, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 8, 2019

Sunday September 8, 2019 Pancho Harrison

Theme: "Oh, It's You Again" - O is replace by U in each theme entry.

23. Kiss during a nature walk?: TRAIL BUSS. Trail boss.

35. Window installer's course of instruction?: PUTTY TRAINING. Potty training.

38. Jam component?: STUCK CAR. Stock car.

54. Charles Goodyear, notably?: RUBBER BARON. Robber baron.
70. Eccentric who has status in the community?: NUT WITHSTANDING. Notwithstanding.

88. Big galoot serving as first mate?: CAPTAIN'S LUG. Captain's log.
104. Dent in the hockey arena's protective shield?: PUCK MARK. Pockmark.

106. Cesar Millan specialty?: PUP PSYCHOLOGY. Pop psychology.
124. Measure of complacency?: SMUG INDEX. Smog index.

Total 9 entries, 7 with first word conversions. 2 with last word changes. So no-odd man out.

I must have caught something at the VA clinic or the big VA hospital on Thursday/Friday. Been sleeping a lot, still feeling lousy. Short write-up today.


1. "Righteous!" in the '90s: PHAT.

5. Capital of Turkey: LIRA. Sunday clue. Currency.

9. Speed deterrents: BUMPS.

14. Like cried-over milk: SPILT.

19. Apiece: EACH.

20. Fever with chills: AGUE. Poor Boomer is having the awful side effects of the Zometa infusion again. Chills being one of them.

21. Caver's cry?: UNCLE. One who caves.

22. Vaughan of jazz: SARAH. One of the favorite vocalists of Wendy's husband.

25. Showy parrot: MACAW.

26. Muse for Shelley: ERATO.

27. Protein-building acid: AMINO.

28. Matter basics: ATOMS.

30. First-year law student: ONE L. I read this book years ago. Exhausting read.

32. Has __: knows someone: AN IN.

33. Optimist's words: I CAN.

42. Creator of Horton the Elephant: SEUSS.

43. __ Paulo: SAO.

44. Life's work: CAREER.

45. Largish chamber group: OCTET.

47. Part-time player: SEMI-PRO.

51. __ standstill: AT A.

52. Rich kid in "Nancy" comics: ROLLO. The other "Nancy" character we see occasionally is SLUGGO.

57. Breather: LUNG.

59. Hurled weapons: BOLAS.

61. Breaks down: ROTS.

62. LiMu ___: bird in Liberty Mutual TV ads: EMU.

63. Tiny dividers: AMOEBAE.

65. Strikes lightly: TAPS ON. Like your apps.

68. Soothes: EASES.

74. Quaker in the woods: ASPEN.

77. Like most pretzels: SALTED.

78. Porcupines and prairie dogs: RODENTS.

82. Arthur of "The Golden Girls": BEA.

83. Thriller writer Hoag: TAMI.

85. Four-door, usually: SEDAN.

87. Court filing: SUIT.

93. Site of Hercules' first labor: NEMEA. He slew the lion there.

95. Self-esteem: EGO.

96. Promising young actress: STARLET.

97. Café container: TASSE.

99. Narrow shard: SLIVER.

101. Its Jun. 2019 additions include "bae" and "yeesh": OED. We see BAE from time to time. Baby.

102. Cook-off dish: CHILI.

111. Linguist Chomsky: NOAM.

112. Deposed Iranian despot: SHAH. We also have 16. Tabriz native: IRANI.

113. Quod __ demonstrandum: ERAT.

114. Daggers of old: SNEES.

116. Shore thing for a sailor?: LEAVE.

120. Hanna-Barbera's __ Doggie and Doggie Daddy: AUGIE.

122. Cybercurrency: E CASH.

126. Cornered, in a way: TREED.

127. British county: SHIRE.

128. Domus Aurea builder of 64-68 AD: NERO.

129. Not mad: SANE.

130. Flippant: SASSY.

131. Calcutta wraps: SARIS.

132. Good name for a tuxedo cat: OREO.

133. Defib specialists: EMTS. Hence the clue for 115. Retired, as a prof.: EMER.


1. Animal rights gp.: PETA.

2. Damage: HARM.

3. Three-syllable berry: ACAI. Listen to this clip: ah-sah-ee.

4. Skating no-no: THIN ICE.

5. Black __: LAB.

6. Spiny lizard: IGUANA.

7. Auto body concern: RUST.

8. Greek fabulist: AESOP.

9. Misleading lead: BUM STEER. Sparkling fill.

10. Article in Spain's El Mundo: UNA.

11. Feud group: MCCOYS.

12. Infiltrators: PLANTS.

13. Betsy Ross, notably: SEWER.

14. Lincoln-to-Topeka dir.: SSE.

15. What "strikes deep," in Stephen Stills' "For What It's Worth": PARANOIA. Another great fill.

17. Language for the Masses?: LATIN.

18. Barely-there beachwear: THONG.

24. Gym storage: LOCKER.

29. Is required to: MUST.

31. Some beams: LASERS.

34. Circus swinger: ACROBAT.

36. "Swan Lake" skirt: TUTU.

37. Two-syllable foot: IAMB.

38. Milan's La __: SCALA.

39. Stride pianist Art: TATUM. Unfamiliar with "Stride" style.

40. Seventh planeta: URANO. Spanish or Italian?

41. Wad in a pocket: ROLL.

46. Formal jacket feature: COATTAIL.

47. Ready to proceed: SET.

48. JFK but not SFO: PRES.

49. "La Dolce Vita" setting: ROME.

50. Responsibility: ONUS.

53. MGM co-founder: LOEW.

55. Expands: BROADENS.

56. City on the Rhine: BONN.

58. Code carrier: GENE.

60. Satirist Mort: SAHL.

64. Carl's Jr. bread: BUN.

66. L.A. setting: PST.

67. Notre Dame figs.: STES.

68. Terminate: END.

69. A month of Sundays: AGES.

71. Schools of thought: ISMS.

72. Apothecary's weight: DRAM.

73. "Rhinoceros" playwright: IONESCO. Unknown to me.

74. Basics: ABCS.

75. Politician's pursuit: SEAT.

76. Bearded Smurf: PAPA.

79. New, in Nicaragua: NUEVA.

80. Clemson athlete: TIGER.

81. Baby carrier?: STORK.

83. Colorful tee: TIE-DYE.

84. Tiny farm worker: ANT.

86. Thought-provoking: DEEP.

89. Prizes on the mantel: TROPHIES.

90. Brewpub orders: ALES.

91. Gas or elec.: UTIL.

92. Rainy day wear: GALOSHES.

94. Acid neutralizer: ALKALI.

98. Symptom: SIGN.

100. Colossal: IMMENSE.

102. Cuban dance: CHA CHA.

103. Gasbag's bagful?: HOT AIR.

105. On the fence: UNSURE.

106. H.S. exams: PSATS.

107. "Star Trek" officer who famously kissed Kirk in 1968: UHURA.

108. Novelist's output: PAGES.

109. Pungent salad green: CRESS.

110. __ question: YES NO.

117. Rock's Queen + __ Lambert: ADAM. "America Idol" runner-up years ago.

118. Let off steam: VENT.

119. Former flames: EXES.

121. Big name in ice cream: EDY.

123. Indian title: SRI.

125. Half a musical doll?: GOO. The Goo Goo Dolls.
