, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 17, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015 Mike Peluso

Theme: "Elements of Style" - Each element is replaced by its atomic symbol.

22A. Pirate once portrayed by Orson Welles : LONG JOHN AG. Long John Silver.

24A. Relative of the Marquis and Montclair : HG MONTEREY. Mercury Monterey. It's a bit tricky to fill the area cleanly with this type of HGM* cluster of consonants.

47A. Annoying with trivialities : NI AND DIMING. Nickel-and-diming.

67A. Electronics tool : SOLDERING FE. Soldering iron.

90A. "Quit dilly-dallying!" : GET THE PB OUT. Get the lead out.

114A. Cartoonist known for his intricate contraptions : RUBE AUBERG. Rube Goldberg.

118A. Music publishing nickname : SN PAN ALLEY. Tin Pan Alley.

35D. Kesselring comedy about the murderous Brewster sisters : AS AND OLD LACE. Arsenic and Old Lace.

40D. Dickens classic : DAVID CUFIELD. David Copperfield.

So when did you grok the theme? I cottoned onto the gimmick early on, but I did not remember some of chemical symbols. So I struggled a bit.

Lots of theme material in today's grid. Nine theme entries with 97 dedicated squares. Mike could have skipped the middle 11 and gone with eight entries & 86 squares (Rich's minimum is 84), but he's not one to take the easy way out. And he's a skilled grid builder.
Today's puzzle reminds me of this huge periodic table George Barany showed us when we toured their chemistry department (University of Minnesota) last winter. You can even touch some of the elements.


1. Light wood : BALSA

6. Purged : RID. So is OFF.

9. Tray contents : ASHES

14. "High Voltage" band : AC/DC. I was confused by the ACD* start in Kevin's puzzle last Thursday.

18. With 108-Down, tired comment : I NEED. And 108. See 18-Across : A NAP

19. "O mio babbino __": Puccini aria : CARO

20. Speed : TEMPO

21. It's sometimes held in a deli : MAYO. I saw Wasabi mayo in our local grocery store.

26. Genesis twin : ESAU

27. Enjoys an afternoon snack, across the pond : TAKES TEA

29. Old Burma neighbor : SIAM

30. Paradise : EDEN

32. Defense secretary under Nixon : LAIRD (Melvin). Not familiar with the guy. Nixon looks happy in this picture.

34. Pond sounds : CROAKS. Frogs.

38. Shake : DODDER

41. Autobahn rollers : OPELS

43. Some MIT grads : EEs

45. "Got it" : I SEE

46. Co-star of Janeane in "The Truth About Cats & Dogs" : UMA. I like the movie. Just couldn't get into Uma's "Pulp Fiction".

50. Inside information? : X-RAYS

51. __ ordo seclorum: Great Seal words : NOVUS. Latin for "New order of the ages". Such a gap between "age" & "seclorum".

53. Rural expanses : LEAS

54. Smoke source : STACK

56. Sask. neighbor : NWT (Northwest Territories). Unknown abbr. to me.

57. Quiet : NOISELESS

59. Composer Saint-Saëns : CAMILLE.  "Danse Macabre".

61. Forest female : DOE

62. Rash type : DARER

63. The Dodgers' Yasiel Puig, for one : CUBAN. Harrowing journey to the US. Every immigrant has a story to tell.

64. Accompany : ESCORT

66. It may be applied: Abbr. : SCI

71. Honorary legal deg. : LLD

72. Sites for sweaters? : SAUNAS. Sweat-ers.

74. Say "ma'am," say : ELIDE

75. Syrian president : ASSAD. Maybe it's better that he's still in power.

77. E.T. from Melmac : ALF

78. With an edge : TESTILY

80. Grainy course : RICE PILAF. Simple & tasty clue.  I like my rice bland though.

84. Him, in Le Havre : LUI

85. Shortens : TRIMS

86. Grassy cluster : TUFT

87. Gulf State native : OMANI

88. Skipped Denny's, say : ATE IN. Do you like Denny's?

94. CCV doubled : CDX. 410.

95. Target of a military press : DELT

96. Bigeye tuna : AHI

97. 10-Down creation : WIMPY. And 10. "Thimble Theatre" creator : SEGAR. I totally blanked on the creator. We also have 98. Friend of 97-Across : POPEYE

100. Attaches : ADDS ON

102. Civil rights org. : NAACP

104. File __ : MENU

105. Coastal raptor : ERNE

107. When some seafood is available : IN SEASON. Miss fresh seafood.

110. 1987 "Crying" duettist with Orbison : LANG (K. D.). Gimme for Argyle.

120. Tiny particle : ATOM

121. Morning staple for some : LATTE

122. Sharp-tasting : TART

123. More fetching : CUTER

124. Thriller set in the seaside town of Amity : JAWS

125. Hair net : SNOOD

126. One of two Mad rivals : SPY. Oh. "Spy vs. Spy".

127. VP before Nelson : SPIRO


 1. Acrimony : BILE

2. Yucatán years : ANOS

3. Singer Horne : LENA

4. Naturally followed : SEGUED

5. Sm., med. or lge. : ADJ. Of course I was thinking of Sizes.

6. Standing : RANK

7. "Dies __" : IRAE

8. Iditarod conveyances : DOG SLEDS

9. State of disbelief? : ATHEISM. Great clue. I'm still in a state of disbelief.

11. "Let me see ..." : HMM

12. "Aeneid," for one : EPOS. Learned from doing xwords.

13. Thunder predecessors : SONICS. Seattle Sonics relocated to Oklahoma City in 2008.

14. Autobiographical subtitle : A MEMOIR

15. Elevator feature : CAR

16. Color : DYE

17. Like one saying "Moi?" : COY

19. Detective fond of aphorisms : CHAN (Charlie). Chan = Chen. Same character in Chinese. Chan is the Cantonese spelling. So you know just from the name that Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong where Cantonese is spoken.

23. Funny Cheri : OTERI

25. Salt : TAR

28. Anklebones : TALI

31. Worse, as fog : DENSER

33. Making an impression : DENTING

36. Google entry : KEYWORD. Type in Tilt in your Google search and see what happens.

37. Six-line sonnet section : SESTET

38. Brooks' singing partner : DUNN

39. "Typee" sequel : OMOO

41. Most of a deceptive wad : ONES. I got via crosses. Dumb!

42. Apples, sometimes : PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants)

44. Alike, to Pascal : EGAL

48. 1999-2004 Olds : ALERO

49. "What __?": Twain dialogue : IS MAN

50. Sporty Jags : XKEs

52. Bolt of Jamaica : USAIN. Fastest man on earth.

55. Idle colleague : CLEESE (John). Eric Idle. Another great clue. John Cleese had a fantastic interview with Fresh Air last winter.

58. Inferior : LESSER

59. Like cottage cheese : CURDY

60. Rose's title partner : ABIE. Abie's Irish Rose.

63. Provide with a roof : CEIL. Don't see this verb often. 

65. It may be filed : CLAIM

66. Showed respect, in a way : SALUTED

68. Rapper's demand : LET ME IN. Of course I was thinking of the singer "Rapper". Here it refers to "knock on the door" rap.

69. Hardly paparazzi quarry : D LIST

70. De __: actual : FACTO

72. Brand named for an old Indian tea garden : SALADA. Did not know this trivia.

73. Envelope abbr. : ATTN

76. Precise : SPOT ON

79. [Alas!] : SIGH

80. Kentucky's __ Arena : RUPP. Name after their basketball coach Adolph Rupp. 

81. "One __ land, ..." : IF BY

82. Barney's boss : ANDY. "The Andy Griffith Show"

83. Idée __ : FIXE

86. Storms : TEMPESTS

89. Evidently : IT SEEMS

91. Performed like Buck Owens : TWANGED

92. Minute Maid drinks : HI-Cs

93. Ivy League sch. : U PENN. We have two kids here in Mpls who were accepted by all the Ivy League schools.

96. Invalidates : ANNULS

99. Come to a halt : PULL UP

101. Vivaldi's hour : ORA

103. __-surface missile : AIR TO

104. Protective trench : MOAT

106. '60s Israeli deputy prime minister : EBAN (Abba)

109. Agile : SPRY. One of Boomer's bowling buddy is 92 years old. Still rocks his motorcycle.

111. Some choristers : ALTI

112. Elided adverb : NE'ER

113. Lamb sandwich : GYRO. Gosh, I feel like my screen is still tilted.

114. "The Big Bang Theory" astrophysicist : RAJ

115. Hagen of the stage : UTA

116. Hair accessory : BOW

117. Eisenhower's WWII purview : ETO

119. Carrier units, briefly : ACs

Jazzbumpa sent me these two beautiful pictures from her mom's 94th birthday dinner yesterday. Does your mom solve crosswords, Ron?

Ron, his sister Pat and their Mom

Ron's mom (standing) with her twin sister