Theme: None - well, slightly NY-ish
Words: 68
Blocks: 38
Another Saturday Silkie, with some brilliant cluing ~!! - I think Barry might be on to my regular blogging spot here on Saturdays, as he offers me two wonderful NY clues, in hockey no less;
19. New York team : SABRES - not fooled into thinking the team was from the 'city', these guys are from Buffalo, and do well every year - they were only recently "added" to the sports report down here. They play ice hockey in the....
7. 19-Across org. : NHL - National Hockey League, which has been doing some advertising lately, playing season opening games in Europe, and, since 2008, the annual "Winter Classic" on Jan 1st - this year my NY Rangers are playing at the Phillies ballpark, "rinked" over for an OUTDOOR game versus the Flyers, and if it's cold, dark and snowing, you get a "REAL" hockey game, like I used to play before dinner when I was a kid....ah the memories, right, eddyB?
What's your favorite team, Barry Silk ????
39. Flushing Meadows stadium : ASHE - which anagrams to my original guess, SHEA, where the Mets baseball team once played, and
42. Rocker Ramone : DEE-DEE - more New York, the band formed in Queens
definitely a cool-looking, labyrinth-like grid, with (oh well) 6 cheater squares this week - can you spot them? Four 11-letter words, Two 10's, Eight 8's, and Three 7's, and one grid-spanning 15;
32. Scapula mover : TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE - which I half-WAGed by putting in _ MUSCLE, because I knew the scapula was that bone there -

- well, actually I thought it was the clavicle, but I was on the anatomical wavelength....
1. Useful app for a smartphone : WIFI FINDER - over here on Lawn Guyland, the monopolistic cable company offers it free all over the place, so it's automatic for my phone
11. Meas. : AMT
14. Telephone booth, for Bill and Ted : TIME MACHINE - A clip for you~!
15. "What are you waiting for?!" : NOW
16. Programmer's bane : ENDLESS LOOP endlessloopendlessloopendlessloopendlessloop
17. 1996 Olympic torch lighter : ALI - some cool info on the Atlanta games
18. Organic chemistry topic : ENOL - Wiki says there's a "C=C" bond with adjacent alcohol; I never knew, C.C. ~!!!
21. "99 Luftballons" band : NENA - classic 80's piece of synth music; how would 20D react??
22. Completely flummoxed : LOST - not ASEA, but the next answer....
26. Marina Del Rey sight : YACHT - might be....
27. It may be renewable : RESOURCE
29. Informal voucher : CHIT
30. Attach, in a way : PIN ON
31. Scoville unit veggie : CHILI - I saw the Modern Marvels on "Hot & Spicy", and they mentioned the Scoville unit
37. Was charming? : HEXED - the 'spell' kind of charmed
38. Makes an effort : TRIES
40. Medevac conveniences : HELIPADS - I was thinking about those "crash card" paddles (and HeartRx, too) from all the medical shows, but uh, yeah, a place to land the helicopter IS pretty convenient, too....
44. Origami mishaps : TEARS - origami, the paper-folding art - I can make a cube with a sheet of paper
46. Baltic waterway : ODER - Map on the right side
47. Cut the crop : REAP - oh, so close to rude....
49. Automatic-door feature : SENSOR
51. Actress Campbell : NEVE - Campbell; I know her from "Scream"
52. Engage in a summer activity? : ADD - ah, summer as in "one who sums"
53. "Jeannie Out of the Bottle" memoirist : BARBARA EDEN - a great crossword name, with its consonant/vowel cadence
59. Do stuff? : GEL - for your up "DO", and these guys (always gotta add these guys)
60. Bond's Aston Martin had one : EJECTOR SEAT - one of the most successful Mythbusters projects, IMHO
61. Words of praise : ODE
62. Black Gold and Northern Dancer, e.g. : RACE HORSES
1. One with the gold : WINNER
2. "Ta-da!" : I'M DONE~!!!
3. Guys : FELLAS
4. "__ Mine": George Harrison book : I, ME, Mine - pick it up here
5. Musical fourths : FAs - DO, RE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, TI, DO
6. Suffix for sciences : ICS - Orthorunics, the science of Saturday blogs
8. "O __ Mio": Annette Funicello hit : DIO - you may link your songs now
9. Genesis name : ENOS - tho I was thinking about the band Genesis, with Phil, Mike, Tony and Pete, not featured in this song - Phil is doing the vocals
10. Honor a favor : REPAY
11. Lawless : ANARCHIC
12. Sign of a lawn infestation : MOLEHILL
13. Drawstring alternative : TWIST-TIE - on garbage bags
14. High school subject? : TEEN
20. Musical dynasty : BACHS
22. __ Inácio Lula da Silva: 2003-'10 Brazilian president : LUIZ
23. Bird: Prefix : ORNITHO
24. Left no stone unturned in : SCOURED - didn't we discuss ending on a preposition???
25. Like a bungee cord : TENSILE - GOD, I hope so ~!
28. Meghan Daum piece, e.g. : OP-ED
31. Astrological delineation : CUSP - my dad was born on April 20th, on the CUSP of Aries and Taurus
32. "We're on!" : THAT'S A GO
33. Tended some bald patches : RESEEDED
34. Fellers grasp it : AX HANDLE - love this clue, Fell-ERS, not 3D
35. Classmates : PEERS
36. Rabin's predecessor : MEIR - see yesterday's blog
41. "Gunsmoke" actor : ARNESS
43. File menu command : SAVE AS
45. Able to walk a straight line : SOBER - I have been able to walk that line for seven years come Jan 8th
48. Bottled (up) : PENT
50. Indian dignitary : RAJA
54. TiVo button : RECord - Early DVR device
55. Abbr. in old dates : BCE - becoming a popular 3-letter answer in CWs - "Common Era" - the Wiki on it
56. Greek airport, on itineraries : ATHens
57. Hundred Acre Wood denizen : ROO - alternative cluing to "Tigger's pal"
58. Sheet music abbr. : ARRangement
Answer grid.
Words: 68
Blocks: 38
Another Saturday Silkie, with some brilliant cluing ~!! - I think Barry might be on to my regular blogging spot here on Saturdays, as he offers me two wonderful NY clues, in hockey no less;
19. New York team : SABRES - not fooled into thinking the team was from the 'city', these guys are from Buffalo, and do well every year - they were only recently "added" to the sports report down here. They play ice hockey in the....
7. 19-Across org. : NHL - National Hockey League, which has been doing some advertising lately, playing season opening games in Europe, and, since 2008, the annual "Winter Classic" on Jan 1st - this year my NY Rangers are playing at the Phillies ballpark, "rinked" over for an OUTDOOR game versus the Flyers, and if it's cold, dark and snowing, you get a "REAL" hockey game, like I used to play before dinner when I was a kid....ah the memories, right, eddyB?
What's your favorite team, Barry Silk ????
39. Flushing Meadows stadium : ASHE - which anagrams to my original guess, SHEA, where the Mets baseball team once played, and
42. Rocker Ramone : DEE-DEE - more New York, the band formed in Queens
definitely a cool-looking, labyrinth-like grid, with (oh well) 6 cheater squares this week - can you spot them? Four 11-letter words, Two 10's, Eight 8's, and Three 7's, and one grid-spanning 15;
32. Scapula mover : TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE - which I half-WAGed by putting in _ MUSCLE, because I knew the scapula was that bone there -
- well, actually I thought it was the clavicle, but I was on the anatomical wavelength....
1. Useful app for a smartphone : WIFI FINDER - over here on Lawn Guyland, the monopolistic cable company offers it free all over the place, so it's automatic for my phone
11. Meas. : AMT
14. Telephone booth, for Bill and Ted : TIME MACHINE - A clip for you~!
15. "What are you waiting for?!" : NOW
16. Programmer's bane : ENDLESS LOOP endlessloopendlessloopendlessloopendlessloop
17. 1996 Olympic torch lighter : ALI - some cool info on the Atlanta games
18. Organic chemistry topic : ENOL - Wiki says there's a "C=C" bond with adjacent alcohol; I never knew, C.C. ~!!!
21. "99 Luftballons" band : NENA - classic 80's piece of synth music; how would 20D react??
22. Completely flummoxed : LOST - not ASEA, but the next answer....
26. Marina Del Rey sight : YACHT - might be....
27. It may be renewable : RESOURCE
29. Informal voucher : CHIT
30. Attach, in a way : PIN ON
31. Scoville unit veggie : CHILI - I saw the Modern Marvels on "Hot & Spicy", and they mentioned the Scoville unit
37. Was charming? : HEXED - the 'spell' kind of charmed
38. Makes an effort : TRIES
40. Medevac conveniences : HELIPADS - I was thinking about those "crash card" paddles (and HeartRx, too) from all the medical shows, but uh, yeah, a place to land the helicopter IS pretty convenient, too....
44. Origami mishaps : TEARS - origami, the paper-folding art - I can make a cube with a sheet of paper
46. Baltic waterway : ODER - Map on the right side
47. Cut the crop : REAP - oh, so close to rude....
49. Automatic-door feature : SENSOR
51. Actress Campbell : NEVE - Campbell; I know her from "Scream"
52. Engage in a summer activity? : ADD - ah, summer as in "one who sums"
53. "Jeannie Out of the Bottle" memoirist : BARBARA EDEN - a great crossword name, with its consonant/vowel cadence
59. Do stuff? : GEL - for your up "DO", and these guys (always gotta add these guys)
60. Bond's Aston Martin had one : EJECTOR SEAT - one of the most successful Mythbusters projects, IMHO
61. Words of praise : ODE
62. Black Gold and Northern Dancer, e.g. : RACE HORSES
1. One with the gold : WINNER
2. "Ta-da!" : I'M DONE~!!!
3. Guys : FELLAS
4. "__ Mine": George Harrison book : I, ME, Mine - pick it up here
5. Musical fourths : FAs - DO, RE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, TI, DO
6. Suffix for sciences : ICS - Orthorunics, the science of Saturday blogs
8. "O __ Mio": Annette Funicello hit : DIO - you may link your songs now
9. Genesis name : ENOS - tho I was thinking about the band Genesis, with Phil, Mike, Tony and Pete, not featured in this song - Phil is doing the vocals
10. Honor a favor : REPAY
11. Lawless : ANARCHIC
12. Sign of a lawn infestation : MOLEHILL
13. Drawstring alternative : TWIST-TIE - on garbage bags
14. High school subject? : TEEN
20. Musical dynasty : BACHS
22. __ Inácio Lula da Silva: 2003-'10 Brazilian president : LUIZ
23. Bird: Prefix : ORNITHO
24. Left no stone unturned in : SCOURED - didn't we discuss ending on a preposition???
25. Like a bungee cord : TENSILE - GOD, I hope so ~!
28. Meghan Daum piece, e.g. : OP-ED
31. Astrological delineation : CUSP - my dad was born on April 20th, on the CUSP of Aries and Taurus
32. "We're on!" : THAT'S A GO
33. Tended some bald patches : RESEEDED
34. Fellers grasp it : AX HANDLE - love this clue, Fell-ERS, not 3D
35. Classmates : PEERS
36. Rabin's predecessor : MEIR - see yesterday's blog
41. "Gunsmoke" actor : ARNESS
43. File menu command : SAVE AS
45. Able to walk a straight line : SOBER - I have been able to walk that line for seven years come Jan 8th
48. Bottled (up) : PENT
50. Indian dignitary : RAJA
54. TiVo button : RECord - Early DVR device
55. Abbr. in old dates : BCE - becoming a popular 3-letter answer in CWs - "Common Era" - the Wiki on it
56. Greek airport, on itineraries : ATHens
57. Hundred Acre Wood denizen : ROO - alternative cluing to "Tigger's pal"
58. Sheet music abbr. : ARRangement
Answer grid.
Good morning, all!
A Saturday Stumper for me. Wanted to get to bed in a finite amount of time, so I shamefully hit the reds early on. Nice write-up, Splynter! So early too!
Not really any special comments. Will leave that to others.
DWP L. A. now has no record that my solar panels were installed 6 months ago!!! (At least they called me back this evening.) Funny, since they have come out before. It's no wonder that my hair is thin.
Really enjoyed JOON's performance on Jeopardy! He wiped the floor with the others. (Notice that only woman in tournament so far was not very good, Thursday.)
Wow, did we ever have a gully-washer! It was about time! Was hard to get in some sleep, though.
Happy weekend all!
Morning, all!
Typical Silky Saturday. Most of it was fairly smooth going (for a Saturday), but the central section really stumped me for awhile.
Like Splynter, I guessed the MUSCLE part of 32A, but then, after getting the initial TR, I confidently put in TRAPEZOID. Oops. I also made a WAS as to the former president of Brazil, but went with a feminine name (INEZ) instead of LUIZ. Those two mistakes cost me a lot of time before I finally got things sorted out. It didn't help that I had no idea who Meghan Daum was.
Some wonderfully tricky clues today, as is to be expected. "Fellers grasp them" for AX HANDLES was superb, as was "High school subject" for TEEN. "Engage in a summer activity" for ADD, "Do stuff" for GEL and "Was charming" for HEXD were all divine as well.
Good morning Splynter, C.C. et al.
You were in rare form this morning (last night), Splynter! C=C bonding with alcohol was priceless!! For Medevac conveniences, I had - - - - PADS, and was trying to fit “steri-“ or some other kind of blood-staunching band-aid. When I finally got HELI, the V8 can got a huge dent. The local medevac company “Life Flight” flies directly over my house before landing across the street on the hospital’s HELIPAD .
I almost thought I would not finish this one, but from the tiniest bits of fill, I eventually picked at it until the longer entries came into focus. I had LUI- for Inácio Lula da Silva, and decided the last letter had to be a Z. But that ending ‘Z” helped me fill in TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE (thanks, Anatomy 101 classes!)
Loved the same clues Barry did. I also chuckled at the clue for REAP (“Cut the crop”). It’s always very satisfying to fill in a Saturday puzzle with a Friday time. TA-DA! I’M DONE!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
This was the most challenging puzzle I have ever finished unaided. Bar none. Starting at the top and working both across and down I didn't fill a single cell until the lower left hand corner. With that toehold, I slogged away for roughly an hour and finally won out. VERY tough, but doable! Excellent puzzle.
Speaking of the preposition conversation, today's Wizard of Id applies. :-)
Tin and Lemon from yesterday, I totally forgot about the Erik Estrada link - nah, not much of a fan. I still like the Naked Gun guys. That movie title just brings up such a DF picture in my mind...
LaLaLinda, we were very lucky with this storm. We only lost power for about 6 hours overnight on Saturday. We are on the same grid as the hospital across the street, so ours is always one of the first to be restored. My guess would be, that we are followed by McDonalds and Starbucks in order of priorities...
Hello Puzzlers -
Now that I'm back in a warm house, with WiFi and an iPad charger, I'm ready for a Saturday Silkie challenge!
Pretty much what Marti said, except for the bit about helicopters flying over the house (we have F-15's). TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE was a gimme since that part is chronically troubled on me. Had to Goog Meghan Daum to get some idea about that fill, and hesitated with CHILI because I think it's technically a fruit rather than a veggie ( not sure).
Still a brave man to do Saturdays, Splynter! Good work!
I hate computers
Good day folks,
Like AVG JOE, this was a bottoms up solve for me too. Barbara Eden & Ejector Seat gave me the foothold needed. Lots of perp help also as well as some good old fashioned guess work to get her done. The NE corner was by far the toughest for me because any Smartphone App or Programmers Bane aren't in my wheelhouse and I had no idea who Bill and Ted are.
I'm also confused about a Musical Dynasty being plural. As far as I know, there was only one Bach. Teen for High School subject also a head scratcher.
This was a toughie for me, but so many clever clues made it a fun exercise.
Ct still a disaster from last weekends storms and the affected areas are seeing little progress.
Starting leaf disposal in a bit. Have an extra blower if there are any volunteers in the vicinity!
See you Monday.
Based on WINNER and REPAY, I confidently put WEBBROWSER where WIFIFINDER should have been, and that led to EUREKA in place of IMDONE, and things only went from bad to worse in the NW. I didn't have much trouble in the other areas.
As a former programmer, I sussed out ENDLESSLOOP and then kept picking at the NW until it finally fell into place. Definitely wasn't smooth as SILK! Took me a full ten minutes longer than usual today. Great puzzle, though.
And yes, fermatprime, Joon was impressive yesterday. I have absolutely no idea how he dredged up that answer to final jeopardy.
Good morning Splynter and all.
I like most of Barry's puzzles, and I liked most of this one, but I would like to pik a nit on 25d, TENSILE. While a bungee certaninly must have tensile strength, it must also have mass, weight, and a host of other attributes. Baler twine has tensile strength, as does a door hinge. When I think of bungee, the first property which comes to mind is ……elasticity. But it's Saturday.
I liked the long acrosses; especially ENDLESS LOOP and RACE HORSES. Somehow thought RESEEDED was funny vis-Ã -vis the clue. Clues for TEEN and ADD were quite clever.
ODER - I don't normally think of a feeder or tributary as a 'waterway' within a body of water. But since there are no significant connecting channels or straits, etc, within the Baltic, that leaves feeders. The clue did not say Baltic Sea. So if we mean 'region', I guess it's an ok clue.
54. TiVo button : RECord - Early DVR device
ha!...had to laugh at that all depends on one's "age bracket"
TRAPEZIUS was a toughie
Good morning Splynter and Saturday solvers. This wasn't a "smooth as Silk" solve for me, but I did manage to gitterdone. Like Hondo and others I dropped down to the SE corner, got a toehold, and slowly climbed back up to the top.
My picks for fave clues were pretty much 'what Barry said'.
I had several false starts that caused a massive amount of Liquid Paper to be consumed. Giants before SABRES, I did it before I'M DONE, springy before TENSILE, bag strap before TWIST TIE, Shea before ASHE, and a few more that I can't decipher anymore.
Great job on the puzzle, Barry, and great job on the write up, Splynter.
Great puzzle, great writeup by Splynter. Splynter, it's actually 'crash carT', not 'carD' - it's the cart they wheel in that has all the recovery equipment.
And Lemonade714, PLEASE stop tipping the next day's puzzle/author the night before. Many of us enjoy the surprise in the morning.
- John
Good day to all.
WBS. I was left with a big hole right in the middle. A white hole, not a black hole. I had TRAPEZOID MUSCLE and wouldn't give it up...untill I turned on the red letters. That took out PIN TO, also.
I still dont like 25D TENSILE because it is an adjective and bungee cord is a noun. And that 'in' stuck on the end of 24D. Left no stone unturned in : stil bothers me. Why is it there?
@Anon John: You will soon learn that Lemon is all about Lemon, especially on Fridays. He is a necessary evil on this blog.
anon, that's not exactly a news flash, but I hoped that by wording it nicely, it would be allowed to remain so that he could see it, and hopefully not do it anymore. It's only done for his own ego.
sleep well all, splynter and a smooth saturday silkie await
There are times we know who the constructor for a given date is. Maybe you had an ulterior motive?
Anons are a necessary evil on this blog.
ahhhh, a Tale of Two Solves ...
In the first couple of minutes I had a TIME-MACHINE on an ENDLESS-LOOP and BARBARA EDEN on an EJECTOR SEAT on RACE HORSES.
But then came the "stare-at-the-clue" ... say WFT ... sip coffee ... say WFT (again) routine.
Argyle, I don't know what WBS is, but I do know about the White Hole right in the middle thingy.
Soooo another Silk DNF.
tears ...
Argyle, I'm not an 'anon' - I've posted here before.
And there's truly no ulterior motive - it's simply a request asking that he be considerate of others and not reveal the next day's constructor. He's the only one that routinely does it, and I'm sure we all know why.
- John
WBS - What Barry Said
Anon John, if your not blue, you could be anybody. Anybody can be blue and not give out any information if they so choose.
I'm slowly learning the names of constructors--so thank you, Mr. Silk, and Splynter for the write-up.
One look at this grid this morning and I figured no way was I going to get any of this. But then old TV came to the rescue with "James Arness" and "Barbara Eden." Slowly built my way up to the NW corner where I ultimately had to cheat a little to finish.
Am learning to look for misleaders, like 'hexed' for 'was charming' and 'gel' for 'do stuff.' Lots of fun!
Have a good weekend, everybody, and don't forget to change your clocks.
If I had to choose who's analysis was closest to mine I would be in the WHS crowd.
What Hahtool (or HeartRx) Said ...
-or- WAS, at least on Monday and Tuesday!
Good morning everyone.
Hey kids. Play nice! I've just finished reading about Andy Rooney's death. He knew how to be a complainer with style. This blog deteriorates with the personal slams. Enough!
My big score today is: I got 4 correct answers.
I believe that I have mentioned before that Winston Churchill said about ending sentences with a preposition, "This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put". And there is no such rule.
It's a gorgeous day in Naples, and I intend to enjoy it to the fullest. And I hope you folks in CT get more power back soon.
Hi Everyone ~~
It always amazes me that what I first look at as impossible, turns into an enjoyable puzzle that I complete with no look-ups! Like others, I worked from the bottom up, with WIFIFINDER being my last fill. I was surprised at how easily things fell into place (after getting a couple of the long answers) with this being a Saturday and a 'Silkie.' Much more doable and a lot more fun than last Saturday's!
Most of my observations have already been made, including my favorites: 'Engage in summer activity'--ADD and 'Do stuff'--GEL ... so clever! I also liked 'Fellers' and FELLAS.
Thanks for a great write-up and links, Splynter.
Storm clean-up continues here in CT ... still close to 300,000 without power!
Remember to "fall back" and enjoy the weekend!
Splynter. So right. Spent many mornings clearing snow from ponds
so we could skate. Home town now setting up portable rinks so no more fall throught the ice.
Sabers visit March 1st.
Today was ‘bottoms up’ day. Quick scan found SOBER then PEERS then BARBARAEDEN then up to NE and Central regions.. TRAPEZIUS was late and lots of whiteout later. TRAPEzoid was my conviction that didn’t want to bend.
FAS, ICS and DIO took forever. I agree with ARGYLE on 24D clue. “in”. Why?
Tensile doesn’t really do it. Spitz said it best.
A Silky Saturday at 3:45 AM. Finished, but took quite a while.
Splynter, love your blog name, Orthorunics! You have a neat mind. Great write-up. Thanks.
I have written many BASIC programs that got stuck in an ENDLESSLOOP (If…then goto), but couldn’t get this one. Coupled with incorrect IMHERE and no idea on NENA, I was three cells shy of maintaining my unbeaten streak. Like the Texas Rangers who got so close, a loss is a loss. Oh well I had a good time.
-Bottom came easily and I wonder if that is by design as it seems to happen a lot
-WINNER, TIMEMACHINE and FAS fell quickly and then I was exiled to the bottom and worked my way up to “close but no cigar”
-TIMEMACHINE and not Time Machine. Poor Elois
-I considered WIFEFINDER for awhile for iPhone. I could use that when out shopping and she leaves me on my own
-Spitz, I agree on TENSILE. I had ELASTIC
-Oh, the western part of NY in the NHL
-Longest prefix I’ve ever seen here
-I saw a YACHT in Ft. Lauderdale with a chandelier and a spiral staircase
-Go Big Red!
Not many people cheer for a chewing gum.
- John
For no reason at all, this was a total breeze for me - fastest finish on a Saturday ever, just over 15 minutes, I couldn't believe it.
I think I'll go buy a lottery ticket, there's some good vibes somewhere today!
Grumpy - you might consider the Paper Mate"Eraser Mate" erasable pen. Good product, lasts a long time and much handier than Liquid Paper.
Tough puzzle today, but enjoyable. Really, too busy watching the Breeder's Cup races on computer and Louisville vs. W. Virginia on TV.
Beautiful fall days. Awaiting a swarm of robins to come pick the holly trees bare - any day now.
Don't forget to turn clocks back tonight.
Two little anecdotes prompted by today's puzzle.
I once sat next to "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" actor Keanu Reeves in a bar, and, totally failing to recognize him, asked him what he did for a living. I then went on to compound the insult by telling him I'd like to have "intimate relations" with a very attractive young lady who was sat further down the bar, out of earshot, who just happened to be his sister. I don't think he liked me very much.
Back in High School we got the first timeshare hook-up with the local University mainframe computer. I was given the honor of entering and running the first program, which went into an ENDLESS LOOP calculating a fibonacci sequence. After half an hour of the teletype printing out "NUMBER OF RABBITS = 0" I'd used up our entire month's allotment of processing time (no-one knew how to stop the thing, we'd never heard of CTRL-C).
Sallie- thanks. You said it as well as Andy Rooney would have. (What a great curmudgeon.) I read this blog nearly daily to ENJOY the comments and get uncomfortable with sniping, especially when done anonymously.
Good morning all.
I nearly sprained by trapezius muscle (if that's possible) patting myself on the back for finishing this puzzle! A Silky in 35 mins? A record for me. I may have to go out and buy a lottery, too.
Lots of fun clues. Favorite - "engage in a summer activity". Very clever.
Sorry I missed Joon on Jeopardy last night. I'll have to see if it's available on Hulu.
Cheese and wine pairing at a local winery today. Sounds like a good way to spend a rather dreary day.
I'll be falling back later. That's all for now.
Hondohurricane, you can check out Bach Family on Wikipedia. Although J.S. Bach is the best known, there were a number of musicians in the family.
Fermatprime, back to Joon. I was also impressed with the way he mentally constructed the answer "hemostat", even though he obviously wasn't acquainted with the name for that implement.
My entire performance today was WAGs. Too many unknowns to list. I misspelled TRAPEZIUS, didn't know how to parse the clues for HEXED, ADD or GEL, so along with missing those, didn't get all of AXHANDLE either.
Had a meeting this morning that went way too long, so am just back no to read comments.
I'm with you on ODER. I thought first of the Kiel Canal.
I forgot to specify, my misspelling was with 's' for the 'z' in trapezius.
Also forgot to say with what delight (N.B. prepostional intro, Sallie!) I got so close to finishing a Saturday except for the mentioned snags.
Seriously though, I agree with Sallie on grammar issues: there are some that make me wince, and others, like some prepositions at the end, that simply don't work any other way.
Hola Everyone, A DNF for me today. I had real trouble with the SW corner. I also left out the F and I in WI FI Finder. I didn't go back to check my empty squares until I read Splynter's writeup. Great job, by the way, Splynter.
There were many unknowns today, especially the stadiums and teams. These are my downfall. Though I should have gotten Ashe, as that clue comes up in CW's quite often. Quite a toughie for me today.
I'm glad to see that our powerless blog members are all getting their lights back on and things somewhat back to normal.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Lots of clever clues. Excellent write up. Thanks.
Southern California is having a bit of a cold snap with rain yesterday. The temperature in the room where I use this computer was 62F when I got up. I checked my Galilean thermometer. I like it 'cause it's old and slow.
Because of somebody's link yesterday (thank you by the way), I became acquainted with a singer I had never heard of; that is, Eva Cassidy. She died young in 1996. I'm guessing some of you had already known of her talent. She played the guitar well, had a beautiful voice and gave some old standards a gorgeous personal interpretation. I've linked four favorites I found on YouTube. These are the kind of songs I like best; classic simple melodies and lyrical. Caution: You may find yourself tearing up while listening to the first two.
Over the Rainbow
Danny Boy
Tennessee Waltz
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Good afternoon, Splynter, C.C. and all.
Late today because I had my darling granddaughter overnight.
What you all have said and it's true, the bottom filled in quickly and easily starting with ARNESS and BARBARAEDEN.
Loved the clever cluing of ADD, summer's activity and fellers grasp it, AXHANDLE.
DNF at the top, though, because I had IMAONE not IMDONE and so missed ENDLESSLOOP. Still a Saturday Silkie is not to be missed.
desper-otto is correct. The BACHS are a musical dynasty as J.S. BACH had several children and many of them became as famous as their father.
I hope your Saturday has been delightful and all power restored to those who lost it! We don't change our time here in AZ.
Congratulations to Joon Pahk for his first outing on the Tournament of Champions. Maybe I'll join Garlic Gal with a sprained trapezius muscle for self-back-patting. I struggled along with most of the categories, but came up with the final "What is the Algonquin Round Table"? I can only think this blog and puzzles featuring Dorothy Parker jogged my memory. I had no doubt that Joon would get it right.
A late party last night and (still) some cold congestion made me decide to not even try today's puzzle.
Nice songs Bill G.
Yes, a fine puzzle today. Kept me going for a few hours on and off. I finished (ta-Da!) only after cracking the holdouts which, to me, were simple ones--RESOURCE, WINNER, and OPED.
Bill G, twas I that linked Eva Cassidy yesterday. But credit is deserved where due. I first heard about her on Puzzle Girl's blog about a year ago. She's extraordinary, no other way to put it. Glad you liked her.
BTW, I missed the discussion late last night about Neil Young and CSN&Y. I'm a fan of Neil and have 6-8 albums, but don't care for the hard rock songs. He might be the Godfather of grunge, but I think he's far better at mellow acoustic tunes than hard driving electric rock. Stephen Stills is very talented, but he has an ugly reputation in the music world. That has to be at least partly earned. Graham Nash is seriously under-appreciated. David Crosby's greatest achievement is as a sperm donor.
LaLaLinda - Wow, I've been even more out of the loop than I realized! Having had no power for so long, I never got the news about all the trouble in CT until today. Sounds pretty rough, 300,000 without power.
On a related note, a friendly worker who came around to inspect our electric meter said he just loved the looks of our countryside. He was all the way from Tulsa where, apparently, there are few trees. We've had crews from Georgia, Maryland, even Colorado.
Hey Lemon: Does an ex wife post as anon on here? Such vitriol!
Almost a total loss for me. I got only Arness, Neve and Barbara Eden right. Boy, was I LOST. Put in Chain Saw, comb over, criminal and elastic and all was stalled. Finally, got SOBER and Raja so finished SE. But 12 years without a computer left me without an online vocabulary.
Just wanted to congratulate Splynter for seven years of sobriety! Bravo!
- PK
Came really close to joining the group of back patters, but that sticky cross of 28d and 32a got in my way. Didn't know Meaghan Daum so guessed opus which left me with trapuzius muscle and hexes - oh well. If my pc were working I would have resorted to red letters.
It was by far my best finish on a Saturday in a very long time. Really enjoyed the clever cluing as mentioned by others. Thanks to Barry for a challenge and to Splynter for a stupendous analysis. Wonder what's in store for the morrow.
Kazie: Hand up for the Kiel Canal. Also thought of 'Riga" (Gulf of) and 'Neva". The perps pointed to ODER rather quickly, tho.
Sharks need a win tonight to stay in 2nd.
61.7 in the compuer room because a window is open. A little rain is coming down.
Think it was 1967 that AZ did go on MDT. 100s at midnight and drive-ins didn't start their movies untill 10:30.
From Neil Young to this?
Give it up, fool!
Hey Joe,
Some Purple Rain on Lincoln today?
As I said last night, I like most of Neil's stuff, but if you like the folky acoustic work, you'll surely like his version of Four Strong Winds. Speaking of Ian Tyson, his Someday Soon is in my all-time top 40; his and Sylvia's rendition as well as the covers by Judy Collins and Suzy Bogguss. Maybe you could pick one and link it?
Pretty right on about the members of CSN, especially Crosby. I forget, who was it he "helped" out?
Gross, John or whoever you are,
Leave Lemonade and this blog alone! Go somewhere else to spew your hatred. Disgusting!
Ave Joe, almost did a "spit take" with your comment on David Crosby. I don't know much about Stills or his reputation, but Graham Nash has always been my group favorite.
BTW, the Universe is getting even with me. I was relaxing this afternoon and watching TV, nursing my cold with a cup of hot lemonade with honey. I went into the kitchen for a refill and heard Neil Young singing "Old Man" as movie background. Sigh...I even tried to appreciate it. Oh well.....
WH, Loved Ian & Sylvia and he is a wonderful writer, but Someday Soon is a young girl's song. Judy Collins did it justice.
Julie Cypher, Melissa Etheridge's ex was the inseminated mother of two David Crosby children. They must have chosen him because of his good looks.
Now I can see the cleverness in the puzzle!
Also, here is an interesting paragraph from Wiki:
The Bach family was of importance in the history of music for nearly two hundred years, with over 50 known musicians and several notable composers, the best-known of whom was Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750). A family genealogy was drawn up by Johann Sebastian Bach himself and completed by his son Carl Philipp Emanuel.
J.S.Bach fathered 20 children with two wives. You never read much about them, poor souls!
Don't get me wrong; I'm a big fan of his music!
Argyle, the lack of an answer was not something I expected from you. It was a reasonable question.
- John
Post by C. C. to L.A.Times Crossword Corner at November 5, 2011 8:31 PM pretty much sums it up.
If you really want an answer, you could email me.
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