, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 13, 2022

Sunday February 13, 2022 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: "Make Mine a Triple" - All three words can precede "room" in each theme entry.

22A. *Game piece with a "6" on it: GREEN BILLIARD BALL. Greenroom. Billiard room. Ball room.

64A. *Camp sleeping arrangement: DOUBLE BUNK BED. Double room. Bunk room. Bedroom.

108A. *Where women once learned to stitch: LADIES SEWING CLASS. Ladies room. Sewing room. Classroom.

13D. *Primary concern of a Four Seasons chef: HOTEL GUEST DINING. Hotel room. Guest room. Dining room.

37D. *'50s-'60s ad competition: LAUNDRY POWDER WAR. Laundry room. Powder room. War room.


120. One of three found in each answer to a starred clue: ROOM.

I only know bunk bed, not bunk room. I guess our university dorms were all bunk rooms then.

For this type of three-part theme, the entries are often wobbly. It's impossible to find a set with all solid in-the-language answers.


1. Willing partner: ABLE. Willing and able.

5. Dapper dudes: FOPS.

9. Break-even transaction: WASH. It's a wash.

13. "__ Eye Is on the Sparrow": hymn: HIS.

16. Easily played: NAIVE.

18. Hilarious sort: RIOT. Also 8. What a comedy show might have you in: STITCHES. Boomer's grouchy & fun answers often make the PT lady chuckle. Here he is at the Spinal Cord Injury PT room last Monday.

19. Thelma, to Louise, or vice versa: GAL PAL.

21. __ Mae: Whoopi's "Ghost" role: ODA. Love the movie.

25. "3x" on an Rx: TER. Sometimes it's TID.

26. Baskin-Robbins treats: SUNDAES.

27. 27-member gp.: THE EU. NATO has 30 members.

28. Good way to plan: AHEAD.

30. GPS command: TURN.

31. Toon maker of a female road runner costume: ACME.

32. Garland's girl: MINNELLI. Liza. Judy Garland.

35. Tee sizes, initially: SML. Small.

38. Curtain holder: ROD.

39. Pool hustler: SHARK. I only know one: Minnesota Fats

41. It's found in a fizz: SLOE GIN.

42. __-Dazs: HAAGEN.

44. Like many a bow: TIED.

45. Selfish pair?: ESSES. Just the two letters in "Selfish".

47. Take advantage of: USE.

48. Fluish symptoms: AGUES.

49. Lends a hand: AIDS.

50. Do some road repairs: RE-TAR. Winter is brutal on our roads.

51. Add to the pot: BET.

52. Yard opening: VINE. Vineyard. Also 75. Chute opener?: PARA. Parachute.

53. Skin soother: ALOE.

54. Name above "The Lady and Her Music" on a 1981 Broadway poster: LENA. Horne.

55. Kikkoman sauces: SOYS. Odd in plural form.

57. One of two field borders: END ZONE.

59. Where it's at: LOCALE.

61. "I will if you will": LET'S.

63. Neither partner: NOR.

68. Pops: DAD.

70. Hardly a vet: TYRO. or NOOB.

72. "... __, short and stout": TEAPOT.

73. As-the-crow-flies route: BEELINE.

77. FedEx rounds, briefly: RTES.

78. Hollywood brothers' name: COEN. Joel or Ethan. From St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

80. Extras: ANDS.

81. __ town: COW.

82. It needs a driver: SCREW. Screwdriver.

84. __ dog: SLED.

85. Cook-off bowlful: CHILI. Boomer likes beans in his chili.

86. Stomach: MAW.

87. Thumbs-ups: OKAYS.

88. Move quickly, as clouds: SCUD. Hence scud missile, I guess.

89. Big name in theaters: WARNER.

90. Literally, "going," in scores: ANDANTE. Walking pace.

92. Sierra Nevada lake: TAHOE.

94. Man Ray contemporary: ARP. Jean. Both Dadaists.

95. Higher ed hurdle: GRE.

96. Some union acquisitions: STEPSONS.

98. Poet: BARD.

99. Lowry of kid lit: LOIS.

101. __ firma: TERRA.

102. Pulls an all-nighter: CRAMS.

104. Fictional pilot who said, "Never tell me the odds": HAN SOLO.

107. "TMI!!": EEW.

113. Stranded letters?: RNA. Single-stranded.

114. Disguise, in a way: ENCODE.

115. Wrap that sounds apologetic: SARI. So pretty.

116. Giant's NFL foe: EAGLE. The New York Giants.

117. Belarus, once: Abbr.: SSR.

118. El __: NINO.

119. Parted partners: EXES.


1. "Gemini Man" director Lee: ANG. Here with his wife. His ANG is the same character as the "an" in my hometown "Xi'an".

2. Signal-strength display: BARS.

3. "In __ of gifts ... ": LIEU.

4. Occasion: EVENT.

5. One on a Facebook list: FRIEND.

6. Spa supplies: OILS. Tiny clue/answer dupe: 11. Cruise amenity: SPA.

7. Pro in a party: POL. Politician.

9. Get one's feet wet: WADE.

10. Book of memories: ALBUM.

12. Actor Linden: HAL. "Barney Miller".

14. One with a vision: IDEALIST.

15. Metaphorical rush-hour subway rider: SARDINE.

17. Stands the test of time: ENDURES.

19. Garson of "Mrs. Miniver": GREER. Wikipedia says she's the fourth most-nominated woman for the Best Actress Oscar.

20. Plains, in Peru: LLANOS. Or PAMPAS.

23. Industry tycoon: BARON.

24. Sportscaster Rashad: AHMAD.

29. "__ Haw": HEE.

31. In reserve: ASIDE.

33. Rae of "The Lovebirds": ISSA.

34. Reds and Cards, briefly: NLers. National Leaguers.

35. Shadowless?: SHAVEN. Going to get Boomer an electric shaver today. Quite a few changes due to the new chemo.

36. French military leader with an eponymous line: MAGINOT. Maginot Line along the French-German border.

40. Actor Wynn: KEENAN.

43. "__ Louise!": GEEZ.

44. Andalusian uncle: TIO. And 53. Mayo is in it: ANO.

46. Celery piece: STALK.

49. Early seal hunter: ALEUT.

50. Shorten further: RE-CUT.

51. "I'm outta here": BYE.

54. Timber wolves: LOBOS.

56. Quaint shoppe adjective: OLDE.

58. Notable feature of 59-Down: ODOR. 59. Toon with a 58-Down: LE PEW.

60. Subsided: EBBED.

62. Adam of "Grown Ups" films: SANDLER.

65. Smoothie fruit: BERRY. Shout-out to our sweet Ohio reader Janice. I wonder if anyone else on our blog knows Paczki.

Janice and her daughter at an Indians Game Pre-COVID

66. Most up-to-date: LATEST.

67. Dusk, to Donne: EEN.

69. Hankering: DESIRE.

71. Like clams on the half shell: RAW. I have not eaten any raw clams for a long time.

74. Bert in Oz: LAHR.

76. "I didn't __ be here": ASK TO.

78. Informed, with "in": CLUED.

79. Ref. that added "chapstick" in 2021: OED. This late?

81. Base bars: CANTEENS.

83. City on the Orne: CAEN. Used to appear in our grids regularly in the old Tribune Daily days.

84. "Taxi Driver" director: SCORSESE.

85. Tony Soprano's "Got it?": CAPISCE.

86. Really nails: MASTERS.

87. Marked down: ON SALE. Our local grocery store had walleye on sale last week. $8.00 for the one-pound bag. Normally it's between $12.99 to $14.99 for the bag. Wild-caught in Canada. So tasty.

88. Trickeries: SHAMS.

89. "Don't think so": WRONG.

91. Aries mo.: APR.

93. Put down: ABASE.

94. Grammy winner Morissette: ALANIS. "Thank U!"

97. Offspring: SCION.

100. Word with panel or system: SOLAR.

103. Overhaul: REDO.

104. Bring on board: HIRE.

105. Maracaibo, por ejemplo: LAGO. Lake in Venezuela. Largest in South America. 

106. Munch Museum city: OSLO.

109. Fashionable Taylor: ANN.

110. Caesar's 601: DCI.

111. Tussaud's medium: WAX.

112. School yr. division: SEM. Semester.

Boomer had a busy week. We were at the VA hospital every day for various scheduled and unexpected appointments. The good news is that Boomer got the chemo infusion on Friday and he did not suffer nausea or lack of appetite the past two days. He'll receive his next chemo on March 3. 

He'll continue his regular PT and OT next Monday and Tuesday. And an MRI, ordered by the neurosurgeon.

Thanks again for all your warm messages, wishes, prayers and cards. They really cheer up Boomer and me during this difficulty time.
