, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 27, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 David Phillips

Theme: Jumbled - Shifting the letters of the word DAY (within the circles if you have them). All six permutations are used.

17A. Lois Lane portrayer in "Man of Steel" : AMY ADAMS

21A. Earliest recorded Chinese ruling group : XIA DYNASTY

33A. Kevlar-lined vest, e.g. : BODY ARMOR

44A. "Reelin' in the Years" rock group : STEELY DAN

55A. High-definition medium : BLU- RAY DISC

63A. What a nine-to-fiver works ... or, literally, what each set of circled letters represents : DAY SHIFT

Argyle here. No other connection between the answers but a little overlap on two sets. Two big corners. David's second puzzle with us but he has several with NYT. Their loss, our gain today.


1. "The Affair" network, briefly : SHO. The effects of an affair between a married waitress at a Hamptons diner and a teacher who spends his summer at his in-laws' estate on the island. Network: Showtime

4. Feel the pain : ACHE

8. Connect (with) : LIAISE. Taken from the French. I first heard it used in the military; the liaison officer.

14. "How's that again?" : "HUH?"

15. The season to be jolly : NOEL. Ho, Ho, Ho!

16. Sprain application : ICE BAG

19. Accruing very little interest? : BORING

20. Put one over on : FOOL

23. Ranking card suit : TRUMP. No politics. (It will be tough.)

25. Sunrise direction : EAST. Except on Venus and Uranus.

26. Tavern brew : ALE

28. Pantyhose shade : TAN. Not ecru today.

29. Heavenly balls : ORBS

37. Pet's reward : TREAT

38. Blood typing letters : A-B-O

39. Holy threesome : TRINITY

41. Multi-platinum 44-Across album pronounced like a continent : "AJA"

42. Abrasive : ROUGH

46. Frat party barrels : KEGS

47. Shine, in ads : GLO

48. Opposite of paleo- : NEO

49. Arboretum sight : TREE

51. Big name in cubes : RUBIK. Ero Rubik

61. Melt fish : TUNA

62. Spring tweeters : ROBINS. My first thought was peepers.

65. Get payback : AVENGE

66. "I hear you" : "OKAY"

67. See 32-Down : LEE. See 32D. With 67-Across, co-creator of Spider-Man : STAN. Stan Lee makes another appearance.

68. Corporate consolidation : MERGER

69. Give for a while : LEND

70. Make an effort : TRY


1. Mining tunnel : SHAFT. "She Got The Goldmine (I Got The Shaft)"

2. Funny business : HUMOR

3. "What a joker!" : "OH, YOU!"

4. "Then what happened?" : "AND?"

5. Sweet-talk : COAX

6. Prefix with sphere : HEMI

7. "Frozen" princess : ELSA

8. Tripoli native : LIBYAN

9. Clickable pictures : ICONS

10. Lawn maintenance tool : AERATOR

11. Nile wader : IBIS

12. Director Gus Van __ : SANT. I had a Z at the cross with LIAIsE.

13. Like French toast : EGGY

18. "The American Look" cosmetics brand : ALMAY

22. Luv : DEARIE

24. "The Bell Jar" author Sylvia : PLATH. Wiki (about the book.)

27. Make a boo-boo : ERR

28. Pinto-riding sidekick : TONTO. "Giddy-up, Scout!"

30. Enjoy a book : READ

31. Tijuana's peninsula : BAJA

33. Announce a visitor, dog-style : [BARK!]

34. Bassoon kin : OBOE

35. Magician Henning : DOUG

36. Sent on a wild-goose chase : MISLED

37. Polk's predecessor : TYLER. 10th and 11th Presidents.

40. Rightmost bowling pin : TEN

43. Stripper's bottom line? : G-STRING. [snicker, giggle]

45. Kid : YOUTH

47. Old Faithful, e.g. : GEYSER

50. Cooking stove : RANGE

52. Constructed : BUILT

53. Figure out : INFER

54. "Sons of Anarchy" actress Sagal : KATEY

55. Novelist Stoker : BRAM

56. Romcom subject : LOVE. (romantic comedy)

57. Over, in Germany : ÜBER

58. Celeb with a big fan base : IDOL

59. "Oh, for Pete's __!" : SAKE

60. Color similar to teal : CYAN. from Greek kuanos.

64. Guitarist Barrett : SYD. The original front man and songwriter for Pink Floyd. Web Site.


Note from C.C.:

Hey, a shout-out from David to my husband Doug (35D), who celebrates his 68th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Boomer!

C.C. & Boomer, Sept 5, 2009