, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 21, 2009

Tuesday July 21, 2009 Bruce Venzke

Theme: Water Transportation Vehicles

17A: Salem trials crime: WITCHCRAFT

57A: Press suppression: CENSORSHIP

11D: Aorta, for one: BLOOD VESSEL

25D: Shake things up: ROCK THE BOAT

What are the exact differences among CRAFT, VESSEL and SHIP? I only know BOAT is a small SHIP.

Also, why "Clumsy vessels" for ARKS (36A)? Why "Clumsy"? I don't like the clue anyway, as VESSEL is part of the theme answer for 11D.

I pwned this puzzle. Felt good.


1A: Hippie adornments: BEADS. Easy guess. I don't really know what kind of stuff those Hippies wore in the 60's.

6A: Weaponless self-defense: JUDO. Literally, "gentle way". DO is the same as Chinese TAO (way).

10A: Semi driver, at times: CB'ER

14A: Ancient people of south-central Mexico: OLMEC. Are they part of AZTEC?

15A: François's "with": AVEC. Opposite SANS.

16A: Neutrogena rival: OLAY. I love the smell of OLAY cream (the original). Been using it since my college days.

19A: All in a huff: SORE

21A: Convertibles, slangily: RAGTOPS

26A: Worked in a soup kitchen: LADLED

28A: "Our Gang" dog: PETEY. "Pete, the Dog With the Ring Around His Eye". Unknown to me.

30A: North Pole crew: ELVES

38A: Jeweler's glass: LOUPE. Some of the marked Taxco Mexico sterling pieces can fetch thousands of dollars on Ebay.

40A: Dept. of Labor agency: OSHA

41A: Pity-evoking quality: PATHOS. Sitting atop ETHIC (46A: Moral principle).

45A: Met, as a poker hand: SAW. I forgot. We had SEE and RAISE discussions before.

48A: Doe in "Bambi": ENA. Bambi's aunt.

49A: Surround, as with a circle of light: ENHALO. Did not know ENHALO is a word.

51A: "Believe It or Not" guy: RIPLEY. "Believe It or Not", I learned this name from our great farmer/philosopher Windhover.

53A: 1996 loser to Bill Clinton: BOB DOLE. "Easy, boy."

55A: "M*A*S*H" Emmy winner for acting, writing and directing: ALDA

56A: Childlike race in "The Time Machine": ELOI. Two races in "The Time Machine": The ELOI and the Morlocks, the latter eat the former. Yum!

62A: Smelter's waste: SLAG

63A: Dian Fossey subjects: APES

65A: Makes doilies: TATS. Oh, reminds me of that long word antimacassar.

65A: Da's opposite: NYET. Russian for no. Ja & NIEN in German.

67A: Bit of casino action: WAGER


4D: Fake drake, e.g.: DECOY. Good rhyme.

5D: Hauls with effort: SCHLEPS. Awesome word. Only one vowel.

7D: Charlottesville inst.: UVA (University of Virginia). Founded by Thomas Jefferson.

8D: Offset, as expenses: DEFRAY

9D: Square dance group: OCTAD. Octet too.

10D: Rocker Elvis: COSTELLO. No idea. His name came from Elvis Presley.

12D: 1870s Dodge City VIP: EARP (Wyatt). The O.K. Corral guy. Funny to call him VIP, a word that did not appear until 1940's.

18D: Trix and Kix: CEREALS. Another rhyming clue.

23D: Predicament: SCRAPE. New definition of SCRAPE to me.

26D: Set the stage for: LED UP TO

29D: Pedro's uncle: TIO. Pedro's "uncle" could be NO MAS too.

31D: Natural gas component: ETHANE

32D: Shipping route: SEAWAY. Nice entry, considering the theme today.

35D: "The Munsters" actress Yvonne: DE CARLO. Lily Munster.

37D: Galas: SHINDIGS

42D: Cinco y tres: OCHO. Spanish for eight. OTTO in Italian.

44D: Vagrants' hangout: SKID ROW

50D: Highway through the Yukon: ALCAN. AL(aska)-CA(nadian) Highway. Built during WWII.

52D: Old Turkish VIP: PASHA. The other Turkish VIP's are AGA and BEY. "Russian villa" is DASHA.

55D: Type of coach: Abbr. ASST

59D: Crone: HAG. Lois confused crone with crony last time.

61D: Word before se: PER. Hard to come up with a clever clue for PER.

Answer grid.
