, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 11, 2022

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Robin Stears

Theme: A Quip in three parts.

17 A. First part of a quip about climate change: A MIND CONTROLLED.

27 A. Second part of the quip: AIR DEODORIZER.

45. Third part of the quip: MAKES SCENTS IF.

60. Last part of the quip: YOU THINK ABOUT IT.

Hi, Gang.  JazzBumpa here.  It's not clear what this has to do with climate change, but oh, well.  I hold this type of theme in very low regard.  Let's move on.


1. Works in a park, perhaps: STATUES.  Works of art, not labors

8. Chooses: SELECTS.  Opts for

15. City of ancient Greece: CORINTH.  It is located in south-central Greece.   Some guy named Paul wrote letters to his fellow congregants there.

16. Steelmaking raw material: IRON ORE.  It is often found in sedimentary rocks.  The most important 
such minerals are hematite [Fe₂O₃] and magnetite [Fe₃O₄]. 

19. "Cool beans!": NEATO.  Like, a-wow, man!

20. Cookware purchase: POT. Or PAN.  needed perps.

21. Streaming delay: LAG.  Be patient.  it's buffering.

22. Finale: END.  All done.

24. Cornish game __: HEN.  It's just a chicken

26. Abhor: HATE.  Can't stand.

32. "This Is Just My Face: __ Not to Stare": memoir by Gabourey Sidibe: TRY.  Reflections of an unlikely movie star.

33. Green, in a way: NEW.  Raw, too, I suppose.

34. Hearing organ: EAR.  Eh?

35. 2020 N.L. MVP Freddie: FREEMAN.  My grandson Nate is a Dodgers fan and was delighted that they signed him to a six year deal after he spent 12 seasons in Atlanta.  He set a team record in the first game of a double header on Saturday, hitting 3 doubles in 4 plate appearances. in the second game he added a single and a walk as the Dodgers swept the Cubs

38. Beverage similar to hard seltzer: ALCOPOP.  An alcopop is any of certain flavored alcoholic beverages with relatively low alcohol content (e.g., 3–7% alcohol by volume), including: Malt beverages to which various fruit juices or other flavorings have been added.

42. Short lunch?: BLT.  An abbreviated bacon-lettuce and tomato sandwich.

43. Form 1099 agcy.: IRS.  The infernal Revenue Service.

44. Future flower: BUD.  if it doesn't get nipped.

49. Time for action: D-DAY. June 6, 1944 in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy.   By analogy then, any day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect.

51. With 58-Down, 2018 Best New Artist Grammy winner: DUA.  Due Lipa b 1995] is an English singer and songwriter. Possessing a mezzo-soprano vocal range, she is known for her signature disco-pop and R&B sound.  Sorry.  Never heard of her.

52. Land north of Den.: NOR.  Denmark and Norway.  our Granddaughter Alexa will be studying this summer in Copenhagen and Stockholm [Sweden.] 

53. Decompose: ROT.  Return to dust.

54. __ and cheese: MAC.  First I entered HAM.  Either way, now I'm hungry.

56. Works very hard: TOILS.  Possibly in a park, maybe, could be

65. Neither here nor there: EN ROUTE.  On the way

66. Flute played by Zamfir: PAN PIPE.

67. Confirm, as a password: RE-ENTER.  Don;t miss-type uit.

68. Syrup source: TREE SAP.  Maple, I hope.


1. PC virus check: SCAN.

2. Hefty book: TOME.  A large, heavy scholarly one.

3. Opera solo: ARIA.  A long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.

4. Like some windows: TINTED.  Colored to reduce heat load from the sun.

5. Brought to ruin: UNDONE.   Something has either not gone as planned, or has failed in some way. 

6. "The rest is obvious" abbr.: ETC.  And so on. .  .  .

7. Factory: SHOP.  Manufacturing facility.

8. Minor minder: SITTER.  Person who watches over the little ones.

9. "To __ is human ... ": ERR.  Oops -- my mistake.

10. British lav: LOO.   Necessary facility.

11. Picture that shows more detail: Abbr.: ENL.  Enlargement.

12. Tall decorative addition around some cakes: COLLAR.  If you say so.
13. Spring for lunch: TREAT.   To buy for your companion[s.]

14. Swamp plant: SEDGE.  A grasslike plant with triangular stems and inconspicuous flowers, growing typically in wet ground. 

18. "Ain't gonna happen": NO HOW.   Ain't no time, ain't no place, ain't no way.

23. Was philanthropic: DONATED.   Gave support to a worthy cause.

25. Leslie of "The Naked Gun" films: NIELSEN.  Leslie William Nielsen [1926.2010] OC was a Canadian-American actor and comedian. With a career spanning 60 years, he appeared in more than 100 films and 150 television programs, portraying more than 220 characters. 

26. Long lunch?: HERO.  A stacked sandwich on a long bun.

27. DOJ branch: ATF.  Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is a branch of the Department of Justice.

28. Sale rack abbr.: IRRegular.

29. Pumpernickel grain: RYE.  For bread.

30. Animal house: DEN.  Or PEN.  Are they wild or domestic?

31. Actor Efron who voices Fred in "Scoob!": ZAC.  Zachary David Alexander Efron [b 1987] is an American actor and singer. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s and rose to prominence in the late 2000s for his leading role as Troy Bolton in the High School Musical trilogy. During this time, he also starred in the musical film Hairspray and the comedy film 17 Again.

36. Site to do one's bidding: EBAY.  On line auction site.

37. "Letter From Birmingham Jail" initials: MLK.   the late Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. [1929 - 1968]

38. __ de Triomphe: ARC.  This monument in Paris honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

39. TV network with pledge drives: PBS.  Public Broadcasting Service.

40. "Certainement!": OUI.  Yes, at the Arc de Triomphe

41. Adobe file format: PDF.  Portable Document Format.  It allows documents to be transferred across otherwise incompatible systems.

43. "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" singer Chris: ISAAK.  Christopher Joseph Isaak [b 1956] is an American musician and occasional actor. He is widely known for his hit "Wicked Game", as well as the songs "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" and "Somebody's Crying". He is known for his signature 1950s rock & roll style and crooner sound, as well as his falsetto and reverb-laden music.

45. Grown-up: MATURE.  Adult, presumably.

46. Sting's real last name: SUMNER.  Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE [b 1951], known as Sting, is an English musician, singer, songwriter and actor. He was the frontman, songwriter and bassist for new wave rock band the Police from 1977 to 1984.

I had forgotten about this song.

 47. Zip, nada, zilch: NOT ONE.  NOT ANY also fits, unfortunately.

48. Group of traveling performers: TROUPE.

49. Appliance that seems to eat socks: DRYER.   Truth!

50. Lorna of literature: DOONE.  The eponym for a historical romance novel, in which a fictional story is set in the context of real historical events and figures.

55. Ship leader: Abbr.: CAPT.   This threw me, as I was exception CAP'N.  Either way it means captain.

57. "For sure!": IT IS.  Affirmative

58. See 51-Across: LIPA.  Still never heard of her.

59. Pedometer unit: STEP.  A pedometer is an instrument for estimating the distance traveled on foot by recording the number of steps taken.

61. Heavy weight: TON. Two thousand pounds.

62. Shack: HUT.  A small, simple, single-story house or shelter.

63. Mineral suffix: -ITE.  Cf 16A.

64. Watering hole: BAR.  Informal reference to a tavern.

So, we end this Wednesday adventure with the chance for a cold drink.
