Theme: This is only a test, so don't be alarmed.
17A. Unwise act that could be dangerous: FALSE MOVE. False alarm.
25A. Time-out for a cigarette: SMOKE BREAK. Smoke alarm.
35A. Dashboard music provider: CAR STEREO. Car alarm.
51A. Pre-talkies movie: SILENT FILM. Silent alarm.
60A. Hot chili designation, and a literal description of the starts of 17-, 25-, 35- and 51-Across: FOUR ALARM
Argyle here. Big beefy corners today, a bit unusual for a Monday. Also, a déjà vu feeling; a lot of recent clues/answers. Or is it just me?
1. "Death of a Salesman" salesman Willy: LOMAN. 1949 play written by American playwright Arthur Miller.
6. Abysmal grades: EF's
9. "__ Cross": 1949 Lancaster movie: CRISS
14. Friend's opposite: ENEMY
15. Minor point to pick: NIT
16. Convened again: REMET
19. Video game pioneer: ATARI
20. Singing syllable: TRA, La, La...
21. Vicinity: AREA
22. Type of cleansing acid: BORIC
23. Actress Skye: IONE
27. Upper crust groups: ELITEs. Um, not elists.
29. Courage and fortitude: METTLE
30. Done in, as a dragon: SLAIN
31. Swoosh company: NIKE. It takes courage and fortitude to slay one's dragons. Just do it.
34. Cold War state: Abbr.: SSR. (Soviet Socialist Republic)
39. Oral health org.: ADA. (American Dental Association)
42. "Piece of cake!": "EASY!"
43. Real doozies: LULUs
47. Dips for tortilla chips: SALSAs
50. Agree: ASSENT
55. "Please leave your message at the __": TONE. [BEEP!]
56. Illegal lending tactic: USURY
57. Wrath, in a hymn: IRAE. Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) definition: a famous Latin hymn of the 13th century, describing the Last Judgment. Collins English Dictionary.
58. Round green veggie: PEA
59. Helped: AIDED
63. "The Accidental Tourist" actress Davis: GEENA
64. Z, alphabet-wise: END
65. Start of a tennis point: SERVE
66. Opinion piece: ESSAY
67. Part of GPS: Abbr.: SYS. (Global Positioning System)
68. Passover feast: SEDER
1. Southpaws: LEFTIES. Also, LEFTYs.
2. Winning at craps, say: ON A ROLL
3. First lady after Michelle: MELANIA
4. Wee hrs.: AMs. (from the Latin, ante meridiem, meaning before midday)
5. PBS "Science Guy" Bill: NYE
6. Huge, in verse: ENORM
7. "Hawaii __": TV cop show: FIVE-O
8. T-bone, for one: STEAK
9. Buster who played Flash Gordon: CRABBE. Got to go back in the archives for this one. "Embedding disabled by request" No trailer, just a pic.
10. Sharp comeback: RETORT
11. Turkish travel shelters: IMARETS. Pretty fancy shelter! Learn more at Wiki.
12. Continuing stories: SERIALS. Like Flash Gordon.
13. Place for a new-car price: STICKER
18. Sunday service: MASS
24. Suffix with diet: ETIC. An adjective, pertaining to regulation of the use of food. Add an S on the end and it becomes a noun.(dietetics)
26. 911 situation: Abbr.: EMER. (emergency)
28. Disney doe: ENA. Bambi's aunt.
31. CIA cousin: NSA. (National Security Agency)
32. "__ not up to me": IT'S. "Go ask you mother/father."
33. Vitally important: KEY
36. Relax: REST
37. Overhead trains: ELS. (elevated)
38. Kick out of office: OUST
39. Appease: ASSUAGE
40. Yellow-disked flowers: DAISIES
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Daisies by Ernst Arnold |
41. Refers casually (to): ALLUDES
44. Spotted wildcat: LEOPARD. Their spots can't be changed.
45. Rattle: UNNERVE
46. Soft-shell clam: STEAMER
48. Williams of tennis: SERENA. Sister of Venus.
49. Very soon: ANY DAY
50. From the States: Abbr.: AMER. (American)
52. Small winds paired with drums: FIFEs
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Old Sturbridge Village |
53. Literary twist: IRONY
54. Heaps praise on: LAUDS
61. Beast of burden: ASS
62. Golfer Trevino: LEE. "Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a dime in your pocket."