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Jan 14, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022, Gary Larson

 Title: Let's go to the movies and talk about the plot!

One of our regular Friday Fixtures, Gary Larson has presented a moviecentric puzzle which requires some thought and some cinema knowledge. It is a bit heavy on the 3 and 4 letter fill with 42 of the 77 words offset only by the 4 themers and AU NATUREL, CLEAN IT UP, MARIO KART and ORATORIES each 9 letters. What brought this effort to Friday is the very tricky but enjoyable theme where part of the clue (in BLUE) is a synonym for a movie and part (in PINK) suggests the plot. I liked that very much. We will begin with the themers...

17A. "Back to the Future"?: TIME RELEASE (11). The movie is a TIME travel variation which mirrors much of what H.G. Wells brought us. 

29A. "March of the Penguins"?: WALKIE TALKIE (12). The Talkie revolutionized movies and not only tell made up stories but can show remarkable documentaries like this where the 'stars' walk.

46A. "Titanic"?: WATER FEATURE (12). This movie is the now very popular retelling of actual events but in a mostly fictional account which does spend its time on the water as the feature film.

60A. "Star Wars"?: SHOW OF FORCE (11). Here the SHOW comes first and the plot last but even if you have avoided seeing the movie the Force has become a force in the modern world. I love it and am caught up on the Mandelorian and the Book of Boba Fett.

So much excitement, but now to the rest...


1. Name in Cold War news: TASS. We baby boomers knew them well but I will let Wiki EXPLAIN.

5. Lampoon: SATIRE. A big part of puzzles and blogs. 

11. Ones presenting acts: MCSMaster of Ceremonies.

14. "Hard __!": captain's order: ALEE. The command used in coming about to inform the crew that the helm is being pushed hard to leeward, turning the boat into the wind, LA Times.

15. Ended an engagement, in a way: ELOPED. Funny, as getting married does end it.

16. Larter of "Resident Evil" films: ALI. You can decide if she is EVIL.

19. Gym unit: REPititon.

20. What a choir may sing in: UNISON. The chancel? A church, opera house, or school hall? Nope.

21. Bhopal locale: INDIA. Most famous for this horrible TRAGEDY. Some pictures may be upsetting.

23. Tablelands: MESAS. We have had pictures recently showing how flat they are.

24. Tacks on: ADDS. Like that hidden tip on your bill in the restaurant.

27. The last Mrs. Chaplin: OONA

32. Brazil map word: SAO. Saint in Portugese and part of the name of many city, just as saint is here in the US.

35. Butler's last word: DAMN. He kept it and did not give it to Scarlett.

36. "Groovy!": NEATO. 50s beatnik talk.

37. Some pitches: CURVES. Sliders, sinkers, cutters...

40. Evasive tactic: END RUN. Both in American football and politics.

41. "We're live!" studio sign: ON AIR

42. Limo destination: PROM. Two abbreviations.

45. Performs a Halloween prank, briefly: TPSToilet Papers.

50. Warehouse: STOW. The American desire to make every noun a verb.

51. Sleep and Comfort: INNS. Two national chains.

52. Spiral-horned antelope: ELAND

56. Bear genus: URSUS.

58. "Out of Africa," for one: MEMOIR. A book and a movie.

59. Vince's agent in "Entourage": ARI. A TV show and a movie.

64. Prepare to drive, with "up": TEE. HG is perhaps our most dedicated golfer considering the Nebraska weather.

65. "Gracias" reply: DE NADA. It means “you have nothing to thank me for” (that full phrase being “no tienes nada [de] qué agradecerme”).  Spanish lesson

66. 66 and others: Abbr.: RTES. Cute the route and the clue number.

67. Pair of gallons?: ELS. There are two "l"s in gallon.

68. Play areas: ARENAS. For sports and entertainment not your back yard.

69. Listening devices: EARS. Very simple and cute.


1. Stride pianist Art: TATUM. You want to learn HOW?

2. Classic Dior style: A LINE.

3. Weigh station line-up: SEMIS. As a kid I never understood the weigh stations and why all the big trucks pulled off the highway.

4. Vacillate: SEESAW. We know a seesaw goes up and down...

5. Gone out with: SEEN. Many were and are arranged just for the publicity.

6. "__ in": "Jeopardy James" bet: ALL.


7. Pirouette pivot point: TOE. Some ballet...

8. Draft choice: IPA. Not for a sports team but for a beverage from a tap.

9. Stand up to: RESIST.

10. Prime real estate?: EDEN. Another fun clue.

11. Racing game with Yoshi and Bowser: MARIO KART. I played this with my boys and their friends for many hours. I was better at some of the other NES games. 

12. "Don't leave a mess": CLEAN IT UP. Sounds bossy.

13. Modest intake: SIP. My first thought was nip.

18. Actress Salazar of "Maze Runner" movies: ROSA. An obscure clus for me but I have seen this ACTRESS.

22. Allotted: DOLED.

24. Abbr. between names, perhaps: A/K/A.

25. Lower: DIM. The lights, no one else is home!

26. Pride's place: DEN. Seems a bit homphobic...

28. Very long time: AEONS.

30. Mormon letters: LDSLatter Day Saints.

31. Gothic fiction pioneer Radcliffe: ANN. Ann Radcliffe, née Ann Ward, (born July 9, 1764, London, England—died February 7, 1823, London), the most representative of English Gothic novelists. She was a pioneer in developing a literature of terror, and her influential novels stand apart in their ability to infuse scenes of terror and suspense with Romantic sensibility. Britannica.

32. Barges and such: SCOWS. These are examples of a flat-bottomed boat with sloping ends used as a lighter and in dredging and other harbor services. Dictionary

33. In the buff: AU NATUREL. Our titillating French lesson. Dressed as you were born.

34. Private chapels: ORATORIES. I am not familiar with this as a small chapel, especially for private worship. Waseely?

38. Lookout offerings: VIEWS. You can try this location. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN

39. Blunder: ERR.

40. Ostrich relative: EMU. Don't hate the bird just Liberty Mutual.

42. Write: PEN.

43. Commanded: RAN.

44. NHL tiebreakers: OTSOvertimes

47. Price partner: FISHER. Before Legos...

48. Coral __: REEF.

49. "Get Shorty" novelist __ Leonard: ELMORE.

53. Blood line: AORTA. It is the most important of them all.

54. Like sunny weather, vis-à-vis rainy: NICER. Silly.

55. Toggery: DRESS.

57. Food stamp?: USDA


58. Degs. for playwrights: MFAS.

59. Eroded, with "into": ATE. Particularly nest eggs.

61. Low digit: ONE.

62. Pallid: WAN

63. "Ghost" psychic __ Mae Brown: ODA. The renowned psychic...

My first 2022 write-up is now finished , and as is the new norm, done in a rushed fashion but I really liked the puzzle and the struggle. Thank you Gary and all who read these words and especially all who comment pro and anti. Lemonade out.

Notes from C.C.:
Happy Birthday to dear JD, an avid traveler and a terrific grandma. JD still has trouble signing into Blogger. Hope she solves the glitch soon.
JD and Bob, Switzerland, 2017

JD and Bob