, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 9, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Susan Gelfand

Theme: This and That - Take two related prefixes and send them in different directions with these new roots.

18A. Daniel Boone portrayer : FESS PARKER. Profess / Confess

24A. Cookie-cutter abode : TRACT HOME. Protract / Contract.

37A. Both sides of an argument ... and what can literally precede the starts of 18-, 24-, 53- and 60-Across : PROS AND CONS

53A. New car trial run : TEST DRIVE. Protest / Contest

60A. Unexpected source of cash : FOUND MONEY. Profound / Confound

Argyle here. Susan had a puzzle in '13 and again in '14; she's baaack. Neat, four entries with eight answers. Some unknowns to keep it interesting.


1. Lioness in "Born Free" : ELSA

5. __ optic cable : FIBER

10. It must be made with one hand : FIST

14. Ruth's husband, in the Bible : BOAZ and 15A. Massey of old films : ILONA. Two names I shan't remember.

16. "My treat" : "ON ME"

17. Rush off : BOLT

20. In the mail : SENT

22. Double play pair : OUTS

23. Road repair consequence : JAM

27. "If __ King of the Forest": Cowardly Lion's song : I WERE

29. Lend a hand : AID

30. Channel for bargain hunters : HSN. (Home Shopping Network)

31. Joan of Arc, e.g. : MARTYR

32. Forsaken child : WAIF

34. MASH system : TRIAGE

41. Slip by : ELAPSE

42. Falling out between friends : SPAT

45. "__ as she goes" : STEADY

48. Fireplace residue : ASH

51. UPS driver's assignment : RTE

52. Rush hour sounds : HONKS

56. Pumper's pride : ABs. "pumping iron"

57. Fairy tale bad guy : OGRE

59. Oodles : A LOT

63. Osbourne of rock : OZZY

66. Made haste : TORE

67. Supreme Court justice since 2006 : ALITO. (Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr)

68. Visionary : SEER

69. Slow-cooked meal : STEW

70. Spotless : CLEAN

71. Very, in Versailles : TRÈS


1. Flow out : EBB

2. London lav : LOO

3. Tortilla chip topper : SALSA DIP

4. Templo Mayor builder : AZTEC

5. Some whiskey purchases : FIFTHs

6. Project extension? : ILE. (projectile)

7. __ buddies : BOSOM

8. Happen as a result : ENSUE

9. Immersed (in), as a book : RAPT

10. In support of : FOR

11. Printer choice : INKJET

12. Easily smudged : SMEARY

13. First-__: rookie Congressman : TERMER

19. Italian cheese : ASIAGO

21. Ultimate degree : NTH

24. Noticed, to Tweety : TAW

25. Narrow waterway : RIA

26. Ready to draw, as ale : ON TAP

28. Little songbirds : WRENS

31. Big __: fast-food buy : MAC

33. One-in-a-million : FREAK

35. "M*A*S*H" staffers : RNs

36. Inspirations : IDEAS

38. Ireland, affectionately : OLD SOD. "ould sod"

39. Vocalize : SAY

40. Wine-and-soda drink : SPRITZER

43. Rugged transport, briefly : ATV. (all-terrain vehicle)

44. Casual top : TEE

45. Mine passages : SHAFTS

46. As well : TO BOOT

47. Make certain : ENSURE

49. Visit a bit longer : STAY ON

50. "Good" cholesterol letters : HDL. (high-density lipoprotein) We had "Bad" cholesterol letters last month.

53. Fairy tale bad guy : TROLL

54. Start of an elimination rhyme : EENIE

55. Pigeon perch : ROOST

58. Former auto financing co. : GMAC. (General Motors Acceptance Corporation, now Ally Financial)

61. Never done before : NEW

62. Approx. landing hour : ETA

64. New York's Tappan __ Bridge : ZEE

65. 12-mo. periods : YRs
