, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 14, 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020 Bruce Haight

Theme: Going Postal - Each even-letter-numbered theme entry is consisted of all two-letter state abbreviation.

18. Florida swim-with-the-dolphins park: MARINELAND. MA/RI/NE/LA/ND.

23. Energy source with tunnels: COAL MINE. CO/AL/MI/NE.

53. Huge corporate agreement: MEGA DEAL. ME/GA/DE/AL.

63. One requiring a token payment?: ARCADE GAME. AR/CA/DE/GA/ME.


39. With 43-Across, America ... or what 18-, 23-, 53- and 63-Across contain, briefly: UNITED.

43. See 39-Across: STATES.

Boomer here. This grid is a special 16x14. 

When I was a kid, I remember having a boxed "Game of the States" but like many of my 1950s baseball cards it is now history.  I noticed that Minnesota's postal abbreviation did not make it into the puzzle. I suppose it's because it does not have a vowel.  But North Dakota made it!  DaMN.


1. Food nutrients that might be saturated: FATS.  Speaking of Minnesota, I'm sure you've all heard of Mr. FATS.

5. Trooper automaker: ISUZU.  Some autos have strange names. Who ever heard of Hyundai?

10. Docks: PIERS.  Also, when I was a kid, we had a dock at our cabin at North Star Lake.  I think it has to be a lot bigger to get PIER status. 

15. Father of Leif: ERIK.  Yes he was and Leif took the surname Erikson.  I guess Thorvaldsson was too hard to spell.

16. Curry spice: CUMIN.

17. Away from the dock, maybe: AT SEA.  "We sail the ocean blue, in our saucy ships of beauty."  Gilbert and Sullivan - HMS Pinafore.

20. Lightning-fast Bolt: USAIN.  I think he owns eight Olympic golds from three Olympics.  I think his Mom should have named him Lighting.

21. 1860s prez: ABE.  Honestly?

22. Energy source: OIL.

25. Slangy "Now it's clear": I GOT YA.

28. Miler Sebastian: COE.  Another owner of Olympic medals. Not so many as "Lightning."

29. Tree pod used as ersatz chocolate: CAROB.

31. Muslim mystic: SUFI. Whirling Dervish.

34. Bellicose god: ARES.  Greek god of war.  Said to be an Olympian of Greek history.

38. Symphony wind: OBOE.

41. Black-clad subculturist: GOTH.

42. Boy Scout groups: DENS.  I'm pretty sure that Boy scout groups were called Troops. Cub scouts met in DENS.

44. "Back forty" unit: ACRE.

45. "What's more ... ": ALSO.  I see Alabama

46. Words of woe: AH ME.  Now it looks like Maine.

47. Favored on Facebook: LIKED.  I use Facebook now and then.  Now they are getting sued.  Mr. Zuckerberg got too big too fast I guess.

48. Pester: NAG.

50. Amber and epoxy: RESINS.

58. Zodiac butter: RAM.  LA football player or a Dodge truck.

59. Smartphone no.: TEL.  I only use a dumb phone.

62. Rossini work: OPERA.

66. Sexy poster: PIN-UP.

67. Big blood vessel: AORTA.

68. Grand __: auto race: PRIX.

69. Bloodhound's clue: SCENT.  Did someone say South Carolina ??

70. Haughty one: SNOOT.

71. __ Spumante wine: ASTI.


1. Hurricane response org.: FEMA.  They had a lot to do on our Gulf Coast last summer.

2. Many a Syrian: ARAB.

3. Flat-fixing tools: TIRE IRONS.

4. Slider on a slope: SKI.  Popular in Minnesota.  We have a golf course south of Minneapolis that becomes a ski area in the winter.  Right now it has no use.  We did get a bit of snow in October and early November but it is long gone.  It was 47 degrees last week but getting colder now.

5. Seal the deal: ICE IT.  Cannot do that with temperatures like above.

6. Pilot played by Hanks: SULLY.  Quite a feat, he landed his plane on the Hudson River.  Saved a lot of lives.

7. Actress Thurman: UMA.

8. Brass component: ZINC.

9. Loosen, as a knot: UNDO.

10. São __, Brazil: PAULO.

11. "I'm baaaack": IT'S ME AGAIN.

12. Morales of "Criminal Minds": ESAI.  I remember him on NYPD Blue.

13. Equestrian's control: REIN.

14. All there: SANE.  I see Nebraska.  

19. Gaming novice: NOOB.

24. Stomach __: digestive aids: ACIDS.

26. Starts one's daily jog: GOES ON A RUN.  We used to go on a daily WALK.  I am too old to run.

27. "Take me __": "This is me": AS I AM.

29. Musical finale: CODA.

30. Biblical shepherd: ABEL.  Cain's BRO.

32. Unmitigated: UTTER.

33. Greens __: golfer's payment: FEE.  I have made plenty of these.  Thankfully the course does not charge by the stroke.

35. Rolling Stone interviewees: ROCK STARS.  We keep a few rocks in the garden area.  The stars are overhead and you can only see them at night.

36. To be, in Toulon: ETRE.

37. Mower storage spot: SHED.  Our Association hires a lawn service.  Thankfully because I don't think we would have room for a mower in the garage.

39. Grammar lesson subject: USAGE.

40. Utmost degree: NTH.

47. Corona wedge: LIME.  Bartender's favorite garnish.

49. Modify to fit: ADAPT.

51. Muse with a lyre: ERATO.

52. Anwar of Egypt: SADAT.  No one ever said what he was SAD AT.

53. Deck-swabbing tools: MOPS.  I was not on a ship, but we used MOPS in the barracks also.

54. Large-scale tale: EPIC.

55. Heredity carrier: GENE.

56. Small batteries: AAAS.

57. Scientologist Hubbard: L RON.

60. Radiate, as light: EMIT.

61. Thompson of the LPGA: LEXI.  This young lady is now 25 and well established on the LPGA tour.  Can you believe that she qualified for the women's LPGA U.S. Open at age 12?

64. __-Magnon: CRO.  I am not as old as this guy but some days I feel .... Oh never mind.

65. College transcript no.: GPA.


Notes from C.C.:

 1) Amazing puzzle, Bruce!!

2) Here is Kathy (Yellowrocks) entering her new home on Thursday (Dec 10, 2020). So glad you settled in and are back to our Corner family quickly.