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Dec 18, 2015

Friday, Dec 18, 2015 Robin Stears

 Theme:  Igpay Atinlay

Aha!  It's this year's Christmas present from Obinray Earsstay.  She tweeted last year at this time, “It's just not Christmas unless we push our bodies to the brink of alcoholism and diabetes.”  Now there's a woman who gets it!  You can visit her for more examples of her quirky sense of humor.

As I was working this one, knowing I was going to have to 'splain it to you guys, I kept scratching my head.  What does OVERSTAY have to do with chocolate?  And in what world does EASTBAY mean “savage?”  The perps demanded that those answers be correct.  I finally came to the reveal:

 58a.  What four puzzle answers need to be written in:  PIG LATIN...and the V8 can came flying.   Utecay!

17a.  Big name in chocolate:  OVERSTAY (Stover, as in Russell)

21a.  Savage:  EASTBAY (Beast)

35a.  Loot:  UNDERPLAY (Plunder)

52a.  Lay waste to:  ASHTRAY (Trash)

Let's see what other presents Robin put under our tree...


1.      ___ appeal:  SNOB

5.       “The Girls Next Door” co-creator, for short:  HEF.  Hugh Hefner.

8.       Torus-shaped gaskets:  O-RINGS. Per Wiki:  In geometry, a torus (plural tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle.  But you knew that...

14.      Lift one's spirits:  TOPE.  If you lift them too often.

15.      Pay dirt:  ORE

16.      Secure again:  RESEAL. [Meh]  I get it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

19.      Against:  CONTRA. In another time (and what seems like another world), the CONTRAs battled the Sandinistas for control of Nicaragua.

20.      Crème de ___:  MENTHE. Because “la Crème” was too long and “Cacao” was too short.

22.      NATO member since 2009:  ALB.  No, not American League Baseball, but the country, ALBania.  Remember, we went to war against them in Wag the Dog.

23.      Says “y'all,” say:  ELIDES.  “Resides in Texas” was way too long.  DRAWLS would have worked, though.

26.      Time of one's life:  AGE

27.      Reunion group:  CLASS. “Aunts” would have fit, too.

29.      Beats Electronics co-founder:  DRE  (See 42d.)

30.      Danube tributary:  ILLER

 Those are the Allgäu Alps in the background – beautiful area of southern Bavaria.

32.      Early 20th-century poet ____ Crane:  HART. No idea.

33.      Layer:  PLY.  Let's see the hands of those who confidently wrote HEN.

34.      The Beatles, e.g.:  IDOLS.  Tried BRITS first.

38.      IQ test name:  BINET I remember those standardized Stanford-BINET tests from my ute.

40.      Abu Dhabi is its cap.:  UAEUnited Arab Emirates.  I was there in the '80's.  I asked about a Stephen King novel in a bookstore, and was told, not so politely, not to mention that name there.  Okey dokey...

41.      Sounds from toys:  ARFS.  Wasn't fooled.

45.      “_____ run!”:  GOTTA.  Or as JzB puts it, IMBO.

46.      AC/DC song with the words “I'm dynamite”:  TNT.  Easy enough to suss.

47.      Road challenge:  GLARE

48.      Pharm. drop-offs:  RXS

49.      “WarGames”  computer.  JOSHUA.  Should have remembered that.  Didn't.

51.      Muscle mag subject:  PEC.  Mag indicates it'll be an abbrv.

55.      Biblical escape obstacle:  RED SEA.  “Holy Moses, Batman!”

57.      Get hot under the collar:  SEE RED Could be tough to parse. RED dupe.

60.      March:  PARADE

62.      Bluster:  RANT

63.      Treat badly:  STEP ON

64.      El ___:  CID.  Spanish hero played by Charleton Heston with a cast of thousands.

65.      Energy units:  ERGS. Hello again, old cw friend.


1.       Acid producer:  STOMACH.  Should have been easy enough to guess.  Wasn't.

2.       “Breakfast at Tiffany's,” for one:  NOVELLA.  Some might recall a minor movie.

3.       Spot for free spirits:  OPEN BAR.  Nailed it.

4.       Friend of Mary Poppins:  BERT.  All perps.

5.       Monopoly buy:  HOTEL

6.       Big time:  ERA

7.       Early 2000s “SNL” standout:  FEY.  Tina.

8.       “Blackfish” creatures:  ORCAS.  Political documentary.  Nuff sed.

9.       Model T contemporariesREOS.  Named for Ransom Eli Olds.  Many people think the Oldsmobile was named for him.  Correctomundo!

10,      “____ that special?!”:  ISN'T . Made famous by Dana Carvey.

11.      Court surprise:  NET BALL.  Tennis, I'm guessin'.

12.      Parking places:  GARAGES

13.      Buffy, for one:  SLAYER

18.      Tom Jones' “____ a Lady”:  SHE'S

21.      Shoebox letters:  EEE

24.      Between jobs:  IDLE

25.      Rehearsals:  DRY RUNS

28.      Double's job:  STUNT. Stunt-double in the movies.

30.      Wash. neighbor:  IDA  (Washington/Idaho)

31.      Steadfast:  LOYAL

33.      Wash. hours:  PDT.  The same Wash., not D.C.

34.      Key for Debussy?:   ILE.  Debussy was a French composer, and a key is an island.

36.      Teachers' org.:  NEA.  Standard crosswordese.

37.      Buddha's Noble Eightfold ____:  PATH.  Perps to the rescue.

38.      Choice ballpark location:  BOX SEAT

39.      “I found what you're looking for!”:  IT'S HERE

42.      Drake or Nelly:  RAP STAR.  If you say so.  Actually, I had first perped it as RAPSTER, but “Bluster” = RANT, not RENT, straightened me out.

43.      Letting go: FREEING

44.      Cosine reciprocals:  SECANTS.  Thank you, high school trigonometry.

45.      Comprehends:  GRASPS

46.      Stocking stuffer:  TOY.  Tried TOE first.

47.      Certain Celt:  GAEL.  There are several Celtic languages.  GAELic is one of them.

49.      Will Smith's second son:  JADEN.  Just how were we supposed to know that?

50.      Goaded:  URGED

53.      Sting, perhaps:  TRAP.  Narcotics sting.

54.      Modernize:  REDO

56.      Have the gumption:  DARE

58.      ___-Man:  PAC.  Many a squandered hour in my younger days...

59.      In this emplacement:  ICI. More French.  Shouldn't “In this” also have been in French? Oh, well...

That'll do it for me.  Glad to have had the opportunity to fill in today.  Lemonade will be back next week with his Christmas Special, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.  Desper-otto signing off.

Note from C.C.:

I would like to tell you about two coupled puzzles by my neighbor Steve Bachman (with some help from George Barany):  Wit and Wisdom, as explained further on this bachblog post. Even if you don't have time to try these puzzles, click on Steve's name for his inspirational personal story.