, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 6, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Theme: And this too shall pass - PASS can be added to the last word.

16A. Without a care in the world: FANCY FREE. Free Pass.

23A. Clove crusher: GARLIC PRESS. Press Pass.

37A. Big band venue: DANCE HALL. Hall Pass.

56A. Deceptive measure: SMOKE SCREEN. Screen Pass. (football)

64A. Log-on needs ... and, literally, what the ends of 16-, 23-, 37- and 56-Across can be: PASSWORDS

Argyle here. And this too shall be easier than Monday, eh? Fourteen 7-letter words makes this puzzle stand out.


1. Skatepark feature: RAMP

5. Tuxedo part: VEST

9. Flew the coop: LEFT

13. Old Voice of America overseer: Abbr.: USIA. (United States Information Agency)

14. Dislike intensely: HATE

15. Twisted shape: HELIX

18. Olympics segment: EVENT

19. Dipped chip: FRITO

20. Vatican City is one: ENCLAVE

22. Sweetie, in dialect: LUV

27. She, in São Paulo: ELA. (Portuguese)

28. "I think," in chats: IMO. (in my opinion)

29. Pointy hat wearer: ELF

30. CIA relative: NSA. (No Such Agency)

31. Prefix meaning "ten": DECA

33. Fictional visitors from space: ETs

35. Surprise victory: UPSET

41. U.S.-Canada defense system: NORAD. (North American Aerospace Defense Command)

44. Quite a long while: EON

45. Buckwheat noodle of Japan: SOBA

49. Tuna at a sushi bar: AHI

50. Okinawa okay: HAI. This concludes our trip to the Far East.

53. Fr. holy woman: STE. (Saint)

55. Hi-__ image: RES. resolution

59. Courtroom VIPs: DAs. (District Attorney)

60. Frozen convenience store offering: SLURPEE. Nationwide?

61. Funny Cheri: OTERI

63. Solitary: ALONE

67. Gung-ho, as a fan: RABID

68. Cuatro y cuatro: OCHO. 4+4=8 (Spanish)

69. __ Cong: VIET

70. Rare bills: TWOs

71. "That was a close one!": "PHEW!"

72. Odds partner: ENDS


1. Like some tuxedo shirts: RUFFLED

2. Usually: AS A RULE

3. Hand-held cleaner, briefly: MINI-VAC

4. Summit-ending agreement: PACT

5. TV channels 2 to 13: VHF. (Very high frequency)

6. Place for a ring: EAR

7. Iron alloy: STEEL

8. Like the bikini in a 1960 #1 hit: TEENIE

9. Burton of "Roots": LEVAR. What's he upto now? IMDb

10. Gridiron squads: ELEVENS. And Seven-Elevens are where you will find Slurpees.

11. Delicate handling: FINESSE

12. Extension on an unformatted document file: .TXT (text/plain)

15. Of assistance: HELPFUL

17. It's said that he said, "I never said most of the things I said": YOGI Berra

21. 25% of M: CCL. 1000x25%=250

24. "Absolutely!": "AMEN!"

25. Campus mil. group: ROTC. (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

26. Won at musical chairs: SAT

32. Toothpaste-endorsing gp.: ADA. (American Dental Association)

34. "__ what I mean?": SEE

36. Start of a sequence ending in "thx": PLS. Please/Thank You

38. Stuck (to): ADHERED

39. Watering aid: HOSE

40. Feed the kitty: ANTE

41. "Stillmatic" rapper: NAS

42. Eponymous electrical current principle: OHM'S LAW

43. 1970 John Wayne film: "RIO LOBO"  Oops! This clip is from the 1959 Rio Bravo. It is a much better movie so I'll leave it.

                      Clip from Rio Lobo below.

46. Call for pizza, say: ORDER IN

47. Like Dumbledore and Santa Claus: BEARDED

48. Lends a hand: ASSISTS

51. Nile snake: ASP

52. Summer treat: ICE POP. From your freezer, not a store.

54. It used to be plenty: ENOW. Enough.

57. Actress Mila: KUNISIMDb

58. Arrive at: REACH

62. "Slithy" thing in "Jabberwocky": TOVE

63. Works at a museum: ART

65. One called Miss: SHE

66. Sty mother: SOW. Miss Piggy?
