSY. Not the time.

67. Work __ : ETHIC

78. Capital mentioned in "M*A*S*H" : SEOUL. So where is Kim Jong-un? I sure don't think there's a coup.
79. __ colada : PINA

80. Rubeola spot : MEASLE. I did not know the meaning of Rubeola.

81. GPS option : RTE

84A. "Gimme a break!" : GET OFF IT! I like all the four 8-letter entries in this puzzle.

87. "Are you __ not?" : IN OR

88. Likely will : IS APT TO

92. Dog park sound : ARF

97. Like helium : GASEOUS

98. It may be flat : RATE

100. Mal de __ : MER

109. Foto Hut owner on "That '70s Show" : LEO. Never watched the show. But I'm happy to see Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis together. Sweet couple.

110. Fresno-to-Bakersfield dir. : SSE

111. Three times, in Rx's : TER

112. Doesn't agree to : DENIES

114. Complex course : MAZE

117. __ cat : FAT

119. Conceal : SECRETE. OK, I need to start using this word then.

122. Short side? : SLAW. Vividly remember the first time I tried coleslaw at KFC in Xi'An. Right before I left college in 1994.

128. Household cleaner : RAG. I like this clue. I was thinking of a person.

129. Polynesian tongue : MAORI

130. Chalet beverage : TODDY

131. Garbo of "Grand Hotel" : GRETA

133. Flagrant, as injustice : GROSS

134. Somewhat far : A WAYS. Quite a ways.

135. Mythical reveler : SATYR


1. Word after see or go : BELOW. Always need crosses for this type of clue.

2. Gamer's game face : AVATAR. Don't be fooled by Avg Joe's. He's a total standup guy who tolerates no nonsense. Great cook too.

3. Arizona cultural resort : SEDONA

4. Olympic skater Yamaguchi : KRISTI. Gimme. Her husband grew up here in MN. She won "Dancing with the Stars" a few years ago.

5. Sault __ Marie : STE

6. Veggie burger ingredient : TOFU. I can't picture life without Tofu.

7. Expanding-circle film effect : IRIS-IN

8. Respiratory cavity : AIR SAC

9. Prepared for use, as a violin bow:  ROSINED. Rosin can also be a verb?
10. Get in the game : ANTE

11. Easy as __ : ABC

12. Heathcliff's creator : BRONTE

13. Natural rope fiber : HEMP. Have you ever seen hemp plant? So tall.

14. Thorough repair : OVERHAUL

15. Like core courses: Abbr. : REQ

16. China setting : ASIA

17. Pap's son, in Twain stories : HUCK

18. Bugs : IRKS

24. Prepared for painting, perhaps : SANDED

26. Tries to charm with, as a pickup line : USES ON. When I met with Norm Duke in August, he asked me "Are you married?"

29. Goes after : SETS AT

33. Quatre et sept : ONZE. 4+7.  I feel like I need water after pronouncing "Quatre".

36. Glow : SHINE

38. "Joy of Cooking" writer Rombauer : IRMA

40. Fuss : ADO

42. Tutti-__ ice cream : FRUTTI

43. Waffle maker : IRON

44. "Whip It" band : DEVO

45. Red-wrapped import : EDAM. Also 50. Dutch burg : STAD

48. Swirl : EDDY

51. Cinematic pet : TOTO

52. Aborigine of Japan : AINU. Commit this to your memory. You'll see it again. It sounds like "I knew".

53. Lava lamp lumps : GLOBS

54. Camden Yards athlete : ORIOLE. Yeah, Royals rock, Gary.

55. Campus mil. group : ROTC

60. "Don't __" : ASK

61. "I come to fetch you to the __-house": Decius Brutus : SENATE

64. Grand __ Opry : OLE

65. Opposite of paleo- : NEO

68. Same: Pref. : HOM

69. Yeats' land: Abbr. : IRE

70. Support for a hora honoree : CHAIR

72. "The Black Cat" (1934) co-star : LUGOSI (Bela)

73. Skippy rival : JIF

74. Yard, e.g. : UNIT

75. "Money __ everything" : ISN'T. So true.

76. Pre-sunrise effect : GLOW

77. Sandwich choice : HERO

79. Sputtering sound : PFFT

81. 1997 Emmy winner for TV's "Rebecca" : RIGG (Diana) And 89D. Showed signs of age, as paint : PEELED

82. Peter or Paul : TSAR

83. Soften : EASE

85. Mountain lakes : TARNS

86. Declaims : ORATES

90. Signal to start talking : TONE

91. Beach party challenge : TUG OF WAR

94. Cannes chum : AMI

95. It's for the birds : FEEDER. I think D-Otto's have cameras in.

96. "Awake, arise __ forever fallen!": Milton : OR BE

99. Admit an embarrassing mistake : EAT CROW. or DIRT.

102. Furrier family : ASTORS

104. Poet depicted in "Il Postino" : NERUDA. The Postman.

105. Hardly generous : GREEDY

106. Cochise player of '50s TV : ANSARA (Michael). Learned from my own cluing experience.

107. Soldier's lodging in a private home : BILLET

108. Beer critic's adjective : YEASTY

113. Cross one's heart : SWEAR

114. Car sticker no. : MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)

115. Fictional skipper : AHAB

116. Veers suddenly : ZAGS

118. Peek or bug ending : ABOO

120. Rider on Butch's handlebars : ETTA. Oh, this girl. Etta Place.

121. Messes (with) : TOYS

124. Texter's "Holy cow!" : OMG

125. Followers of nus : XIS

127. NFL overtime margins of victory, often : FGS (Field Goals)
