, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 10, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018 Matt McKinley

Theme: STRING TRIO (62. Composition for violin, viola and cello ... and what the starts of 17-, 29- and 47-Across comprise) - The first words are all synonyms of string.
17. Job: LINE OF WORK.

29. Switching from cable TV to streaming, say: CORD CUTTING.

47. Bedsheet buyer's concern: THREAD COUNT.

Boomer here. I am not stringing you along. I may have mentioned that I play a little golf in the summer, and I also watch the PGA on TV.  I have noticed two differences between the Pros short iron approach shots and my own:

1) No one shouts "Go in the hole" when I hit my shot.

2) When the pro hits his shot, the divot flies farther in the air than my golf ball.  

Tomorrow, I hope you will join me in pausing to reflect on the tragedy on this date in 2001.  Like most folks, I remember where I was and what I was thinking nearly every minute.


1. "We Create Music" org.: ASCAP.

6. "You're a riot": HA HA.  I think we had this last week.  (It wasn't funny then either.)

10. Sportscaster Albert: MARV.  Mostly basketball.

14. Diner counter alternative: BOOTH. It's been awhile since I have seen a counter in a diner.  Usually it's a choice of a table or booth.

15. Hasn't paid yet: OWES.  I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.  7 Dwarfs??

16. Jai __: ALAI.

19. Govt. crash investigator: NTSB. National Transportation Safety Board.

20. Weather-affecting current: EL NINO.  The claim is that the climate change can cause milder, warmer winters.  Stop kidding me, I live in Minnesota.  However Storm products named one of their bowling balls El Nino.  (I have one).

 21. Give up all expectations: LOSE HOPE.

23. __ Strauss, female touring guitarist for Alice Cooper: NITA.

25. Greek "i": IOTA.  Certainly have to love these four letter words with three vowels.

26. BB-shaped legume: PEA.  When I was a kid, I remember having a pea shooter.  But we did not shoot real peas unless they were those dried up hard things from the dime store.

34. Relaxing time in the chalet: APRES-SKI.  As opposed to Alps Ski, which cannot be relaxing.

36. Skin ink: TATTOO.  "Ze plane Ze plane"  Remember "Fantasy Island"?  I think Tattoo's real name was Herve. 

37. Four-time '60s-'70s A.L. All-Star __ Powell: BOOG.  At one time, Boog was the only player to play in the Little League World Series and the Major League World Series.  His real name is John.  Booger was in "Animal House"

38. 42-yr.-old skit show: SNL.  Loved it when Tina Fey did Sarah Palin.  I don't stay up that late anymore.

40. Regarding: AS TO.

41. Not at all abundant: SCARCE.

44. Totally loses it: GOES NUTS. Tyrrell Hatton is gaining this reputation when he misses a short putt.

49. Observe: SEE.  He joined the navy, to see the world, but what did he see, he saw the sea.

50. Pop's Lady __: GAGA.  Many have gone GAGA over this lady.  Not me.

51. 1982 Disney sci-fi film: TRON.  Huge Disney success

53. Most ordinary: PLAINEST. Tattoo - "Ze plainest, Ze plainest !"

57. Hydrocodone, e.g.: OPIATE.  I don't like this word.  It stands for a product that has caused so much heartache in our country.

61. Like un manĂ­aco: LOCO.

64. Color of raw silk: ECRU.  Is raw silk, silk that has not been cooked?

65. Sights from la mer: ILES.

66. Longtime senator Specter: ARLEN.  From Pennsylvania. Could not decide if he was a Republican or a Democrat.

67. Vintage Jags: XKES.  The last thing I remember Doc, is that XKE did not come back from Dead Man's Curve.

68. Not e'en once: NEER.  Clever clue for never.

69. Wall Street's Standard & __: POORS.  Interesting name for an investment company.  Do you want to be Standard, or Poor ?


1. Having the skills: ABLE.

2. Window box dirt: SOIL.

3. Hartford's st.: CONN.  Great College Women's Basketball State,

4. Had food delivered: ATE IN.

5. "Hooked on" language teaching method: PHONICS.  Wow, do they still have this.  I remember having Phonics in first grade.

6. In what way: HOW.  "Hello" Clayton Moore from Jay Silverheels

7. GI on the run: AWOL.  Absent Without Leave.  Saw a bit of that in the States.  No so much in Germany - nowhere to run except a beer joint.

8. Valiant: HEROIC.

9. Invites to the prom, say: ASKS OUT.

10. Borough across the Harlem River from the Bronx: MANHATTAN.  Home of "Law and Order".

11. Voice above tenor: ALTO.  I disagree.  Tenor is a male voice, Alto is female,  I would clue voice below soprano.

12. Abrasive tool: RASP.

13. Hard-to-explain feeling: VIBE.  Pontiac SUV 10 years ago.  No more Pontiacs these days.

18. Pics: FOTOS.  Spelling ???

22. Bluesy James: ETTA.  Ms. Kett was a manners expert.

24. Boats like Noah's: ARKS.  I heard they are 300 cubits.  What's a cubit?

26. Brew brand with a blue-ribbon logo: PABST.  What'll you have ?

27. Pleistocene period: EPOCH.

28. Cheering and yelling, as a crowd: AROAR.  I watched a bit of football at Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday TV.  What a display of nearly 80,000 fans in red shirts cheering for the Badgers.  Then on Saturday night, I tuned in to the Gopher game vs. Fresno State.  Maroon and gold tee shirts and jerseys.  About 60,000 of them.  Amazing the drawing power of college football.

30. Down Under dog: DINGO.  Maybe your Dingo ate it.

31. "Who's there?" response from a couple: IT'S US.

32. Naples night: NOTTE.

33. Golden-egg layer: GOOSE.  Mr. Goslin - Hall of Famer for the C. Griffith Washington Senators, Also Mr. Gossage - Relief pitcher, mostly for the Yankees.

35. Flagrant: EGREGIOUS.

39. Rude dude: LOUT.  If he gets too loud, kick him out.

42. Actor Scott or his dad James: CAAN.  I really liked James in the TV Series "Las Vegas".

43. Enters sneakily: EDGES IN.

45. 2001 scandal company: ENRON. I still have some Enron Golf balls I bought on ebay a few years ago

46. Temporary solution: STOPGAP.

48. Structure protected by a moat: CASTLE.  Europe still has lots of these.  They are built like a ton of bricks with a ton of bricks. 

52. The "N" in "TNT": NITRO.  Also "Network" on Cable TV.  245 on Direct TV.

53. Theater suffix: PLEX.

54. What a key opens: LOCK.

55. Farmland measure: ACRE.   What a dentist fixes.

56. One in a forest: TREE.  If it falls in the forest and no one is around, you cannot hear it.

58. Woody Guthrie's son: ARLO.  You can get any thing you want, at "Alice's Restaurant".  I'll bet they had a counter there. 

59. Stadium section: TIER. A little bitty tier let me down

60. Many millennia: EONS.

63. Dead Sea country: Abbr.: ISR.
