, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 16, 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022, George Jasper


20. Cuban missile crisis strategy: NAVAL EMBARGO. A VALE is a long depression in the land, usually between two hills and containing a river.

31. Web app for the latest: GOOGLE NEWS. A GLEN is a valley that is long and bounded by gently sloped concave sides.

41. Pre-wedding show: BRIDAL EXPO. DALE is a synonym of the word valley.

51. Salad dressing brand ... and what each set of circles reveals: HIDDEN VALLEY.

Melissa here. Grokking this theme would have been more difficult without the circles. See the valley hidden in each theme answer? I can imagine the light going on in George Jasper's head when seeing the words 'Hidden Valley.'


1. Bare-bones: BASIC.

6. Out of concern that: LEST.

10. Distance runner's concern: PACE. Cramp or spasm was my first thought - too many letters.

14. Early Greek public space: AGORA. The agora (ἀγορά) was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. It is the best representation of a city-state's response to accommodate the social and political order of the polis. The literal meaning of the word "agora" is "gathering place" or "assembly."

15. Excessively: Pref.: OVER.

16. Aerosol target: ODOR. Not hair.

17. Mall map clarification: YOU ARE HERE. Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot.

19. Half a patio pair: TONG. First thought was chairs.

22. Uncertainties: IFS.

25. Even the queen, in chess: MAN. Not necessarily. Another interesting fact for those who watched The Queen's Gambit, in this NYT article. If you can't get past the NYT paywall, here's a different article about the same thing, with a link to the 25-page complaint.

26. Beat in a hot dog contest: OUTEAT. I can't watch those eating contests. Because ew.

27. Like nobility: TITLED.

29. Slow movement: LARGO.

33. What 15 U.S. presidents formerly were, briefly: VPS. I would have guessed more than 15.

36. Son of Chingachgook, in a Cooper novel: UNCAS.

37. Be in the red: OWE.

38. Hustle: CHEAT. Or this hustle.

40. Shaggy pack animal: YAK.

43. Frequents dive bars, say: SLUMS.

45. Pretentious type: POSEUR. Another term for poser - someone who pretends to be something he is not.

 46. Key participant: PLAYER.

49. NBA tiebreakers: OTS. Overtimes.

50. Water holder: DAM.

55. Opposed to, in dialect: AGIN. Surprisingly, AGIN is a valid Scrabble word.

56. Start of a proverb for which Ben Franklin is credited: EARLY TO BED.
"... early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

60. It's about a foot: SHOE.

61. "Star Trek: T.N.G." counselor: TROI.

62. Do away with: ERASE.

63. Online craft shop: ETSY.

64. Newcastle's river: TYNE.

65. Summer Triangle star: DENEB. The Summer Triangle is an amalgamation of stars from three separate constellations. Three stars make up the triangle: Deneb, Vega and Altair.  


1. __ window: BAY.

2. Before now: AGO.

3. Thing of little worth: SOU. A thing of the smallest value. Not sure I've ever heard this word.

4. Turkey neighbor: IRAN.

5. Whitman's Sampler choices: CARAMELS.

6. "Freaky Friday" actress Lindsay: LOHAN.

7. First name in daredevilry: EVEL. 8 of Evel Knievel’s Most Memorable Stunts.

 8. Saharan: SERE.

9. Shakes: TREMORS.

10. One may be sweet: POTATO. Obscure clue, perps to the rescue.

11. Love to death: ADORE.

12. __ line: CONGA.

13. Cereal killer: ERGOT. Another unknown for me. A fungal disease of rye and other cereals in which black elongated fruiting bodies grow in the ears of the cereal.

18. Artfully escape: EVADE.

21. Listening device: BUG. Has anyone seen the documentary MLK/FBI?

22. Company's tech guru: IT GUY.

23. "Shrek" princess: FIONA.

24. Keep in the supply room: STOCK.

28. NYC airport on Flushing Bay: LGA. LaGuardia Airport is a civil airport in East Elmhurst, Queens, New York City.

29. Civil rights legend John: LEWIS. February 21, 1940 - July 17, 2020.

30. Blown away: AWED.

32. What do you expect?: NORM. Nice clue.

33. Put out: VEXED.

34. __ New Guinea: PAPUA.

35. Perfect thing that's not beneficial: STORM. The Perfect Storm is a great book and movie.

38. Like idiomatic skeletons: CLOSETED.

39. Tom, Dick and Harry: HES. Not men.

41. TV host/comedian with 23 Emmy nominations: BURNETT. Carol.

42. In a suitable manner: APTLY.

43. New South Wales capital: SYDNEY.

44. Jeans brand: LEE.

46. Part of a process: PHASE.

47. __-year: LIGHT. The distance light travels in one year. Or this guy ...

48. "So long, amigo": ADIOS.

49. Skateboard move: OLLIE. The trick that revolutionized skateboarding.

52. Fluctuate: VARY.

53. "East of Eden" twin: ARON.

54. Bygone days: YORE.

57. Stop legally: BAN.

58. Austin-to-Houston dir.: ESE.

59. Star of the ball: DEB. Short for debutante. An upper-class young woman making her first appearance in fashionable society.