, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 14, 2022

Monday February 14, 2022 Paul Coulter

Theme: Alliterative Jobs

16. Alliterative union litigator: LABOR LAWYER.

25. Alliterative craftsperson: WOODWORKER.

47. Alliterative marriage specialist: MATCHMAKER.

60. Alliterative accompanist: PIANO PLAYER.

Boomer here.  

Another alliterative I have in mind is Crossword Constructor for which C.C. fills the bill.  I hope all of you enjoyed the Super Bowl commercials which cost the vendors Seven Million Dollars for thirty seconds. I suppose the prices of those items might reach your credit limit. Sorry, I will watch  the football game but I needed to prepare the blog a bit early to preserve some time for healthcare.


1. Erykah Badu hairdo: AFRO.  Can you say bowler "Kyle Troup" ??


5. In pieces: APART.  Years ago I had "A PART" in a play.

10. The Beatles' Pepper, e.g.: Abbr.: SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band.

13. Attired: CLAD.  Some electric wires are Copper CLAD.

14. Pennsylvania in Washington, for example: AVENUE.  Most AVENUES run one direction and streets intersect.  

15. Couple's pronoun: OUR.  OUR home is on an "L" of two avenues.

18. State sch. with campuses in Providence: URI. The University of Rhode Island.

19. DoorDash rival: UBER EATS.  We still buy most of our EATS at a grocery store.  Years ago I had a job delivering pizza.

20. It follows dawn: SUNUP.

22. concern: DNA.  This is some kind of genetic ACID with a name I cannot spell.

23. Wicked one: FIEND.

30. Lawyers: Abbr.: ATTS. Attorneys.

33. To no avail: IN VAIN.

34. On a cruise, say: ASEA.  Some of those multi-level cruise ships are unbelievable!

36. __ Tin Tin: RIN.  Lassie's predecessor on black and white TV. 

37. Discover: LEARN.

38. Word that fittingly fills the blanks in "_ _ propria _ e": APT.  Appropriate.

39. About to explode: IRATE.   You may be IRATE if interest RATES go up.

41. Rapper __ Kim: LIL.

42. "__, Brute?": ET TU.   Old joke -- "How many eggs did you have for breakfast Caesar" ?

44. Nativity display: CRECHE.  A Manger.  Beautiful Christmas decoration.

45. Quite often: A LOT.  I used to bowl A LOT before ......

49. Malodorous: FETID.

51. One-named "Cheap Thrills" singer: SIA.

52. '90s trade acronym: NAFTA.   North Atlantic Free Trade.

54. Rain in light drops: SPRINKLE.  This fell Thursday evening in normally snowy Minnesota. Spring is coming... Maybe?

59. NFL's Cardinals: ARI.  Moved from St. Louis in 1988.

63. Anatomical pouch: SAC.

64. Being: ENTITY.

65. Act the blowhard: BRAG.

66. Civil War nickname: ABE.  Five Dollar bill nickname last week.

67. Indoor parking lot features: RAMPS.

68. Nordstrom rival: SAKS.  Fifth Avenue.


1. Censorship-fighting org.: ACLU.  Civil Liberties Union.

2. Love handles, essentially: FLAB.  I have totally lost mine.  Now 6 ft. 2 in.  159 pounds and still losing it.

3. Broccoli __: RABE.  I am not a big fan of broccoli but I have heard it was voted Americas favorite vegetable.

4. Aroma: ODOR.  I think people enjoy aroma, but hold their nose on ODOR.

5. Personal user pic: AVATAR.

6. Seats with kneelers: PEWS.  Old days.  Our church has no kneelers.  Attend Mass and either sit or stand.  Okay with me.  These days I sit for the whole Mass.

7. "__ questions?": ANY.

8. Regret: RUE.  Ms. McClanahan in "The Golden Girls".

9. Brusque: TERSE.

10. Music for a movie: SOUNDTRACK.  "The Hills are alive, with the Sound of Music". 

11. Trusted adviser: GURU.   My GURU is C.C. (And Doctor Downs).

12. Excursion: TRIP.  Most of our trips recently are to the VA hospital.  It is an excursion of about 35 miles each way.  Traffic is usually no problem.

14. Group co-founded by Bill W.'s wife: AL-ANON.  I never needed this.  In fact, after Dr. Downs banned booze with my medicine, I donated all the sealed bottles for door prizes at my bowling banquet.  Then the league secretary jimmied the drawing so I won two rounds of golf at a local course.  Guess who I played the round with.

17. Merlot or Syrah: RED WINE.

21. Acapulco article: UNA.

23. Big celebration: FEST.  I think a FEST might be in order when CHEMO is wrapped up.

24. Anger: IRE.

25. Novelist Cather: WILLA.

26. Negro Leagues legend Buck __: O'NEIL. See who's there behind O'Neil?

27. Presidential workplace: OVAL OFFICE.  Don't tear up any of those papers, Joe.

28. Patriotic org. since 1890: DARDaughters of the American Revolution.

29. Dead, as an engine: KAPUT.  Sometimes this happens in our cold weather.  However cars are more dependable these days.

31. Church donation: TITHE.  I do this weekly.  Not sure if it is as much as they recommend.

32. Contemptuous look: SNEER.

35. "Par avion" letters: AIRMAIL.  I think most first class goes by air now.  That's why it's always late.

38. Just slightly: A TAD.  If your TITHE is a TAD, you may want to reconsider ??

40. "The Crying Game" actor Stephen: REA.

43. "Enough!" in a text: TMI.  Too Much Info.

44. Happy as a lark?: CHIRPY.

46. Hanoi holiday: TET.  Reminds me of the Vietnam era.

48. $100 bills, in slang: C SPOTS.  NOO! They are called BENJAMINS. 

50. Narrow to a point: TAPER.  When we mail a package, I am usually the TAPER.

52. Astronaut's insignia: NASA.

53. Speedy steed: ARAB.  Kentucky Derby is coming soon.

54. Barbershop sound: SNIP.  Old days, now the sound is a buzz from the clippers.

55. Apprehends: NABS.

56. Actress Sedgwick: KYRA. Wife of Kevin Bacon.

57. Plumbing problem: LEAK.  We hired the wrong company once for a new toilet.  The next thing we knew we had dripping in our garage.  Luckily our bathroom is over our garage and we hired a different company to fix it.

58. Units of work: ERGS.

61. "Be there __ sec!": IN A.  I am here already.

62. Bank convenience, for short: ATM.  I have not used an ATM in years.  But now I get phone calls from shysters telling me how to get free money.
