, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 4, 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016 Mark McClain

Theme: "Fitting Jobs" - Each theme entry is punnily clued as if it's a suited job for the person in the clue.

25A. Fitting job for Will? : PROBATE JUDGE. Very fitting.
46A. Fitting job for Stu? : HASH HOUSE COOK

67A. Fitting job for Sue? : TRIAL ATTORNEY. The 11-letter TRIAL LAWYER works as a middle entry also.

90A. Fitting job for Roger? : RADIO OPERATOR

113A. Fitting job for Bette? : CASINO DEALER. Because Bette is close to Bet?

3D. Fitting job for Art? : MUSEUM GUIDE
70D. Fitting job for Miles? : TRUCK DRIVER. Or * PILOT.

Fun theme! I like this type of theme where in the language phrases are punnily re-interpreted. You need to be really imaginative and come up with plenty of candidates for a workable set.  Often constructors have to discard a perfect entry due to wrong letter count. 

Mark took fully advantage of the low themeage (7 entries/85 squares) and gave us another clean grid with six great 9-letter fill. 


1. Places for reps : GYMS. Love an easy start.

5. Texter's "Mercy me!" : OMG

8. National park near Bar Harbor : ACADIA. Got via crosses.

14. Make the grade : RATE

18. Été month : AOUT. August. Not a good time to visit Paris. Some shops are closed.

19. By way of : VIA

20. Hard work : LABORS

21. Official order : EDICT

23. Bit of trickery : RUSE. And  84. Bit of physics : ATOM

24. Some urban commuter lines : ELS

27. Would rather : PREFERS TO

30. Pipe piece : ELL

31. Anchor in a race : GO LAST

32. Strange craft : UFOs

33. 2001 Audrey Tautou title role : AMELIE. Lovely movie. She works at a cafe in Montmartre.

35. Warble : TRILL

36. White-coated critter : ERMINE

38. Time lines, perhaps : X-AXES. Also got via crosses.

39. Value of a Benjamin : ONE C

40. "Sesame Street" network : PBS

43. Greyhound, e.g. : DOG. Not BUS.

44. Hasselblad product : SLR Not familiar with Hasselblad. Wiki says it's a Swedish camera maker.

49. "Parlez-__ français?" : VOUS. Third French reference.

51. Whitman's dooryard bloomers : LILACS

53. Makes a choice : OPTS

54. Promising : ROSY

55. Fennel-like herb : ANISE. I call it spice. It's one of the ingredients in Chinese Five-spice powder. Star anise.

57. Birdhouse creation : NEST

58. Stinging remarks : OWs

59. Sign of life : PULSE

60. Create a new look for : RE-DESIGN

62. Georgia, for one : FONT. The default font of our blog.  I was thinking of SSRS.

64. Notable periods : ERAS

66. Darken, say : DYE
70. Fed. power agcy. : TVA

73. Spotted : SEEN

74. Gothic cathedral feature : ARCH

75. Not for the masses : ESOTERIC. Sparkly fill.

77. Long accounts : SAGAS. Not TALES.

80. Tournament pass : BYE

81. Seesaw sitter of song : ESAU. Never heard of this. "Esau Wood sawed wood".

83. Beneficial : OF USE

85. Hayride perch : BALE

87. Inveterate critic : SNIPER. New meaning to me.

89. Entom. and geol. : SCIs
93. Archaeologist's project : DIG. The dig in my hometown.

95. Colorful pond fish : KOI

96. Supplement, with "to" : ADD

97. Bunch : SLEW

98. Workbench grippers : VISES

100. "You __ worry" : NEEDN'T

102. Eponymous chair maker : EAMES (Charles). Nailed it.

104. University lecturer : DOCENT

105. Dallas Cowboys logo : STAR

106. One with a flat to fix, maybe : LESSOR. Not flat tire. Apartment.

108. Body art, slangily : INK. Not TAT.

109. Is more efficient : SAVES TIME
117. Icky stuff : GOO

118. English : John :: Slavic : __ : IVAN

119. Hardly eager anticipation : DREAD

120. Ill-tempered : ORNERY

121. Keebler spokesman : ELF

122. Peter on piano : NERO

123. Phishing targets: Abbr. : SSNs

124. Hockey rink area : CREASE

125. Rapper Mos __ : DEF

126. Became : GREW


1. Williams title role : GARP. Robin William. "The World According to Garp".

2. The Isley Brothers' "It's __ Thing" : YOUR
4. She kept Martina from winning a seventh straight Wimbledon in 1988 : STEFFI

5. Pitch too eagerly : OVERSELL

6. Thickness units : MILs. Got via crosses also.

7. It's paid at pumps : GAS TAX

8. Swiss landscape feature : ALP

9. Negligent : CARELESS

10. Get rid of : ABOLISH

11. Paso __: two-step dance : DOBLE.  Double.

12. George's lyricist : IRA

13. Puerto Rico hrs. : AST

14. "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" verb : REJOICE

15. "Never __ moment!" : A DULL

16. Clam-digging area : TIDAL POOL. Never dug clams before. Looks cold.

17. Ticker tapes, for short? : ECGs. Nice clue.

 22. Vietnamese holiday : TET. Same day as Chinese Spring Festival. Next year it falls on Jan 28.

26. Barnum "attraction" : EGRESS. Googled afterward. Turns out it's just an exit sign.

28. Seemingly forever : EONS

29. Plains people : OMAHAS

34. Common mass transit requirement : EXACT FARE

35. Flanged fastener : T-NUT

36. Composer Grieg : EDVARD

37. TV pundit who wrote "Years of Minutes" : ROONEY. Boomer really liked Andy Rooney.

39. "My bad!" : OOPS

41. Order (around) : BOSS

42. Scottish isle : SKYE

45. Celebrate, as the new year : RING IN

47. Bookstore section : HOW TO. What's the last time you visited a bookstore? We also have 59. Check words : PAY TO

48. French vineyards : CRUs

50. Atlanta-to-Miami dir. : SSE

52. Olin of "Chocolat" : LENA

56. __ Park, Colorado : ESTES

58. Precisely : ON THE NOSE. Another great fill.

61. Wrath : IRE

63. Needing no Rx : OTC

64. Came after : ENSUED

65. Early 20th-century car : REO

68. Atmosphere component : LAYER

69. Bring in : REAP

71. TV component? : VISION. Letter V. Also 106. TV screen type : LCD

72. Does the job perfectly : ACES IT

73. Scandinavian natives : SAMI. Glad it's not LAPP/LAPPS. See here why LAPPS is now regarded as derogatory.

76. Scruffy couple? : EFS

77. First name in desserts : SARA

78. Slightly : A TAD

79. Nike and Demeter : GODDESSES

80. Gusted : BLEW

82. "Odyssey" threats : SIRENs

85. Ravel classic : BOLERO

86. Tarzan's foster family : APES

87. Places for prices : STICKERS. I bought a huge Kobocha at the farmer's market last week for $3. The smaller ones are $1/each. They look ugly, but they're creamy and sweet. Just like acorn squash.

88. Lightly wash : RINSE OFF

91. 1970 self-titled pop album : OSMONDS. Unknown to me. No Marie?

92. "Anne of Green Gables" town : AVONLEA

94. Becomes : GETS

99. Produced : STAGED

101. Having lunch : EATING. My lunch the past few days: Kobocha Udon.

103. Like most people : ASIAN

104. Veteran telejournalist Sawyer : DIANE

107. Corn units : EARS

110. Mouselike critter : VOLE

111. Former filly : MARE

112. "I must not think there are / Evils __ to darken all his goodness": Shak. : ENOW

114. Dopey comrade : DOC. My dad's colleges were all his "comrades". Now people use "Mr." instead. I miss the pre-1989 China. Miss the way we were.

115. Miscalculate : ERR

116. Reuben basic : RYE