, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 19, 2020

Monday October 19, 2020 Craig Stowe

Theme: TWIST TOPS (64. Easy-to-remove caps ... or one way to get the starts of the answers to starred clues?)  - The first words are all anagrams of TOPS.

17. *Chooses not to partake in: OPTS OUT OF.

25. *Random quality-control measure: SPOT CHECK.

30. *Often herky-jerky animation technique: STOP MOTION.

45. *Rainbow-end rewards: POTS OF GOLD.

Boomer here. This is a TOPS of a puzzle.                                                                     

I have been hinting for a while, and we finally pulled the trigger on a new Hyundai Santa Fe.  We were looking at a white one, but when I sat behind the wheel, I could not resist shouting "Hi Oh Silver!"  I also called the sales person Tonto. So C.C. decided that Navy Blue might be a better choice. The vehicle has all wheel drive which may come in handy after a Minnesota snowfall.  

Speaking of Minnesota weather, it is 34 degrees this morning so I am giving my golf clubs a rest.



1. "I get it!": AHA.

4. Swamp, briefly: QUAG.  Is this not a MIRE??

8. Trails through the woods: PATHS.  Not sure if golf carts have all wheel drive.  Maybe "Carts on paths only" is the rule of the day.

13. Zero, in soccer: NIL.  I think NIL is between SLIM and less than NONE

14. "Star Trek" communications officer: UHURA.

16. Crosswise, shipwise: ABEAM.  Only drove in the daytime so far so I have not used the ABEAM.

19. Cocoon occupant: LARVA.

20. Six-sided state: UTAH.  I've driven through on I-80.  Nice lake to the north.

21. What the big hand indicates: HOUR.  TV news show "60 Minutes."

22. Part of PTA: Abbr.: ASSOC.  Also part of our townhome management company.

23. North or South Asian country: KOREA.  I think our vehicle is made in the good old USA, but the parent company is in South Korea.

27. Actress Behrs of "2 Broke Girls": BETH.

29. Wide shoe size: EEE.  A Duck foot??

35. DNA test kit item: SWAB.  Also used to test for the nasty virus.

39. Scarecrow material: HAY.  "I could while away the hours, conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain.  And my head I'd be scratchin' while my thoughts they'd be hatchin' if I only had a brain". "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

40. Stinker: SO AND SO.

42. Hurry, to Shakespeare: HIE.

43. Angry cat's warning: HISS.  I may have heard a snake say this once or twice.

47. Cobbler's punch: AWL.

49. Small stream: RILL.

50. *Lickety-split: POSTHASTE.  Sounds like a brand of toothpaste.

56. Front-end wheel alignment: TOE IN.  Instruction on a pair of boots??

59. Second half of most musicals: ACT II.  I learned "Sound of Music" only had 2 acts.

60. Kansas city: IOLA.  Right off U.S Highway 169 which happens to run North South about a mile west of our home.
62. Youngest Brontë sister: ANNE.

63. Showed again: RERAN.  I watch a lot of "Law and Order" reruns during the afternoon. 

66. Panfry: SAUTE.

67. Cocktail garnishes: ZESTS.  Two or more bars of soap.

68. Boy king: TUT.

69. Key above Shift: ENTER.  Only on the right side.  I checked and "Caps Lock" is on the left. 

70. Roof problem: LEAK.

71. UFO crew, they say: ETS.


1. Aimée of "8 1/2": ANOUK.

2. Aware of: HIP TO.  "For a long time now I've been aware, that I'm so HIP the rest of the world is square." Chad Mitchell Trio.

3. Young acolytes: ALTAR BOYS.  I never signed up for this job.  I had many friends who did.

4. Quid pro __: QUO.

5. "Not a chance": UH UH.

6. Parking lot occupants: AUTOS.  Lots of shiny new Hyundais on the dealer lot we visited.

7. Word after study or social: GROUP.

8. Royal residence: PALACE.

9. Embarrasses: ABASHES.  You may get these if someone burns your ABS.

10. To the point: TERSE.

11. Wreak __: cause mayhem: HAVOC.  Like a Viking's game.

12. Hit hard: SMACK.

15. Curly hairdo: AFRO.  I do not have enough hair.  Erik Agard and Kyle Troup (PBA Bowler) are very close.

18. Animal sheared for wool: SHEEP.  Wake up!  Little boy Blue!

24. Casino cash dispensers: ATMS.  Gosh, who would have to use an ATM in a casino??

26. Stretching muscle: TENSOR.

28. Flashy publicity: HOOPLA.  "Though it never made the New York Times, in the Daily News the caption read."  Simon and Garfunkel.

30. "Button it!": SHH.

31. Mai __: cocktail: TAI.

32. Confucian path: TAO.

33. Loan pmt. part: INT.  I have no interest in loans with interest.  I have paid enough.

34. Pigs out (on): ODS.

36. Musical symbol with no stem: WHOLE NOTE.

37. Feel sick: AIL.  Luckily with all my AILments, I only felt sick once all summer.

38. Word with room or board: BED.

41. "Think nothing __": OF IT.

44. Quench: SATIATE.

46. Be a bad winner: GLOAT.  No worries for me on the golf course.  I never won anything.

48. Crybaby: WHINER.  I never WHINED about not winning.

50. Break down, as a sentence: PARSE.

51. Arctic or Atlantic: OCEAN.  Who might remember the first "Ocean's 11" with the Las Vegas "Rat Pack"??

52. Walk proudly: STRUT.  Not me, I use a cart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              53. __ bath: therapy treatment: SITZ.  Not a bath, but on a recent visit to the doctor I have been complaining about leg weakness.  The doctor had me sit on the edge of a bed and he held my legs and asked me to push.  I nearly knocked him off his chair, so he decided my legs were okay.  

54. Sauna wrap, often: TOWEL.

55. Beethoven's "Für __": ELISE.

57. Contribution to the discussion: INPUT.

58. Egg holders: NESTS.

61. Whodunit pooch: ASTA.  The Thin Man's dog.

65. Disapproving sound: TSK.  You need three of these.
