, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 12, 2022

Sunday June 12, 2022 Pam Amick Klawitter

 Theme: "Where R U?" - Part of each common phrase/word contains the letter (s) U/U's, the other part identifies the position(s) of the U/U's.


43A. U: UNION LEADER. First letter of UNION, hence "leader".




16D. U: HUNK OF JUNK. Part of JUNK.

71D. U: MID-JANUARY.  Very center of JANUARY.


Very creative. We've seen puzzles with different letters in the clues, like this one. But I don't recall a puzzle that uses only one letter. Amazing, as the theme is super constraining.

Of the 7 entries, UNION LEADER, COMMUNITY CENTER & JANUARY point out precisely where the U's are. The others are just parts.


1. Language of many a motto: LATIN.

6. Sheepherding pig in a Best Picture nominee: BABE.

10. Some bowling feats: SPARES. The PT lady we met last Thursday loves bowling.

16. Chef's toque, e.g.: HAT.

19. Maine college town: ORONO. Hahtoolah!

20. Lena of "The Artist's Wife": OLIN.

21. Some Tuscany natives: PISANS.

22. Actress Thurman: UMA.

26. Neither here __ there: NOR.

27. Grand spreads: ESTATES.

28. Unproductive activity: TIME SINK. Also TIME SUCK.

29. Sitcom home of Johnny Fever: WKRP.

30. Embrace: HUG.

31. Made less stringent: EASED.

32. "I'm with you": DITTO.

34. Sound sleepers?: SNORERS. Fun clue.

37. Pet adoption org.: ASPCA.

40. On the up and up?: LOFTY.

46. Eye-related: OPTIC.

48. With 69-Down, MVP of Super Bowl III: JOE. 69. See 48-Across: NAMATH. "Broadway Joe".

49. Posted: SENT.

50. Verizon communications service: FIOS. For Fiber Optic Service.

51. Beatrix Potter's real first name: HELEN.

52. Cougar on a sneaker: PUMA.

53. Orchestra leader: MAESTRO.

56. 100 smackers: C SPOT. 60. Low-risk investments: Abbr.: CDS. Also 54. Govt. security: T BOND.

58. Conference session: SEMINAR.

61. Glacier breakaway: BERG.

63. College football fans sporting a blue "Y": ELIS.

65. Smells awful: REEKS. So nice to have a workable floor drain again. Ours was clogged. I had a hard time soaking dry the problem area on Friday. Thankfully I listened to D-Otto and did not use the washing machine. Otherwise, the whole basement carpet would have been ruined. 

70. __ acid: AMINO.

72. Trillion: Pref.: TERA.

73. Stand in line: WAIT.

74. Waze display: MAP.

77. Washer cycle: SPIN DRY.

79. Employee who works a lot?: VALET. Parking lots.

82. Team symbols: MASCOTS. Me and T.C. Bear. 11 years ago.

84. Senate staffer: AIDE.

85. Bar mixers: SODAS.

87. Greek earth goddess: GAIA.

89. Santa __: dry California winds: ANAS.

90. "The Big Bang Theory" astrophysicist with a Yorkshire terrier named Cinnamon: RAJ. Nice trivia clue.

91. Worked (up): KEYED.

95. Leaving nothing out: IN ALL.

97. National Forest northwest of Orlando: OCALA.

99. Wrinkly dog: SHAR PEI. Cantonese. In Mandarin, it's Sha Pi, literally "sand skin".

100. Wayfarer: NOMAD.

102. Break up: END IT.

105. Mai __: cocktail: TAI.

106. "Billions" actor Giamatti: PAUL.

108. Home for a pride: LION'S DEN. Pride of lions.

111. Road trip break: PIT STOP.

115. Old hoops gp.: ABA. American Basketball Association.

118. __ La Table: cookware shop: SUR.

119. Clear up: SETTLE.

120. Nestlé chocolate bar with a bubbly texture: AERO. Helpful "bubbly" hint.

121. Time being: NONCE.

122. Barnyard pen: STY.

123. Dr. Scholl's purchase: INSOLE. Boomer likes this pair of Dr. Scholl's.

124. Prune: TRIM.

125. Discover bit by bit: GLEAN.


1. Relaxed stride: LOPE.

2. God of war pursued by Wonder Woman: ARES. Played by David Thewlis.

3. Civil wrong: TORT.

4. Conspiring: IN CAHOOTS. With.

5. Highway warning: NO U-TURN.

6. Order (around): BOSS.

7. Undefeated boxer Laila: ALI.

8. Flora and fauna: BIOTA.

9. Heath's "Brokeback Mountain" role: ENNIS. Heath Ledger.

10. Zooms: SPEEDS.

11. Snaps: PICS.

12. Hub of bubbly: ASTI.

13. Backup plans for outdoor events: RAIN DATES.

14. Ramen mushroom: ENOKI. Our fridge has been enoki-less for a while. I could easily get one pack for $0.99 to $1.99 pre-COVID days. Now it's $4.99 to $5.99.  Crazy.

15. Govt.-issued ID: SSN.

17. Love, in Spain: AMOR.

18. Waterproof cover: TARP.

24. Jason of "How I Met Your Mother": SEGEL.

25. Lipstick mishap: SMEAR.

29. GATT successor: WTO. The World Trade Organization.

31. Actor Morales: ESAI.

33. "Waterfalls" pop trio: TLC.

34. Golf legend Sam: SNEAD. Super flexible even in his 70s.

35. Dressed to the __: NINES.

36. Campaign promise: REFORM.

38. Written in verse: POETIC.

39. Certain NCO: CPL.

41. 2011 Literature Nobelist Tranströmer: TOMAS. Swedish poet. Learning moment for me.

42. 12 months: YEAR.

43. Camp Pendleton org.: USMC.

44. "What's up, __?": DOC.

45. Last letter of many plural nouns: ESS.

47. Subject of Newton's first law: INERTIA.

51. Sanctified: HOLY.

52. Santa Monica landmark: PIER.

55. Contrition: REMORSE.

57. Part of a flower: PETAL. So pretty.

59. Track events: MEETS.

62. __ reaction: GUT.

64. Wrap (up): SEW.

66. French film: CINE.

67. The Silver State: NEVADA.

68. Some long-term investments, briefly: IRAS.

70. Bee-related: APIAN.

74. "Hidden Figures" actress Janelle: MONAE.

75. "Pong" company: ATARI.

76. Hushed "Hey!": PSST.

77. Bollywood dress: SARI.

78. Inconsistent nutrition plans: YO-YO DIETS. My friend Carmen has been into turtle eggs the past few weeks. Turtle eggs are also called "Wang Ba Dan" in Chinese. Bad curse words. Don't use them.

80. Bigheadedness: EGO.

81. Kind of cross: TAU.

83. Noisy toy gun: CAP PISTOL.

86. Last mo.: DEC.

88. Research org.: INST.

91. Netherlands airline: KLM. In alphabetically order.

92. "On it": CAN DO.

93. Use DoorDash, say: EAT IN.

94. Classification for some violent films: R- RATING. Restricted.

96. "2 funny!": LOL.

98. One paying a flat fee?: LESSEE. That flat.

101. Extraterrestrial: ALIEN.

103. Make more lean: DEFAT.

104. Gather: INFER.

106. "No thanks": PASS.

107. Share a border: ABUT.

109. Quadri- doubled: OCTO. 4/8.

110. Georgia Tech basketball coach Fortner: NELL. Another learning moment for me.

111. Senior moment?: PROM.

112. Song: TUNE.

113. Keiko in "Free Willy," for one: ORCA.

114. Hammer end: PEEN.

116. Inflation fig.: PSI.

117. Ocean State sch.: URI.

Boomer will start his at-home PT tomorrow. Twice a week for six weeks. He'll also have a few OT sessions soon.

We'll go to the big VA for a consultation with the radiation doctor next Wednesday. We'll also meet with his oncologist for the next steps. And an ortho follow-up.

Thank you so much for always thinking of Boomer and keeping him in your prayers.
