, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 2, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013 Matt Skoczen

Theme: Back to Basics.

Your basic "definition" type theme, that is.  But with a cute twist at the end. And I like the way the NUTS and BOLTS clues alternate.

17-Across. NUTS : ARDENT FANS.





For some reason, I just thought this was really fun, and actually giggled at 57-Across. Am I NUTS?

Marti here, to check out what else Matt has served up today.

1. Turn near home : AT BAT. Bamboozled on the first entry, I started looking at the downs immediately. I got the first "A" from those, and nothing else. Moving on...

6. Boxers' sounds : ARFS. Ahh, one I can fill.

10. ___ Said: Suez Canal harbor : PORT. Ooh, ooh, another one!

14. Watson's creator : DOYLE. this really a Thursday puzzle?

15. Veggie that leaves a purple stain : BEET. OK, I know I am going to get slammed down south. This is starting out too easy...

16. Playfully roguish : ARCH. (skip it and come back later)

19. End of an old boast : VICI. Veni, vidi, vici.

20. It's après après-midi : SOIR. French for "evening," which comes after afternoon.

21. Part of the inn crowd? : MAID. ...not fooled.

22. Elevator stop : FLOOR. Gimme.

23. Spike TV, once : TNNThe Nashville Network, then The National Network, and now Spike.

26. Sells out : RATS ON.

28. Dive into, as a pile of correspondence : HAVE AT.

29. Take into custody? : ADOPT.

30. County bordering Galway : MAYO. Hold it!

39. Heavy load : ONUS.

40. "Hill Street Blues" regular Veronica : HAMEL. I wasn't a big fan. She played Joyce Davenport.

42. Red choice : CLARET. "Merlot" also fit. Just sayin'...

47. Advice-and-consent body : SENATE. I always mistakenly thought it was "Advise" because of this novel.
52. Felix or Morris, e.g. : CAT.

53. Pal of D'Artagnan : ATHOS. So what are Porthos and Aramis, chopped liver?

54. Squeal : SING.

55. "How the Other Half Lives" author Jacob : RIIS. He became a social activist in New York, exposing the life of poverty and desperation in the slums. Interesting that the next clue hints at where he was born.

56. Dutch burg : STAD. If you know that a German city is called a "stadt" it wouldn't be too difficult to suss the Dutch word.

59. Differently : ELSE.

60. Money guru Orman : SUZE. This section with SUZE and PETR crossing LISZT could be a bear for some. (Not moi!!)

61. Name on a bottle of Pleasures : ESTÉE. Why, yes, there it is. Right at the top. However, "pleasures" is never capitalized.
62. Sinks out of sight : SETS.

63. '80s-'90s tennis star Korda : PETR. All perps and wags.

64. Farm machinery giant : DEERE.


1. To the stars, in mottos : AD ASTRA. Many mottos include those Latin words. I imagine this corner might also give some people fits, with Latin, an old car and a tricky phrase, all starting off 1-2-3.

2. Olds luxury model : TORONADO. Jay Leno has a 1000hp one.

3. Owing to : BY DINT OF. DINT is used only in this phrase, and means "force." By dint of hard work, they were able to finish the job on time.

4. 11-down, e.g., briefly : ALERAmerican Leaguer.

5. Royal flush part : TEN. Had to be ace or TEN.

6. Britcom with Edina and Patsy : AB FAB. Short for "Absolutely Fabulous." I believe Lemony is a fan of this show.

7. Run over : RE-AIR.

8. Upscale handbag : FENDI. I love this one. But not $2,890 worth of love...
9. Canonized gp. : STS. Saints. I didn't know that the NOLA team had been canonized!?!  (^0^)

10. 1904 Nobel-winning physiologist : PAVLOV. Instant reflex to fill this in.

11. Camden Yards player : ORIOLE. My mind was somewhere over in England. I finally remembered this ballpark.

12. Dr Pepper alternative : RC COLA, which can quench your...

13. Desire : THIRST.

18. Fed. investigator : T-MANTreasury Man. I always have to wait for perps before deciding whether to put T- or G-.

22. Monk's address : FRA.

24. Snap, in ads : FOTO. Go ape? Zing?  E-Z? My mind definitely was not on "pics."

25. Half a little train? : CHOO...choo.

27. Bain de Soleil abbr. : SPFSun Protection Factor. I always wondered why it isn't called "Skin" protection factor.  After all, that's what needs protection, not the sun!

30. The Beatles and the Stones, e.g. : MEN.

31. Sun Devils' sch. : ASUArizona State University. A gimme for Thelma and Lucina.

32. Timeline nos. : YRS. Years.

34. "___ problem!" : NOT A.

35. Jazzman Baker : CHET. A brilliant musician with a very checkered career.

36. Kal ___: Iams rival : KAN.

37. Make gaunt : EMACIATE.

38. Merchant : RETAILER.

41. Thoughtful words : LET'S SEE...(where was I?)

42. Goes after : CHASESWarning - this chase scene might cause dizziness! 1:03

43. Unimportant : LITTLE.

44. Overcome with shock : AGHAST.

45. Scholarship founder : RHODES.

46. Many "Star Trek" characters, briefly : ETSExtra-terrestrials.

47. Billboard, say : SIGN.

49. Thing to resolve : ISSUE.

50. Composer who wrote piano transcriptions of Beethoven's nine symphonies : LISZT. Here is one of my favorite pieces...1:29

51. Evil look : SNEER.

55. Climb : RISE.

57. Psychic letters : ESPExtra-sensory perception.

58. "How I Met Your Mother" narrator : TED. I still don't know how he met her, but this is the final season for the show.

Time for me to BOLT outta' here. See you next week!


May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1 2013, Erik Agard

theme: BOARD GAMES - anagram of BOARD starts each theme answer.

20A. *General outline components : BROAD STROKES

37A. *16th/17th-century dramatic nickname : BARD OF AVON 

43A. *2009-'10 Lady Gaga hit : BAD ROMANCE

56A. Cruise ship game ... or how to start each of the answers to starred clues? : SHUFFLEBOARD
melissa here.

i imagine puzzle constructors see most everything through the filter of word games. most of us see the word 'shuffleboard,' and think … you know .. shuffleboard, not shuffle board


1. Aveeno's parent co. : J AND J. johnson and johnson. tough start.

6. Hebrides native : SCOT. also tough.

10. Madcap : ZANY. great puzzle word.

14. Olds's last compact : ALERO. 

15. Biblical prophet : EZRA

16. "En garde" weapon : EPEE

17. Louis of MGM : MAYER. metro goldwyn mayer.

18. Taps : CALLS UPON

22. Actor Aykroyd : DAN

23. SFO hrs. : PST. pacific standard time.

24. They may grade univ. papers : TAS. teacher's assistants.

27. __-di-dah : LAH

30. Shell-shocked : NUMB

33. Ad time : TONITE

35. Steamed : IRED

39. Scrawny sort : SCRAG

41. First person in France? : MOI

42. "Shrek" ogress : FIONA

46. Distance measures : FEET

47. 2003 self-titled folk album : ODETTA

48. Lawless TV role : XENA

50. Dr. with Grammys : DRE

51. Composer Rorem : NED

52. Windy City rail and bus org. : CTA. chicago transit authority.

54. "Community" network : NBC

62. Go motoring : TAKE A RIDE

65. Studio sign : ON AIR

66. Operating system developed at Bell Labs : UNIX

67. Sandusky's lake : ERIE. sandusky, ohio.

68. Short and probably not sweet : TERSE

69. Like the Nissan Cube : BOXY

70. Swabbing site : DECK. not ear.

71. Pounded the keyboard : TYPED


1. Door part : JAMB

2. Banned orchard spray : ALAR. banned in 1989.

3. "Miss Independent" R&B singer : NE-YO. Wiki: The stagename "Ne-Yo" was coined by Big D Evans, a producer with whom Ne-Yo once worked, because Evans claimed that Ne-Yo sees music as Neo sees the matrix.

 4. Can't contemplate : DREAD

5. "Michael, Row the Boat Ashore" river : JORDAN

6. Schism group : SECT

7. Peter or Paul, but not Mary : CZAR. fun clue.

8. Ship's lowest 70-Across : ORLOP. new to me, lowest deck of a ship.

9. Consults : TALKS TO

10. Son of Cronus and Rhea : ZEUS

11. "Angry Birds," e.g. : APP

12. New beginning? : NEO

13. Japanese dough : YEN. were you fooled?

19. Hit the road : SET OFF

21. Intentionally fail to invite : SNUB. i see how it is.

24. Recorded, nowadays : TIVOED

25. Sorry sort : ATONER

26. Obama left it in November, 2008 : SENATE

27. Capital WSW of Madrid : LISBON

28. Game sanctuary? : ARCADE. nice.

29. Kept together, as sheep : HERDED

31. Doll's cry : MAMA

32. Place with a cheer named for it : BRONX. Bronx cheer.

34. Inexperienced one : NAIF

36. Zip : DART

38. Yahtzee need : DICE

40. "Tricked you!" : GOTCHA

44. Turned from green to red, perhaps : MATURED

45. Kin of -trix : ENNE

49. Costello's partner : ABBOTT

53. Blazing : AFIRE

55. Brooklyn's __ Island : CONEY

56. Quite the fox : SEXY

57. Abbr. in a bank ad : FDIC

58. Onionlike veggie : LEEK. hard to clean.

59. "To serve, not to be served" group : AARP. their motto, taken from the new testament book of matthew.

60. Ascent : RISE

61. Stowe antislavery novel : DRED

62. Place to unwind : TUB. ahh.

63. Year in Madrid : ANO

64. Puffed cereal with a Berry Berry variety : KIX. might as well just eat the box.
