, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 15, 2022

Sunday May 15, 2022 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: "Major League Divisions" - Eight different teams bookend the theme entries.

23. Groups for aspiring grandmasters: CHESS CLUBS. Cubs.

25. Vocalists who combine musical styles: RAP SINGERS. Rangers.

37. Weekend trips for two, e.g.: ROMANTIC GETAWAYS. Rays.

66. Frequent changes of direction: TWISTS AND TURNS. Twins.

73. Films that may follow a band on tour: ROCKUMENTARIES. Rockies. The only one-word entry. I just could not find a multi-word candidate.

101. Well-balanced people?: TIGHTROPE WALKERS. Tigers.

119. Unusual sorts: RARE BREEDS. Reds.

122. Music festival setups: MERCH TENTS. Mets.

I originality had a set of all National League teams, but two of the entries (GINGER PLANTS and PIECE RATES) were not quite solid, so I came up with this new set of 4 AL teams and 4 NL teams.

Patti redid the 37-, 38- and 57-Down area, here's my original grid. I think I know the problem. Can you guess why?

Some of you may not know this: Patti has been the editor for the Crossword Club for many years. She also constructed many Sunday grids herself. She has a keen eye for clue/answer dupes. As you can see from my write-up below, she caught a few of my goofs.


1. Pre-eruption lava: MAGMA.

6. Country where Inca Kola originated: PERU. Guessable even if you don't know the answer, right?

10. Remy's brother in "Ratatouille": EMILE.

15. Brahma and Vishnu: GODS.

19. Pungent: ACRID.

20. John of "Coming 2 America": AMOS.

21. Chart a new course for: REMAP.

22. Samoa's biggest city: APIA.

27. Pump part: HEEL.

28. Selling points: ASSETS.

30. Govt. prosecutors: DAS.

31. Elsie Fisher's "Despicable Me" voice role: AGNES. Shout-out to our dear Agnes.

32. Sign gas: NEON.

34. CBS News correspondent Barnett: ERROL. My original clue is [Documentarian Morris]. See how it partially dupes the 73A entry? Patti caught it!

36. Hardly holy: EVIL.

43. National Organ Donor Day mo.: FEB.

45. Steer clear of: EVADE.

46. Test prep giant: KAPLAN.

47. Neglected to mention: OMITTED.

50. "Kapow!": BAM.

51. Knightley of "Colette": KEIRA. Colette wrote "Gigi".

53. Website subunits: PAGES.

55. __ Fridays: TGI.

56. Clerical vestments: ALBS.

58. Kissing in a crowd, say: PDA. Public Display of Affection. When I grew up, couples did not even hold hands in public.

59. Poland Spring competitor: DASANI. From Coca-Cola.

62. "Let me put it this way ... ": I MEAN.

64. Swedish autos: SAABS.

69. Drain nuisance: CLOG. I've learned to comb my hair before I take a shower.

71. Starts a pot: ANTES.

72. Purrfect Delicacies brand: IAMS.

78. Chrome or silver: METAL.

81. Clear the board: ERASE.

82. One millionth of a meter: MICRON.

83. Garlic paste amt.: TSP.

85. __ musubi: meat-and-rice snack: SPAM. Wrapped with nori of course.

87. ESPN broadcaster Shriver: PAM.

88. Forge worker: SMITH.

90. Taquería bowlful: SALSA.

92. Gp. with a tour: PGA. The PGA Tour. They might lose Phil Mickelson.

93. Woke up late: SLEPT IN.

95. __ waist: EMPIRE.

98. Item that's made to measure: RULER.

100. Garment with hooks: BRA.

105. Land division: ACRE.

107. "Wonderwall" Britpop band: OASIS. Not familiar with the song. I used the desert clue.

108. Lopsided victory: ROUT.

109. Sticky-footed lizard: GECKO.

111. Topological abbr.: MTN.

112. Audio interference: STATIC.

116. In __ of: LIEU.

124. "I hate to break up __": A SET.

125. To any extent: AT ALL.

126. "Pearls" Grammy winner India.__: ARIE. No other way to clue this entry.

127. Flared dress style: A-LINE.

128. Topiary evergreens: YEWS. Pretty.

129. Many a Twitch streamer: GAMER.

130. "Ain't happening": NOPE.

131. Navajo Nation tablelands: MESAS.


1. Supersonic unit: MACH.

2. Tiger Balm target: ACHE.

3. Bright African snake: GREEN MAMBA. Venomous!

4. Send down the wrong path: MISLEAD.

5. Show stoppers?: ADS.

6. Chums: PALS.

7. Fast-running birds: EMUS.

8. Spa wrap: ROBE.

9. One of the largest tenants of Pittsburgh's tallest building: US STEEL. I wrote "the largest". Patti fact-checked!

10. Make a blunder: ERR.

11. Place for a lark: MEADOW.

12. Antelope whose name means "gazelle" in Zulu: IMPALA.

13. Highlands girl: LASS.

14. Prefix with center: EPI.

15. Present presented for fun: GAG GIFT.

16. Martin Luther King Jr.'s message from Birmingham Jail, for one: OPEN LETTER.

17. Desperate: DIRE.

18. Smart talk: SASS.

24. "__ win 'em all": CAN'T.

26. Pt. of USNA: NAV.

29. Mlle., in Managua: SRTA.

33. Short race, for short: ONE-K. And 35. Did a 33-Down, say: RAN. Close cross-reference by Patti.

36. "Hanna" actress Creed-Miles: ESME. Another "Hanna" star is Mireille ENOS. So happy with the new clue opportunities for these two entries.

37. Country star McEntire: REBA.

38. Cameo shapes: OVALS.

39. "Just joking!": I KID.

40. Unit in gemology: CARAT.

41. College application fig.: GPA.

42. Tantra specialist: YOGINI.

44. Kicked off: BEGAN.

48. "Am I the only one?": IS IT ME.

49. Loud noises: DINS.

52. Dr Teal's Pure __ Salt: EPSOM. I like the one with Vitamin C. Smells amazing.

53. So yesterday: PASSE.

54. Actress de la Reguera: ANA.

57. Stats for NFL defensive linemen: SACKS.

59. Tunisian currency: DINAR.

60. Four-footed Jetson: ASTRO.

61. Beer garden mug: STEIN.

63. Necessities: MUSTS.

65. Toni Morrison's "The __ Eye": BLUEST.

67. Timepiece: WATCH.

68. Softens, as sound: DAMPS.

70. Sign of spring: GEMINI. I had "Twins in the sky", which duped the key team TWINS.

73. Powerlifter's units: REPS.

74. Maker of Glide floss: ORAL B.

75. People who take the shots: CAMERA CREW.

76. Minor quibble: NIT.

77. Unblinking look: STARE.

79. Fruit-flavored cocktails: APPLETINIS.

80. Golden brew: LAGER.

84. Whole lot: SLEW.

86. Land of Opportunity?: MARS. Capitalized O.

89. Tiny arachnid: MITE.

90. Tentative taste: SIP.

91. "The Good Dinosaur" dinosaur: ARLO.

94. Sugar holders: PACKETS. Boomer can't have sugar or fake sugar or coffee tomorrow morning to prep for the surgery. Water is OK though. The tough part is no ibuprofen or Oxycodone for 5 days before surgery.

95. UFO beings: ETS.

96. Diagnostic pics: MRIS.

97. "Please Mr. __": POSTMAN.

99. Tiki bar instrument: UKULELE.

102. Pep rally shout: GO TEAM.

103. Pump part: HANDLE.

104. Curved structure: ARCH.

106. "Catastrophe" writer/star Delaney: ROB. Not familiar with him. I used [Rip off].

109. Slate-colored: GRAY.

110. Smooth sailing: EASE.

111. Parent company of Facebook: META.

113. Sleek, in car lingo: AERO.

114. Take a tumble: TRIP.

115. Slushy treat: ICEE.

117. Europe's tallest volcano: ETNA.

118. Puts into play: USES.

120. Cleaning cloth: RAG.

121. Canon choice, briefly: SLR.

123. Cap with a toorie: TAM.

We had a busy week: X-ray on Monday morning, then meeting with the orthopedic doctor, who said a surgery was needed. Then we visited Boomer's new oncologist, who postponed all of his cancer treatments until early June. He might try a new oral chemo on Boomer. 

We went back to the VA for more procedures to prep for the surgery: meeting with the  anesthesiologist, an EKG test, meeting with the pre-op nurse, registering for the pre-admission, one more CT scan to see if there are bad cells in his left shoulder area. Pretty exhausting, but Boomer handled them well.

We're checking in tomorrow morning at 7:30am for Boomer's surgery at the VA hospital in Minneapolis. They'll put a metal ball inside his left shoulder.

VA Ortho, 5/9/2022