, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 14, 2021

Monday June 14, 2021 Catherine Cetta

Theme: SNOW JOBS (60. Persuasive efforts using insincere flattery ... and a hint to the last words of the answers to starred clues) - The last words can follow "snow".

17. *Emulate Bonnie and Clyde: ROB A BANK. Snowbank.

22. *Highly aware and ready to act: ON THE BALL. Snowball.

37. *Grasps an underlying meaning: CATCHES THE DRIFT. Snowdrift.

52. *Kellogg's cereal morsel: CORN FLAKE. Snowflake.

Boomer here again.  

Ha Ha, I live in Minnesota. I am not able to print the words I use to follow snow.  However I cannot remember the white stuff right now. We have had about 9 days in a row over 90 degrees, and my newspaper tells me that most of the United States is being treated the same way.  I hope you all stay cool!


1. Rigatoni or ziti: PASTA.  Creamette rigatoni is my favorite.  Add a little hamburger, onion and spaghetti sauce and you have a meal.   

6. Poker stake: ANTE.  So many nickel ANTE games I remember in the Caddy Shack at Oak Ridge Country Club.

10. Sandwich known by its initials: BLT.  Delicious!

13. Odysseus' journey, for example: ORDEAL.

14. Sulk: POUT.  There's a strange fish in Minnesota called an EelPOUT.  Not too good to eat. 

15. "Now I __ me down ... ": LAY.  Down to sleep.  Wait, I am  not finished yet!

16. Least wild: TAMEST.  Last Monday on the 5th hole of the course I play we all saw a deer near the edge of bushes.  It seemed pretty tame but the green is only about 50 yards from the Interstate so we hope it stayed safe.

19. Birdbrains: TWITS.

20. Fab competitor: TIDE.  I heard that transit has slowed everything sold in the grocery store.  Time to stock up on soap and toilet paper again.

21. Fairy tale start: ONCE.

24. Does some programming: CODES.  I have started to use eBay a bit again.  I used to sell many baseball cards out there.  But it seems that maybe programmers have too much to drink and not enough sleep.

25. Airline to Israel: EL AL.

26. Dutch cheese town: EDAM.

28. Before now: AGO.  "A long, long time AGO, I can still remember how the music used to make me smile."  "American Pie" - Don McLean.

31. Poe's "Annabel __": LEE.

33. Threat-ending words: OR ELSE.

41. Take for granted: ASSUME.  They say it makes an ASS out of U and ME.

42. Part of GPS: Abbr.: SYS.

43. Carrot chomper's "What's up, __?": DOC.  I have a bowling buddy named "Don".  His job was at the U of M Medical Center Preparing patients for surgery.  So we call him a Gas Passer or sometimes just "DOC" 

44. Rice-A-__: RONI. The San Francisco Treat!

46. Goes kaput, as an engine: DIES.  I imagine a large number of air conditioners met their fate this past week.

49. University VIPs: PROFS.  Some are just "DOCs"

57. D.C. helper: AIDE.

58. Nevada gambling mecca: RENO.  It's also a bowling mecca with a huge bowling stadium.  I used to go each year there was an ABC tournament there.  A nice place to visit but I could not afford to live there.

59. Senseless endeavor: FOLLY.

62. Hairpiece: TOUPEE.  I still have my real hair.  Many of my friends close to my age do not.

63. Pre-1991 map letters: SSR.  This is a Russian thing.  For me, I am now a Super Senior at bowling tournaments.

64. Slender woodwind: OBOE.

65. Prom corsage: ORCHID.  I don't see them much anymore.  In our garden we are growing perennial  Asian Lilies but a rabbit ate all the leaves.  Looks like we will still have flowers soon.

66. Wide shoe sizes: EES.

67. "OMG" or "TTYL": TEXT.  Not sure how the world survived before cell phones.

68. Hawke of "Boyhood": ETHAN.


1. Shrimp relative: PRAWN.

2. Fess up: ADMIT.  It seems the Majors are admitting more and more fans to the ball games.

3. Simmer with anger: SEETHE.

4. Fez feature: TASSEL.  I never was a Shriner but they do good deeds.

5. PC key used in combinations: ALT.

6. Month that may start with a gag: APRIL.  One sister and one son and his wife all have birthdays in April.  Sometime after the 1st.

7. Noggin: NOODLE.

8. You__: online video site: TUBE.  Years ago we used to bring inner tubes to the lake and pretend we were swimming.

9. Zeta-theta link: ETA.

10. Tasteless: BLAND.  Popcorn without salt.

11. Jousting weapon: LANCE.

12. Little ones: TYKES.

13. "The Simpsons" bus driver: OTTO.

18. Many a Gen Xer parent: BOOMER.  I expect half of you will go to comments and complain how hard it was to answer this clue.  I am not a Gen Xer, I am a Baby BOOMER.  We all know that.

20. Yarns: TALES.

23. Whale's food-filtering system: BALEEN.  I wonder how much those things eat each day.  I remember one munched on a boat in "JAWS".

24. Check the ID of: CARD.  My license expires in 2023.  I wonder if I will still look like my picture.

27. Wears out: DOES IN.

28. Here, in Havana: ACA.

29. Oxygen, e.g.: GAS.  I get my oxygen from the air.  I get gas from a pump for about $2.75 per gallon.

30. NFL tiebreakers: OTS.  Overtimes.  OTs can also be Offensive Tackles.

32. Mars residents, in sci-fi: ETS.

34. It may be flipped: LID.  PANCAKE did not fit.

35. Bay Area hub inits.: SFO.  I have two sisters living there.  They like it, I have visited.  I remember once we had a meal out side overlooking the Pacific and Alcatraz. 

36. And so on, briefly: ETC.

38. Teen's witching hour: CURFEW.

39. Med. care plans: HMOS.  I get my plan at the VA.  It is far better than an HMO.

40. Electric starter?: HYDRO.

45. Fridge of yore: ICEBOX.  Some still refer to their fridge as their ICEBOX.

47. Serious attempt: EFFORT.  Okay, as you read this I am out on the course making a serious EFFORT at Par.  I have given up on birdies.

48. Posture issue: SLOUCH.  I have one of those Copper Fit Waistbands but I still SLOUCH when I putt. 

49. So last year: PASSE.  Hmm!  Last year almost everything was closed.

50. Washer cycle: RINSE.

51. Air freshener targets: ODORS.  I don't want to talk about him.

53. Initial stage: ONSET.  I really don't want to talk about this.

54. Top dog: ALPHA.

55. Fashion's Anne or Calvin: KLEIN.  Calvin Klein is most famous, but there is a company named Klein Tools that makes pretty good stuff.

56. Looked over: EYED.

58. Spa cover-up: ROBE.

61. Write quickly: JOT.  Whenever I JOT, I have trouble reading it later.

62. Digital water tester?: TOE.  I think a finger might be easier but it did not fit in the grid.


Happy Flag Day, thank you, Spitzboov & Agnes!

Boomer, 6/14/2021