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Jul 24, 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2020, Jake Houston

Saturday Themeless by Jake Houston

Jake is another new constructor and his puzzle was fun to solve. It featured proper names that spanned generations from Luke Wilson to Georgie Jessel. Wow!

Here is a note from Jake with some personal information:

Hi Gary!

I’m a writer, musician and soon-to-be tech project manager from New Haven, Connecticut. I graduated Yale College (Husker - He is an  6. New Haven alum: ELIin 2019 with a B.A. in American Studies, and have been constructing crosswords since shortly after graduation. I got really into making themelesses during the pandemic, and this one, from June 2020, was one of my favorite early grids. 

Jake added info about this particular puzzle:

Triple stacks are easier to work with than other themeless formats (at least for me), because the grid has a focal point which provides an easy place to start. I built the grid and left Crossfire alone for a few minutes so that it could find some nice combinations for the center stack, and I was happy with this particular trio (31-Across is particularly relevant for Los Angeles!). I then worked outward from there, adding cheater squares when needed. There are a few entries that aren’t ideal (I wouldn’t be in a hurry to use 32-Down in a grid nowadays), but I think there’s a pretty nice density of juicy phrases, and even some one-word entries that I like (who would have known how meaningful 37-Down would become in our lives?). I was also pleased that my original clues for 37-, 39-, and 53-Across survived the editing process - and thanks to the LA Times team for the additional great clues



1. Original airer of "The Flintstones": ABC - The first primetime cartoon show for adults. TV Guide for September 30, 196o: 

4. Frat Pack brother of Luke: OWEN - The Wilson brothers are in the top row - Owen is second from the left and Luke is on the right

8. Where a queen may be crowned: PROM - Let's not talk about the movie Carrie

12. Swedish aerospace giant: SAAB.

14. __ system: SOLAR - We learned last Sunday that a mechanical scale model is called an ORREY

16. Emmy winner Ward: SELA - She has a recurring role in crosswords 

17. Metaphor for nonstop action: THRILL RIDE - My first big one was the incredible Hulk at Universal Studios Orlando.

19. Throws in: ADDS.

20. Former capital of Myanmar: RANGOON - The new capital, Naypyitaw, is a 4 1/2 hours drive north of the old capital of RANGOON (Yangon), Burma (Myanmar)

21. Beemer alternative: JAG - I would say "JAG whar" but in the U.K. they would say "JAG you whar"

23. Insurance ad woman: FLO - Haven't we seen enough of her?

24. Prayer leaders: IMAMS.

25. Coach's strategy: GAME PLAN - The great coaches change their GAME PLAN when the original isn't working

27. "I am not strange. I am just not normal" artist: DALI 15 things about his most famous painting

28. UFC sport: MMA - Mixed Martial Arts is part of Ultimate Fighting Championship

30. Boots, in a way: LOADS - When a computer boots up, it LOADS the operating system. More

31. Hubbard movement: SCIENTOLOGY - L. Ron Hubbard. Old Mother Hubbard moving to the cupboard leapt to my feeble mind first.

35. Reality show with auctioneers: STORAGE WARS - They bid on unclaimed storage lockers. Like many other "reality" shows, there is a debate whether this is real or staged.

36. Illustrations on some old maps: SEA MONSTERS.

37. Uses a lot?: PARKS - Badly below

38. Talk acronym: TED - The TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Foundation is a non-profit that offers live talks and TED Talks online

39. It's behind you: PAST.

43. Emergency building section: FIRE AREA.

46. Transform: MORPH 

47. Gilbert and Sullivan princess: IDA.

48. Theater pickups, on signs: TIX - Broadway tickets

49. Multitalented Jessel of vaudeville: GEORGIE - A gimme for those of us with some miles on our tires who might struggle with some contemporary names. His IMDB

GEORGIE seen here in the 40's
with a girl named Norma Jean Baker

51. Italian tubes: ZITI.

53. Higher education?: BIBLE STUDY - Fun clue

55. U.K. prime minister during the Suez Crisis: EDEN - Lying about what happened cost him his job. How it was handled on BBC's The Crown

56. MIT __: business school: SLOAN.

57. Forward thinker: SEER.

58. Fishing boat tools: RODS - The oars and nets were in the other boat

59. Marine hazard: EDDY.

60. Lock-changing aid?: DYE - Locks of hair


1. Lindgren who wrote the Pippi Longstocking tales: ASTRID - It will cost you $1,200 for a 1945 first edition that is 
5. Showing signs of age: WORN.
2. Grand __: BAHAMA.

3. Earthly: CARNAL.

4. "Hedda Gabler" setting, now: OSLO - Ibsen's 1891 play was set in Kristiania, Norway which was renamed Oslo in 1925. Learning for me but easy to fill. Talk about your Saturday cluing! 

7. Title woman in an André Breton novel: NADJA - Talk about needing perp help!

8. MADD ad, e.g.: PSA - Public Service Announcement 

9. Warnings: RED FLAGS 14 relationship RED FLAGS for women so they don't make a 
13. "Not a good idea at all": BIG MISTAKE.

10. Noted fly swallower: OLD LADY A fun read if you've forgotten it

11. Stonewallers?: MASONS.

15. Set of sheets: REAM.

18. Head of the LAPD?: LOS - Not ELL, but the whole word

22. Actress Sarah Michelle __: GELLAR.

25. Rap genre: GANGSTA and 46. Rapper __ Def: MOS 

26. Rude losers: POOR SPORTS and 
29. Nasty: MEAN.

28. Barcelona-born surrealist: MIRO Mira el MIRO (Look at MIRO)

32. Global networking pioneer: COMSAT - Jake regretted this entry but it was right in this NASA guy's wheelhouse. One of the first COMmunication SATellites was called Telstar and inspired this funky 1962 song.

33. Parisian bean?: TETE - Two French athletes competing against one another can be said to be going TÊTE à TÊTE

34. Due: OWED.

35. Like some knives: SERRATED.

Plain vs. SERRATED

36. Got hitched: SAID I DO - Married? No, but thanks for playing!

37. Xanax maker: PFIZER - Common name for tranquilizer alprazolam

40. Contended: ARGUED.

41. __-sense: superhero asset: SPIDEY.

42. "__ here": "Poltergeist": THEY'RE.

44. Kids: RIBS - The verb not the noun

45. Kick out: EXILE - "Napoleon, pack your bags for St. Helena"

49. Smiling, probably: GLAD.

50. Choice word?: EENY - ELSE was the, uh, wrong choice 

52. Helpful connections: INS - I've never had an "IN" to help me get a job but two former students who are police officers did let me off with a warning instead of a ticket.

54. Gym specimen: BOD - Jake probably didn't mean Dad BODS.