, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10th 2015 Jerome Gunderson

Theme: Steve! This blogger's initials are added to the start of each theme entry to create a wacky new phrase.

17A. Airline seating for Mensa members? : SMART CLASS. I just took this online IQ Test out of curiosity. I'm not sure how accurate these things are, but I think I came out about where I expected.

65A. Mickey Rooney and Danny DeVito? : SMALL STARS. At 5'2", Rooney towered over DeVito by a mighty two inches. Danny's portrayal of Louie on "Taxi" is one of my favorites.

10D. Overly ingratiating little devils? : SMARMY BRATS

25D. "Hee-Haw" humor, but just a touch? : SMEAR OF CORN. And possibly an apt way to describe the theme entries?

Howdy, folks! Of course Jerome didn't construct this puzzle with me in mind, but I wasn't quite sure how to describe the theme so this seemed as good an explanation as any. Two theme entries across-wise and two downwards for a total of 42 squares leaves a lot of room for some nice fill, which is what we get. Very little in the way of crossword-ese makes for a smooth solve.


1. Mennonite sect : AMISH

6. Nasty bit of trickery : SCAM

10. Chopped side : SLAW. Food! I made some just the other day - both white and red cabbage and carrots.

14. Trunk full of organs? : TORSO. Fun clue.

15. "Casablanca" heroine : ILSA. Played by the wonderful Ingrid Bergman.

16. Speck : MOTE

19. Milne's Hundred __ Wood : ACRE. Based on the beautiful landscape of the Ashdown Forest in Sussex, England. Milne lived on the northern edge of the forest in a house subsequently owned by the Rolling Stones' ill-starred guitarist Brian Jones.

20. Fire dept. employee : E.M.T.

21. Many ages : AEON. Four of these in the Earth's geological history - Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic. We all knew that, right?

22. Out of the country : ABROAD

24. Subordinate's yes : AYE SIR

26. Jewish folklore creature : GOLEM. Nailed it! Cropped up enough times in crosswords to finally stick in my brain.

28. He's a horse, of course : MR. ED. I'll go right to the source.

30. Watched for the evening, say : BABYSAT

34. Bar in a shower : CAKE. SOAP went in, SOAP came out.

37. Mark of approval : SEAL

39. Justice Kagan appointer : OBAMA

40. WWII threat : U-BOAT. I caused myself a couple of do-overs in this area when I had *BO** and immediately saw "H-BOMB". Wrong.

42. Andy Capp's spouse : FLO

43. Preen : PRIMP

44. Mulligan, for one : RETRY. Named for golfer David Mulligan, a member of Winged Foot golf club in the 1920's.

45. Counting-out word : EENY

47. Natural balm : ALOE

48. Embarrassing mistake : BLOOPER

50. Antihero? : GOAT

52. Big spread : FEAST

54. Like Yogi or Smokey : URSINE

58. One of the haves : FAT CAT

61. Prefix with port : HELI-. Here's a particularly vertigo-inducing example at the top of the Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai.

63. Constrictive creature : BOA

64. Empty auditorium effect : ECHO

68. Management level : TIER

69. Electrified atoms : IONS

70. Like some reprimands : TERSE

71. Shangri-la : EDEN

72. Goddess of victory : NIKE. Adidas is the German god of victory, or did I make that up?

73. Resting places : OASES


1. On the main : AT SEA

2. Toddler's gleeful shout : MOMMY!

3. More than just annoyed : IRATE

4. Abbr. on old Eurasian maps : S.S.R. Plenty of these in this example:

5. Windbag's output : HOT AIR

6. Grain holder : SILO

7. Metallic sound : CLANG

8. Donkey : ASS

9. Tandoori __: South Asian spice mix : MASALA. Food! This is my tin - I go through  a lot of this stuff, so I get three or four at a time when I go to the Indian market. The tins are vacuum-sealed, so keep pretty well in the pantry.

11. Daft : LOCO

12. Gillette razor : ATRA

13. Location-dependent plant designation : WEED

18. First known asteroid : CERES. Discovered by one Guiseppe Piazzi in 1801, it was first considered a planet, then suffered a Pluto-style downgrade in the 1850's.

23. Coltrane genre : BEBOP

27. Billiard table shape : OBLONG. A hockey rink is an oblong also. Oblongs can have rounded or square ends.

29. Postpones : DEFERS

31. Advance using wind : SAIL

32. Big bang cause, sometimes : AMMO

33. Sticky stuff : TAPE

34. Street border : CURB

35. Explorer Tasman : ABEL. Whence Tasmania and the Tasman Straits.

36. Japanese relative of the zither : KOTO. The immensely-talented June Kuramoto appeared with her band Hiroshima at my local music venue earlier this year. She described her koto as "a surfboard with strings".

38. Sierra Nevada product : ALE. The brewing company, not the mountain range.

41. Very ambitious sort : TYPE A. I'm more of a "B".

46. "__ be sorry!" : YOU'LL

49. Cancels the reservation, maybe : EATS IN

51. Blue blood, for short : ARISTO. My last fill. Nice word! The letter sequence doesn't immediately give the game away, especially with the final "O".

53. Express gratitude to : THANK

55. Structural beams : I-BARS

56. Old language that gives us "berserk" : NORSE. Coming up against a berserker or two bent on marauding mayhem was pretty much guaranteed to ruin your day.

57. Moves with care : EASES

58. Big bash : FÊTE

59. Battery fluid : ACID

60. Passé pronoun : THEE

62. Otherwise : ELSE

66. Miss Piggy tagline : MOI

67. Bigelow's Sweet Dreams, e.g. : TEA

Here's the grid, and that's all from me!
