, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 14, 2018

Sunday October 14, 2018 Paul Coulter

Theme:  "For Starters" - Each theme entry is mash-up of three types of item indicated by the circled letters.
22. Three types of (see circled letters: MAP): MERCATOR AREA POLITICAL.

32. Three types of (see circled letters: JET): JUMBO EXECUTIVE TURBO.

50. Three types of (see circled letters: MAN): MINUTE ANCHOR NEWSPAPER.

76. Three types of (see circled letters: CAT): CALICO ABYSSINIAN TABBY.

90. Three types of (see circled letters: CAR): CITROEN ACURA RENAULT.

108. Three types of (see circled letters: ART): AVANT-GARDE ROCOCO TRAMP.

In the old Tribune Media Daily days, sometimes we had "Three types of trees/fruits" themes. Just a simple mashup with convenient letter counts

Paul's take is different. The what in "Three type of ..." is circled and those three letters start each of the theme entry component.

I particularly like the CAT and CAR ones, as the answers are indeed "type of...". MAN are just words that can preceded MAN. Same with MAP and JET.


1. Eponymous Chanel perfume: COCO.

5. Eagerly enjoy, as praise: LAP UP. And 24. Eagerly enjoy: EAT UP.

10. Latitude: PLAY.

14. Not barefoot: SHOD.

18. Banned fruit spray: ALAR. University of Minnesota just developed a  new apple called "First Kiss". Supposed to be better than Honeycrisp.

19. Gladiator's realm: ARENA.

20. Pull-up beneficiaries: LATS.

21. Mold: SHAPE.

26. Naturally lit room: SOLARIUM.

27. "500" initials: S AND P. Standard & Poor's 500.

28. Stick in one's craw: RANKLE.

29. Q and A part: Abbr.: ANS. Answers.

30. Allocate, with "out": METE.

31. Word often paired with "great": LATE.

40. Mimics: APES.

41. Gadget's rank: Abbr.: INSP. Inspector Gadget.

42. Ann and May: CAPES.

43. Much of "Deck the Halls": LAS.

45. Eclipse, maybe: OMEN.

46. Wharton postgrad awards: MBAS.

48. "Bravo!": OLE.

49. Speech problem: LISP.

57. Resting place: BED.

58. Reception vessel: URN.

59. Most healthy: HALEST.

60. More than proper: PRISSY.

61. Electrolysis particle: ANION.

63. [not my error]: SIC.

64. Solemn: STAID.

66. "__ in the Boy's Room": 1973-'74 hit: SMOKIN.

69. Prepares to transplant: UNPOTS.

72. Control: OWN.

73. Small batteries: AAS.

80. "Chestnuts roasting __ open fire": ON AN. How I miss freshly roasted chestnuts. Popular street food in Xi'an in winter months.

81. Supermodel Carangi: GIA. Played by Angelina Jolie.

82. "Hamlet" quintet: ACTS.

83. Clambake trash: COBS.

84. Graphics file extension: TIF.

85. "Let's Make __": A DEAL.

87. Hit the bottle: TOPE.

89. History Muse: CLIO.

95. Les États-__: UNIS.

96. Gray matter?: Abbr.: ANAT. Gray's Anatomy.

97. __ es Salaam: DAR.

98. "The Birds" actress: HEDREN. Tippi. Mom of Melanie Griffith, mom of Dakota Johnson.

101. Special Forces cap: BERET.

103. Causes of fear: BUGABOOS.

111. Confine: LIMIT.

112. Works in the garden: DIGS.

113. He's got the life: RILEY. The life of Riley.

114. "Tosca" tune: ARIA.

115. Swing noisily, as a shutter: FLAP.

116. Omegas' counterparts: ZEES. Not the watch Omega.

117. Chip dip: SALSA.

118. Ballpark figs.: ESTS.


1. Pic takers: CAMS.

2. Parkay product: OLEO. We also have 53. Eclectic mixes: OLIOS.

3. Director Reiner: CARL.

4. Marine predator: ORCA.

5. About one-third of MLB players: LATINO.

6. Fire up: AROUSE.

7. Waves overhead?: PERM. Literally.

8. Acapulco article: UNA.

9. Astronomical measures: PARSECS. New to me. Google shows that it's about 3.26 light years.

10. Mars, for one: PLANET.

11. Sgt. Friday's force: LAPD.

12. Resting on: ATOP.

13. Designing initials: YSL.

14. Black eye: SHINER.

15. Online break-in: HACK.

16. Australian export: OPAL.

17. Remove from a manuscript: DELE.

21. Prestige: STATUS.

23. Many Qatar natives: ARABS. My friend Chris used to live Bahrain.

25. About to explode: IRATE.

30. Stand-up sort: MENSCH. Consonants-rich.

31. Star of the animated short "Two Scent's Worth": LE PEW.

32. Farr of "M*A*S*H": JAMIE.

33. Flip over: UPEND.

34. Computer list: MENU.

35. Chinese city known for its Terracotta Army: XI'AN. Gimme for you, right? I've been linking the soldiers from time to time. Hahtoolah said hello to them a while ago.

36. PC screen images: ICONS.

37. High-end hotel employees: VALETS.

38. Radar screen images: BLIPS.

39. Havens: OASES.

44. Agile: SPRY.

45. Fed. fiscal agency: OMB. Office of Management and Budget.

46. Fine wool: MERINO.

47. Bath in Baja: BANO.

49. Made, as a bet: LAID.

51. Roman garment: TUNIC.

52. Door fasteners: HASPS.

54. Prefix with linear: RECTI.

55. Salmon egg deposits: SPAWNS. Full of Omega-3.

56. In __: published: PRINT.

61. Analogous: AKIN.

62. Nile valley native: NUBIAN.

65. Perfectly: TO A T. Parsing!

66. Many a bagpiper: SCOT.

67. Bouncing off the walls: MANIC.

68. Norwegian king, 995-1000: OLAF I.

70. Spiral-horned African antelope: NYALA. Learning moment for me.

71. Attack verbally: SNAP AT.

73. Bubbling hot: ABOIL.

74. Monastery head: ABBOT.

75. Part of CBS: Abbr.: SYS.

77. Author James and baseball's Tommie: AGEES.

78. Cake-decorating artist: ICER.

79. Censorship-fighting org.: ACLU.

85. Gulf War journalist Peter: ARNETT.

86. "Nothing __!": DOING.

87. Radio knob: TUNER.

88. Figures of speech?: ORATORS. Great clue.

89. Diamond weight: CARAT.

91. Root vegetable: TURNIP.  Have you tried pickled turnip? You need beets for color.

92. Gentle touch: CARESS.

93. Brings out: EDUCES.

94. Major Japanese port: NAGOYA. Very crowded during cherry blossom period.

98. Not quite a majority: HALF.

99. Bad to the bone: EVIL.

100. Spanish lady: DAMA. I thought it's DONA.

101. Cheese on crackers: BRIE.

102. Barely beat: EDGE.

103. Cotton capsule: BOLL.

104. Highlands hillside: BRAE.

105. Pair in a dinghy: OARS.

106. Bypass: OMIT.

107. Resorts with body wraps: SPAS.

109. Carpentry tool: ADZ

110. Langley org.: CIA.

The CT scan Boomer had on Tuesday showed a few bad spots on his back. We're going to have more MRI scan and bone scan next week.
