, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 3, 2019

Sunday November 3, 2019 David Alfred Bywaters

Theme:  "Don't Miss the Finale" (Final e)  - E is added to the end of each familiar phrase.
23. Coiffure created using a mirror?: SELF-MADE MANE. Self-made man.

25. Catholic leader appealing to a younger demographic?: TEEN POPE. Teen pop.  Wiki says "Pope John XI (931–935) was 20 at the beginning of his papacy. Youngest pope.
41. Aggressive tie feature?: POWER STRIPE. Power strip.

46. Becoming a full-grown dog?: PUPPY FATE. Puppy fat.

66. Topper for a tiny barn?: MINI VANE. Mini van.

70. Result of a hotel sprinkler malfunction?: WET SUITE. Wet suit.

89. Abundant greens?: BUNNY HOPE. Bunny hop.

92. Sleazy bar offering?: INSTANT WINE. Instant win.

112. Sad Rogaine result?: DOWN PATE. Down pat. Fun image.

114. Superhero beachwear?: SWIMMING CAPE. Swimming cap. Should have avoided 16. Gown complement: CAP.
All the added E's are silent. No syllable is added to any of the entries. Did I miss any other layer?

Heavy themage. Total 10. Yet David still manages a 140-worder.


1. Apes: MIMICS.

7. Wise advisers: SAGES.

12. "That's how it __!": GOES.

19. Parks with games: ARENAS.

20. Plane figure: PILOT. I'm glad the Southwest pilot camera was just a joke. Scary.

21. Emotion linked to schadenfreude: ENVY.

22. "'I __ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din": OPE. Hope. And 90. Luck, to the Bard: HAP.

27. Pry: SNOOP.

28. Nailed: ACED.

29. School support gps.: PTAS.

31. '50s TV innovation: COLOR. My dad got us one in the late 1980s.

32. Longing: YEN.

33. Slender bit of stemware: FLUTE. This is Chinese flute Dizi.

35. Woos: COURTS.

37. Branch of Islam: SHIA.

38. One often seen in a parlor: PIANO. Our editor Rich Norris is a piano player.

39. Establish firmly: ENROOT.

40. Coll. major: ENG.

49. Soft leathers: SUEDES.

50. Convert to ready money: CASH IN.

52. Pharma offerings: MEDS.

53. Downed: ATE. And 63. Much party food: SNACKS. Guangzhou's 7-Eleven stores have wonderful snacks. I really miss those sticky rice dumplings.

54. Game with plenty of kicks: SOCCER.

57. Extremity: END.

58. Window coolers: ACS.

59. Some pvt. equity ventures: LBOS.

61. Ejection: OUSTER.

69. Not Rep. or Dem.: IND. And 45D. Strongly favoring one side: PARTISAN.

72. Termination: DEMISE.

73. Two trios: SESTET. Six.

75. Alike, in Arles: EGAL.

76. Tats: INK.

77. Letters on a tap: IPA. Beer tap.

79. Basilica display: MOSAIC.

82. Challenge to "You're wrong!": AM I

83. Horse hue: ROAN.

85. "Manic" time in a 1986 hit: MONDAY. Manic Monday.

87. Duped: FOOLED.

95. WWII carrier: LST.

96. Krishna, for Vishnu: AVATAR.

98. Events with vandalism: RIOTS.

99. Surprised greeting: OH HI.

101. Small size: PETITE. Do any of you shop at Express?

102. "Inferno" part: CANTO.

103. Wall et al.: Abbr.: STS.

106. Signs: OMENS.

108. Bento box staple: RICE. Japanese moms spend lots of time on their kids' bento box.

109. Sulk: POUT.

110. Inborn: NATAL.

117. Period: ERA.

118. Part of Xerxes I's realm, nowadays: IRAN. The king in "300". He has lots of piercings in the movie.

119. Where sailors go: TO SEA.

120. Called from a sty: OINKED.

121. "L.A. Law" actress: DEY (Susan)

122. Audition cry: NEXT.

123. Reactions to mosquitoes: SWATS. Mosquitoes here in MN are vicious.

124. Derisive looks: SNEERS.


1. Sizable: MASSY. Not a word I use.

2. Goddess of peace: IRENE.

3. Fruit served in balls: MELON.

4. Dope: INFO. Thanks for the info on your smart vacuums. I'll stick to dumb one.

5. Settings for many ghost stories: CAMPFIRES.

6. U.S. number-issuing agcy.: SSA.

7. Ronnie of the Ronettes: SPECTOR. Unfamiliar to me. The singer with the second tallest hair?

8. Actress Anouk: AIMEE.

9. Pleased: GLAD.

10. Geological period: EON.

11. Squish: STEP ON.

12. Elude: GET AROUND.

13. Convenient, as shopping: ONE-STOP. Tiny ONE dupe: 43. Tyke: WEE ONE.

14. Night before: EVE.

15. Coordinate audio and video: SYNC. My iPod Classic sometimes triggers the "Power surge on the USB port" error. Do any of you use a powered USB hub? Dell says I need one for 11-year-old iPod.

16. Asset in a crisis: COOL HEAD.

17. Names (to): APPOINTS.

18. House of Lords group: PEERAGE.

24. Frighten: DAUNT.

26. Places to buy stamps: Abbr.: POS. Post Offices.

30. Romanticized 18th-century highwayman Dick: TURPIN. Wiki says he's an "English highwayman whose exploits were romanticized following his execution in York for horse theft."

34. Dogie catcher: LASSO.

35. Middling grades: CEES.

36. Frequent auto race sponsor: STP.

38. One on foot, in signs: PED.

41. One of a Biblical 150: PSALM.

42. Offer more than: OUTBID.

44. Clinches: ICES.

47. Workout ctrs.: YMCAS.

48. Grass used on some golf greens: FESCUE. Never heard of the term.

51. Sheep tender: HERDSMAN.

55. Baskin-Robbins buy: CONE.

56. Word with stick or ball: CUE.

58. Army-forming insect: ANT.

60. Like a monkey: SIMIAN.

62. OKC-to-Tulsa dir.: ENE.

63. "Go __ Watchman": Harper Lee novel: SET A.

64. Rwanda's capital: KIGALI.

65. Pollen producer: STAMEN.

67. Title Brooklyn lawyer in an Alabama courtroom: VINNY. "My Cousin Vinny".

68. Want as a price: ASK.

70. Jazz guitarist Montgomery: WES.

71. Leave out, in speech: ELIDE.

74. Little dogs: TOYS.

77. In a hurry, maybe: IMPATIENT.

78. Appropriate for versification: POETIC.

80. Otherwise: IF NOT.

81. 18th/19th-century agricultural innovation: COTTON GIN. Eli Whitney invented it. Handpicking cotton is hard on hands.

83. Mount with carved heads: RUSHMORE.

84. Coming: ON THE WAY.

86. Ominous: DIRE.

88. Paper cut cries: OWS.

89. Full-__: purebred: BLOODED.

91. More than exhaust: OVERTAX.

93. Psychological wounds: TRAUMAS. Has any of you read Sebastian Junger's "Tribe"?

94. "__ a stinker?": Bugs Bunny: AIN'T I.

97. Manhattan Project projects: A TESTS.

100. Quaint stopover: INN.

102. Heavenly body with a tail: COMET.

103. Vampire's undoing: STAKE.

104. Slim candle: TAPER.

105. Flexible Flyers, e.g.: SLEDS.

107. PR firm's forte: SPIN.

109. Leaning Tower site: PISA. My favorite Pisa guy.

111. Common adolescent affliction: ACNE.

113. "You __ here": ARE.

115. "Golly!": WOW.

116. Refusals: NOS.
