Theme: "Out of Order" - The first word in each theme entry is
an anagram indicator, the second word is an anagram of the last word in
the corresponding clue.
24A. Produced charts?: MODIFIED STARCH. Charts & starch.
36A. Stirred up rages?: SHIFTED GEARS. Rages & gears.
66A. Developed genres?: MIXED GREENS. Genres & greens.
94A. Acquired taste?: ALTERED STATE. Taste & state.
109A. Discovered vin rosé?: REVISED VERSION. Vin rosé & version.
16D. Found Crusoe?: CHANGED COURSE. Crusoe & course.
56D. Begat Eric?: CONVERTED RICE. Eric & Rice.
This theme reminds me of the "Scrambled Signals" we had a while ago. Different approach.
wonder how Gary and Amy collaborate. I'm thinking they brainstorm theme
and theme entries together, then Gary makes the grid and Amy writes the
7. Roman __: NUMERALS. I'm worth 200.
15. In base eight: OCTAL.
20. Give a terrible review: HATE ON.
21. Neapolitan standard that provided the melody for Elvis's "It's Now or Never": O SOLE MIO. My Sunshine.
22. Birch of "Hocus Pocus": THORA. Also in "American Beauty".
23. HS podcast recording sites: AV LABS.
26. Disclose: TELL.
27. Oscar winner Guinness: ALEC.
29. Quaint lodging: INN.
30. Basketball position: CENTER.
31. __ of Skye: ISLE.
33. Heap affection (on): DOTE.
35. Stormed (in): BARGED.
41. Hardly windy?: TERSE. Long-winded "windy".
42. More refined: PURER.
43. "Deal me in" payment: ANTE.
44. Twist a peg on a guitar, say: TUNE. Young Splynter.
45. __ tape: DUCT.
49. Earlier: AGO.
50. Latin "and others": ET ALIA.
53. Announce, on a stream: POST.
54. Cause for a blessing: ACHOO.
55. Father on the sidelines: SOCCER DAD. Soccer is huge in China.
57. Brain activity tests, briefly: EEGS.
58. "If these walls __ talk": COULD.
59. Gem with fire and matrix varieties: OPAL.
60. Perfect 10s: IDEALS.
62. Animated film about a racing 61-Down: TURBO. 61. Garden creeper: SNAIL.
63. "Agatha All Along" star Kathryn: HAHN.
70. Tampa Bay team: RAYS.
71. Pain relief brand: ALEVE.
73. Ball honorees: BELLES.
74. Lummoxes: APES.
76. Direct (to): REFER.
77. KOA client: RV'ER.
78. Many crime drama characters: FBI AGENTS. Who's your favorite fictional FBI agent?
83. Uncredited actor: EXTRA.
84. Graph lines: AXES.
85. Classic theater name: RIALTO.
86. "Got it!": AHA.
87. Yard holder: MAST. Sailing "yard".
88. Pulls even with: TIES.
89. Swing music: JIVE.
90. Faith founded by Muhammad: ISLAM. Most of the Chinese Muslims live in Xinjiang. They're called Uyghurs. Xi'an has a large Uyghur population. I love the food in the Muslim Quarters.
92. Water pitchers: EWERS.
97. Some family cars: SEDANS.
99. Sharp plumlike fruit: SLOE.
100. Gospel-singing sister of Aretha Franklin: ERMA.
101. 1980s game consoles: ATARIS. 119. Some smartphones: SAMSUNGS.
102. Colorado Native: UTE.
103. Kunis of "Bad Moms": MILA.
105. Viral social media bit: MEME.
113. Less biased: FAIRER.
115. Raise: ERECT.
116. Fistfighter's fist: MEAT HOOK. Not famliar with this term.
117. Harder to see: TINIER.
118. Range where tomatoes originated: ANDES. I made the Brazilian salmon stew last week. With two tomatoes. A bit too coconut-y for me.
120. Biases: SLANTS.
1. Kibitz: CHAT.
2. Give a great review: RAVE.
3. "__ make your head spin!": IT'LL.
4. Aquarium collection: SEA LIFE. We have this in Mall of America. Also 15. Furry swimmers: OTTERS. 95. Slippery swimmer: EEL.
5. Corn discard: COB.
6. Up for auction: ON SALE.
7. Norton Sound port city: NOME.
8. Sports org. that added a "P" to its initials in 2019: USOC. OK, United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee.
9. Stylish, in the 1960s: MOD.
10. First name in pharmaceuticals: ELI. Lilly.
11. Brings in fresh equipment: REFITS.
12. Nitrogen compound: AMINE.
13. Security for a debt: LIEN.
14. Outfield layer: SOD.
17. Flourless cake: TORTE.
18. Like a rainbow: ARCED.
19. "If I Only Had the Nerve" singer Bert: LAHR. Boomer loved this movie and could recite many of the dialogues.
25. Cause alarm: SCARE.
28. Commanded: LED.
32. Actress Meryl: STREEP.
33. Statistician's focus: DATA.
34. Buried treasure: ORE.
35. Not straight: BENT.
36. Daycation locations: SPAS.
37. Victor of French literature: HUGO.
38. Sporty Camaro: IROC.
39. Glamorous event: GALA.
40. Seat of Garfield County, Oklahoma: ENID.
41. Little dustup: TUSSLE. 69. Little dustup: SPAT. Also 48. Flaps: TO-DOS.
44. Forum frocks: TOGAE. Roman Forum.
46. "Star Trek" lieutenant: UHURA.
47. Cheese similar to cheddar: COLBY.
51. Hong Kong transport: TRAM. Bus, tram and ferry.
52. Unprepared remark: AD LIB.
53. Looks: PEERS.
54. Magician's set: ACT.
57. Lawn care tool: EDGER.
60. Runs in neutral: IDLES.
63. __ pants: baggy trousers: HAREM. 93. Pants measurements: WAISTS.
64. "__ & Katie": Netflix sitcom: ALEXA.
65. Tests by lifting: HEFTS.
67. Ancient Persian king: XERXES.
68. Fabled toymakers: ELVES.
72. Timeline division: ERA.
75. Teamwork hurdle: EGOISM.
78. High follower: FIVE.
79. Braddock's opponent in "Cinderella Man": BAER. Max.
80. "The Lion King" lion: NALA.
81. Not this: THAT.
82. "The feeling is mutual": SAME.
84. Puts on the tube: AIRS.
85. Initiation, e.g.: RITE.
88. Like a tightrope: TENSE.
89. "Atlas" actress, familiarly: JLO.
91. Triathlete's asset: STAMINA.
94. Weather advisories: ALERTS.
96. Pub offerings: DRAFTS.
97. Firm: STERN.
98. Like an icicle-covered house, perhaps: EAVED.
99. Cause of a kettle's whistle: STEAM. I don't own kettle. I use this pot for everything. I also don't have a wok.
101. Field: AREA.
102. Iris layer: UVEA.
103. Synthesizer pioneer: MOOG.
104. Printer refills: INKS.
106. Environmentalist Brockovich: ERIN.
107. Track event: MEET.
108. Makes a wrong move: ERRS.
110. Private exchanges, briefly: DMS.
111. Moo __ pork: SHU.
112. Electron transfer result, maybe: ION.
114. Feel sick: AIL.