, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019, Jeff Stillman


17. Develop hives: BREAK OUT IN A RASH.

26. Part with a gesture: WAVE FAREWELL.

48. Be a second-stringer: RIDE THE BENCH.

63. 2002 Spielberg film ... and a hint to the start of 17-, 26- and 48-Across: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.

Melissa here. After seeing BREAK, WAVE, and RIDE, I thought the theme had something to do with waves. Had to get it all filled in before I caught on.


1. Another name for hopscotch: POTSY. Was not aware of this, from Wiki: "Hopscotch was/is called Potsy in New York City. (The name probably refers to the "potsherd" that was used as a marker.)"

6. Naysayer: ANTI.

10. West Coast salmon: COHO. One of several species of Pacific salmon.

14. Curly-tailed guard dog: AKITA. Favorite of a former regular on the blog. Handsome breed.

15. Brought into being: BORN.

16. Intl. oil group: OPEC.

20. Golden years group: AARP.

21. Wedding invite request: RSVP. It is so hard to get people to respond to invitations.

22. Wedding vow word: WORSE. For better or ...

23. Tablecloth material: LACE.

25. Snake, periodically: MOLTER.

31. Red __: ALERT.

32. Inexperienced, as a recruit: RAW.

33. "I should add ... ": ALSO.

37. Easter beginning?: NOR. Sneaky clue with Easter coming up. What is a nor'easter?

38. Glittery bit on a dress: SPANGLE.

42. Uber info: ETA. Estimated Time of Arrival.

43. Like Tommy, in the rock opera: DEAF.

45. "That hurt!" cries: OWS.

46. Swell up: BLOAT.

52. Eucharist plates: PATENS. A small plate, used for communion during Mass. There are many designs.

55. Hops-drying oven: OAST.

56. Protestant denom.: EPISC. Another tricky one - did not know there was an abbreviated form.

57. Close buds: BROS.

59. Spanish hors d'oeuvre: TAPA.

66. Cuatro times dos: OCHO. Spanish.

67. Red Sox star Big __: PAPI. David Ortiz. Also played for Minnesota Twins.

68. Phased-out Apple messaging tool: ICHAT.

69. Takes in: SEES.

70. Vane spinner: GUST.

71. Lecherous looks: LEERS.


1. Bygone sunscreen ingredient: PABA. Para-aminobenzoic acid was introduced into sunscreens in the 1970s because of its natural ability to absorb UV rays—the ones that cause sunburn. Most sunscreens today, however, don't use PABA. Like oxybenzone, it was found to increase sensitivity to allergic reactions. You can buy it as a supplement though, it is said to stimulate hair growth and reduce greying of hair.

2. Fried side with a po'boy: OKRA.

3. Organization chart level: TIER.

4. Fastening gadget: STAPLER.

5. Chatter: YAK.

6. One taking advantage of privilege: ABUSER. Some of that in the news lately.

7. Rule during homework time, perhaps: NO TV.

8. Word with road or side: TRIP.

9. Traveler's rest: INN.

10. Toyota compact: COROLLA.

11. Dizzying pictures: OP ART. Short for optical art.

12. State bordering Bavaria: HESSE. Germany.

13. Orangy-yellow: OCHER. Most of us learned this color from a box of crayons. The Definitive History of the Colors of Crayola.

18. Seal predator: ORCA.

19. Object of a mil. search: AWOL. Absent Without Leave.

24. Siesta hrs.: AFTS.

25. Cry weakly: MEWL.

26. Beauxbatons Academy coat of arms symbol, in Harry Potter: WAND. According to Harry Potter Wiki, "the school's coat of arms consists of two golden wands crossed over one another, each shooting three stars."

27. With 28-Down, hand lotion ingredient: ALOE.

28. See 27-Down: VERA.

29. Dadaist Max: ERNST. Dadaism is an artistic movement in modern art that started around World War I. Its purpose was to ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern world. Its peak was 1916 to 1922, and it influenced surrealism, pop art, and punk rock. It favored going against the standards of society. See some of his art here.

30. Bit of a tail flip: WAG. Wag more, bark less.

34. Boxer Spinks: LEON.

35. Legato's opposite, in mus.: STAC.

36. Hand-on-the-Bible promise: OATH.

39. Vanilla containers: PODS.

40. Leave dumbstruck: AWE.

41. Drops off: EBBS.

44. Paintings on wet plaster: FRESCOS. I wonder if any were destroyed in the Notre Dame Cathedral.

 47. Salad green: LETTUCE.

49. Go very slowly: INCH

50. Go on foot: HOOF IT.

51. "Slow down!": EASY.

52. Rio Grande tributary: PECOS.

53. On the double: APACE.

54. 10% donation: TITHE.

57. Steady guy: BEAU.

58. Places for patches: RIPS.

60. Yoga aftereffect, perhaps: ACHE.

61. Carson predecessor: PAAR. The Tonight Show.

62. Little scurriers: ANTS.

64. Rd. efficiency stat: MPG.

65. Engine need: OIL.