, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 12, 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020 Jeffrey Wechsler

 Saturday Themeless by Jeffrey Wechsler 

I am just finishing my third year of being the Saturday blogger here and there is no better way to do that than with a Jeffrey Wechsler puzzle. 

This elegant picture of Jeffrey shows him in his element as an art curator, a job from which he retired six years ago. Here are his comments on this puzzle:

In response to Gary’s request for commentary on this puzzle, I will offer a few observances on the clues.  It has been mentioned in many commentaries by myself and others that a crossword editor may alter as many as half of all the original clues.  It’s often interesting to note whether the clues have been made easier or harder, especially because both approaches may be seen within a given puzzle.  

Two instances of the editor adding difficulty in this crossword are the following.  My original clue for TRENCH was simply [Long pit], which could be rather obvious.  Rich’s [ ___ coat] is much harder, and I recall considering that clue but thinking “No, too hard”.  For CRAYOLA, I used [“Colorful” company that produces Silly Putty].  Rich made that harder by removing “colorful”.  It seems odd when a changed clue doesn’t really alter the difficulty at all, as in my clue for WINK as [Acknowledge coyly] to the editor’s [In-on-the-joke indicator], or my clue for AS IN changing from [A-apple core?] to [B-bravo link].  I often think such changes are just expressions of the editor’s desire to insert some personal creativity.


Of course, it’s always nice to see a deceptive, humorous clue appreciated and maintained, especially at 1-Across where my [Victorian constraint on women?] was accepted.  And I am always glad when the Shakespeare reference that I place into each of my crosswords is maintained, exemplified here by the King Lear quotation at 49-Across.


1. Victorian constraint on women?: CORSET - Here Mammy is constraining Scarlet in a CORSET at Tara. 

7. Certain lookout's concern: SQUAD CAR - Ah, don't worry, it's just Toody and Muldoon

15. Gamer's guise: AVATAR - Modern day Walter Mittys?

16. Home terrarium area, perhaps: SUN PORCH.

17. Create: DEVISE.

18. Crunchy low-calorie snack: RICE CAKE - Their ingredients contain everything except flavor 😉

19. Like yesterday's news, relatively: RECENT.

21. XXXII, quintupled: CLX - You can use this online calculator to do what I did below

22. "__ Can Cook": PBS show: YAN - CRAYON finally dawned on me and took care of this potential natick with YAN

23. In-on-the-joke indicator: WINK.

24. Get emotional, with "up": CHOKE 

26. Centers of attention: FOCI - If you put something flammable at the FOCI of any parabolic mirror in sunlight...

27. Spots at the prom?: ACNE.

28. Traces: HINTS.

29. Plural used for people but not animals: ELKS - I thought this was really clever. Some friends of mine are ELKS and I have seen herds of ELK

30. Wine list clarification: YEAR - Sotheby's got £168,000 for a 12-bottle case of this Château Cheval-Blanc 1947
31. Ancient portico: STOA - Most veteran cwd solvers have metaphorically walked under a STOA in the AGORA

32. Break-even situation: WASH - WASH: I won $100 at blackjack and then lost $100. It's a WASH. 

33. First name in Canadian whisky: HIRAM - Unlike the high price wine above, you can get this 700 ml bottle of Canadian Club Whiskey produced by the HIRAM Walker Distillery for about $30.

34. Lose energy: FLAG and 39. Recedes: EBBS.

38. B-bravo link: AS IN - My name is Golf, Alpha, Romeo, Yankee. I'm sure our military contingent here would say the "AS IN" is assumed

43. Word in some European country names: LAND - Eng, Ice, Green, Po, Switz are some

44. English subject: USAGE 

46. Russian veto: NYET.

47. "No time to lose!": ASAP - We recently had Stat as a clue for PDQ

48. David's "Frasier" role: NILES 

49. "The younger rises when the old doth __": "King Lear": FALL 

50. Poor start?: MAL - MALpractice leaps to mind

51. Cash source: ATM - This seems to be a "stand alone" word now

52. Longtime beverage sponsor for the New York Mets: RC COLA - The most famous Met of them all, Tom Seaver, pitching RC Cola and not baseballs

54. Solo travels?: EGO TRIPS - Clever!

57. "Darn it!": OH RATS - This Peanuts cartoon sounds like a crossword utensil discussion we have

59. Awkward: UNGAINLY.

60. Hurtle: ROCKET - This 8-second video shows the Osiris-Rex spacecraft (that was launched by an Atlas V ROCKET) landing on an asteroid that is HURTLING through space at 65,000 mph, stirring up the surface, taking in samples and taking off again after six seconds of contact to return to Earth 

61. Corridors, e.g.: PASSAGES.

62. Academically stylish: TWEEDY - Indiana wore a suit like that


1. Hardly a nice guy: CAD.

2. Not neat: OVER ICE - Avert your eyes Tin!

3. Northern Italian city near the Adriatic: RAVENNA - In our phone call, I told Jeffrey I had confidently entered TRIESTE first

4. Kind of a shock?: STICKER.

5. Minimal effort: EASE.

6. __ coat: TRENCH 

7. Pre-1991 atlas initials: SSR 

8. Irascible: QUICK TO ANGER.

9. Symbol since the War of 1812: UNCLE SAM An interesting history

10. Top: APEX.

11. Bespectacled "Snow White" figure: DOC - Can you name them left to right? Answer 

12. Company that trademarked Silly Putty: CRAYOLA - Who knew?

13. Nickname for antiaircraft guns: ACK ACKS - Cuba Gooding Jr. plays the role of U.S. Navy cook Dorie Miller in the movie Pearl Harbor.  Dories took over an ACK ACK (anti aircraft) gun aboard the USS West Virginia and became a hero

14. Like the area along a German river: RHENISH - This land along the Rhine proclaimed itself an autonomous country for two years after WWI. Today this word simply refers to land along the Rhine 

20. "Child's play!": THIS IS SIMPLE.

23. Method: WAY.

25. Facing charges: ON TRIAL - Guess who's ON TRIAL here

26. Select group?: FEW.

33. Hard to forget, as a melody: HAUNTING - Pentatonix's version of just such a melody

34. Catch fire dramatically: FLAME UP.

35. Layered entrée: LASAGNA.

36. Closely related things: ANALOGS - A variant spelling of ANALOGUES

37. Econ. indicator: GDP.

39. Assure compliance with: ENFORCE - Will police be asked to ENFORCE mandatory mask ordinances nationwide?

40. Where some picnicking takes place: BY A LAKE Picnic By The Lake (
Пикник у озера) by Vladimir Pervuninsky 

41. After the event: BELATED.

42. Letters on a Cardinal's cap: ST L - Nebraska's best athlete wore this cap

Bob Gibson

45. Go along with: ESCORT.

51. Verdi creation: ARIA - Our more literate bloggers will know what opera produced this ARIA which some claim is opera's most famous.

53. Eats: CHOW - Noun not the verb. CHOW for a U.S. soldier:

55. Prof's helpers: TAS - Professor Lambeau and his TA (played by John Mighton who helped write the complex math in the movie) examine Will's anonymous work in Good Will Hunting

56. Part of CBS: Abbr.: SYS.

58. Farm enclosure: STY.