, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, May 12, 2014 Jennifer Nutt


May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014 Jennifer Nutt

Theme: Bye Bye - The unifying word follows just the first word today; like yet unlike Sunday.

18A. *Pre-performance audio test : SOUND CHECK. Sound waves.

25A. *Area marked with police tape : CRIME SCENE. Crime waves.

50A. *Disturbing potential, as of a gory film scene : SHOCK VALUE. Shock waves.

61A. *Best possible poker hand : ROYAL FLUSH. Royal waves.

3D. *Lasers at a rock concert, e.g. : LIGHT SHOW. Light waves.

36D. Cause a sensation, or what the first words of the answers to starred entries may do : MAKE WAVES

Argyle here.  A real quick Monday despite six theme entries. Not much to trip up on.

1. Big-eyed birds : OWLS

5. Spanish house : CASA

9. Witchy woman : CRONE

14. Toy in the sand : PAIL

15. For whom the memo is intended: Abbr. : ATTN. (attention)

16. Window sticker : DECAL

17. Frozen breakfast brand : EGGO

20. Zap, as leftovers : REHEAT

22. Carnival city : RIO de Janeiro

23. Bunny features : EARS

24. Gallery display : ART

28. New England whitefish : SCROD

30. Pipe joint : ELL

31. "Huzzah!" : "YAHOO!"

33. Singer Ronstadt : LINDA. She is one of my favorites.

36. Puddle-bottom earth : MUD. Great clue.

39. Objects of worship : ICONS

40. Historic timespan : ERA

41. Theater platform : STAGE

43. Bench for flock members : PEW

44. Zapped while resisting arrest, say : TASED

46. Turbaned Punjabis : SIKHS. Punjabis - Natives or inhabitants of the Punjab.

47. Quick hellos : HIs

48. Concur : AGREE

54. Lbs. and ozs. : WTs

57. "All __ Jazz" : THAT

58. Crew blade : OAR

59. Spread out ungracefully : SPRAWL

64. Athletic shoe brand : AVIA

65. Many a low-budget flick : INDIE. A film from an independent production company..

66. Bassoon cousin : OBOE

67. Steam outlet : VENT

68. Horror or romance, e.g. : GENRE

69. Sunbeams : RAYS

70. "Understood" : "I SEE"


1. La Scala production : OPERA

2. Put money (on) : WAGER

4. Gin flavoring : SLOE

5. Fidel or Raúl of Cuba : CASTRO

6. From __ Z : A TO

7. __ und Drang : STURM

8. Sharpshooter Oakley : ANNIE

9. Atlanta-based health org. : CDC. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) (CDC)

10. Fix, as a shoe : REHEEL

11. Humpback whale's home : OCEAN

12. Mother-of-pearl : NACRE

13. Lodge fellows : ELKS

19. Supplied medicine to : DOSED

21. Word puzzle that involves a quotation : ACROSTIC

26. Waits at a light, say : IDLES

27. School reunion organizer : CLASS REP. If you say so.

29. Swindle : CON

31. Shrill bark : YIP

32. Star pitcher : ACE

34. Wrath : IRE

35. Eight-time French Open champ Rafael : NADAL

37. "Blech!" : "UGH!"

38. __ Moines : DES

42. Bit of business attire : TIE

45. Demand from : ASK OF. Not quite the same, eh?

47. Windbag's bagful? : HOT AIR

49. Overdoes the praise : GUSHES

50. Glistened : SHONE

51. "Surprise Symphony" composer : HAYDN

52. Heroic behavior : VALOR

53. Vacation island off Venezuela : ARUBA

55. Package-fastening rope : TWINE

56. Fine-grained rock : SLATE

57. Math course with sines and tans : TRIGonometry

60. Sitarist Shankar : RAVI

62. "Do the Right Thing" director Spike : LEE

63. __ milk : SOY



OwenKL said...

There once was a surfer named Dave
Who searched for the pluperfect WAVE
No, not in the water;
He thought that he oughtter
See a stylist for a perm and a shave!

A sick CRONE, out riding her broom
Thought to see how fast she could zoom.
She went faster than SOUND,
Scared the folks on the ground,
But was cured by the SHOCK tonic boom!

Igor, the knave who robs graves,
For the Baron now serves and slaves.
He was once in the navies
Where he wooed all the ladies,
And excelled at riding the WAVES!

There once was a plumber (a bit of a lush)
Who also played poker (he didn't win much).
Still he drank with the princes
And played with the princess
And plumbed in her ROYAL FLUSH!

Barry G. said...

Morning, all!

Pretty straightforward for me today, with only a few minor missteps here and there. I tried RESOLE before REHEEL, YIPEE before YAHOO and AGATE before SLATE. None of those held me up for very long however. CLASS REP just didn't spring to mind, so I needed all the perps to get the REP part.

thehondohurricane said...

Morning everyone,

In a rush today...heavy "to Do" list.

No problems or issues today, but a couple of comments.

9A CRONE reminded me of a former pitcher Ray Crone who had a five year career in the "bigs" from 1954 thru 1958 with the Braves and Giants. Ray pitched in Hartford in 1952 and I met him briefly.

32A ACE refers to a baseball teams best pitcher. The Yankee' supposed ACE, CC Sabathia has been placed on the 15 day disabled list. Maybe when he returns he can be at least a Jack? Do you feel sorry for my team LaLa? My Red sox fan son doesn't.

Nuff moaning for today.

Dudley said...

Hello Puzzlers -

Well, of all the Slithy Toves - ! Cruciverb was doing so well since it was worked on, but today it glitched and couldn't produce the current puzzle. Have to check back later...

buckeye bob said...

Thank you for the puzzle, Jennifer. Thank you for the review, Argyle.

Easy peasy. Only write-over was STORM before STURM, and I know better. Sheesh! But I know challenges will be coming later in the week.

Unknown said...

Fun and fast puzzle. The only one I couldn't get was 12d "nacre".

HeartRx said...

Good morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

Thanks for a lovely start to the week, Argyle! I never realized the significance of the arrow in the amazon logo until you linked it with “from A TO Z.” Neat! And I was absolutely mesmerized by the link to Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony.”

Even though this theme only uses one word of the two word phrases as the WAVE, I liked it much better than Sunday’s puzzle. These phrases are common ones, and much zippier.

I loved the clue for MUD: “Puddle-bottom earth.” I was trying to think if there was a children’s book out there that had a kingdom called “Puddle-bottom.” It would make a great story, I think. I can visualize the inhabitants: Willy Worm, Tammy Tadpole and Mayor Mosquito, among others...

I’ve procrastinated long enough – time to get to work!

fermatprime said...


Thanks for the nice diversion, Jennifer and Argyle!

Am enjoying the HAYDN. Thanks, Argyle!

(I thought yesterday's theme was easier!)

Merl's Sunday puzzle was a bit of a problem. The theme was quite involved.


Must keep trying to get some sleep!

NADAL was all perps. Otherwise, no problems.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

I enjoyed this NUTTy puzzle. Couldn't manage to find a way to go wrong on it.

Have you ever, ever heard anybody say "Huzzah!" I sure haven't.

Marti, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I never noticed the a-to-z in the Amazon logo, either. Of course, I also never noticed the arrow in the FedEx logo. Those are some great names you came up with. Maybe you should try your hand at kid-lit!

Argyle, hand up for being a Linda Ronstadt fan. She's at home in many GENREs: Old Timey Rock, Country, Torch Songs (with Nelson Riddle Orchestra), Mexican songs sung in Spanish with a Mariachi band. And she's superb at all of 'em.

Dudley said...

Went back and did the puzz at the LAT site. Very nice Monday grid with good theme density!

Morning Argyle, thanks for getting the week started.

Marti - not quite the same thing, but I was reminded of Puddleglum the Marsh-Wiggle in Narnia. :-)

Barry G. said...

Have you ever, ever heard anybody say "Huzzah!" I sure haven't.

I'm wondering if it's more of a British thing. Years ago I remember hearing Hugh Laurie's character say it all the time on the BBC show "Blackadder Goes Forth," and that was the first time I ever heard it. Probably the last as well, except for the fact that I now tend to use it as well...

buckeye bob said...

desper-otto at 7:21 --

The guys say "Huzzah!" on The Big Bang Theory. I always assumed it is from some pop culture show or movie I've never seen.

Hand up for liking Linda Ronstadt's music too. So sad to see her with a health issue that prevents her from singing.

HeartRx said...

d-otto, huh? There's an arrow in the FedEx logo?

Dudley, I have watched some of the Narnia movies, so that must be the name that tickled my memory. Thanks!

Mari said...

Good morning everybody! Cute puzzle today, but super easy. I liked the cluje for 43A: Bench for flock members: PEW.

No complaints.

Have a great day!

buckeye bob said...

Darn! I should have checked before I posted. Huzzah was popularized in England, and is related to hurrah and hooray. It is used at Renaissance Festivals, which ties in with TBBT.


Al Cyone said...

The Story Behind the Famous FedEx Logo

I'm not sure when I first was told about it (but I know I didn't discover it for myself). It's fun to ask people if they can see it . . . then show them where it is.

Al Cyone said...

How about a link that actually goes to the right place:

The Story Behind the Famous FedEx Logo

Spitzboov said...

Good morning everyone.

FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR (Tossed by the waves but unsinkable)

Wavy puzzle today. Had to wait for the reveal to see what it was all about. No lookups or strikethroughs. Had to wait for the perps to pick REHEEL. Same for ……REP. Easy puzzle overall.

Enjoy the day.

HeartRx said...

Al Cyone, your link took me to Roberts Rules of this the story you wanted to show me? (I see the arrow now!)

HeartRx said...

hmmm...I just clicked on your link again, Al, and it brought me to the same link I have. Strange!

LaLaLinda said...

Hi All ~~

I thought this had a little more spice than a typical Monday puzzle. I didn't have any real problems, but I didn't zip through as I usually do. I can't really pinpoint what slowed me down.

I did have 'Idol' before ICON and needed a number of perps before getting SHOCK VALUE. All in all, very enjoyable ~ Thanks, Jennifer Nutt.!

I think I remember a recent 'Huzzah' from Keith on the blog. I actually looked it up after that!

JazzB - at least a bassoon was mentioned in the clue for OBOE.

Should 27D - Class reunion organizer- indicate an abbreviation?

Hondo ~ Hmm...I have to say I'm with your son on this one! ;-)

CrossEyedDave said...

Welcome to the Kingdom of Puddle Bottom...

(it's full of shady characters...)

OwenKL said...

Could one of you baseball mavens explain this to me? Slide #6 if it starts you from a non-baseball one.

Kent Mauk said...

Mr. Burns on The Simpsons uses "huzzah" regularly

CanadianEh! said...

Fun easy start to the week! Hand up for IDOLS before ICONS. Then I wasn't sure whether the cross of ICONS and CON was allowed. Also tried NIKE before AVIA.

Smiled at ROYAL WAVES (and the Waves link, Argyle) and BENCH FOR FLOCK MEMBERS.

Marti, you should write a kids book. My granddaughter would love it!

JazzB got a CSO at 57A and I also thought of him with the BASSOON/OBOE clue.

Beautiful weather here again. Off to enjoy the day.

A minor clarification. said...

Argyle, loved your wonderful blog. Thank you.

A minor nit -
Sikhism is a religion.

Over 90% of Sikhs speak Punjabi, and many live in an area of the (Indian - ) Punjab.

Punjab is an area, 65% in Pakistan (no Sikhs there - ), the rest in India.

Punjabi is a language. Spoken by 70% of all Pakistanis (Muslims - ), but it is not one of the national languages of Pakistan.

In India, the Punjabi speakers are 40% Sikhs, and 40% Hindus ... and 20% others. It is one the 28 state languages, and the state language of the state of Punjab.

So while many Sikhs live in the Indian Punjab, and almost all Sikhs speak Punjabi - most of the people in the Punjab area ( India and Pakistan) are not Sikhs, and neither are they, ( the Sikhs, that is ) the majority of the Punjabi speakers.

I wish I could have made a shorter comment -. A Venn diagram might have helped.

Al Cyone said...

OwenKL@8:56: I'm no maven but I'll take a shot.

The manager goes to the mound when he's considering (or has already decided to) replace the pitcher (I think he has to replace him if it's his second trip to the mound). The catcher typically attends the meeting. In this cartoon it's the pitcher who initiates the conversation and in a manner that suggests he thinks he's the one in charge, not the manager. It's not so much funny as humorous.

I enjoy most New Yorker cartoons though, in many cases, I can't explain why. They just strike you (no pun intended) or they don't.

C6D6 Peg said...

Loved this puzzle! Neither routine or boring, but just easy enough for a Monday. Thanks, Jennifer!

Argyle, thanks for the Amazon (ATOZ) explanation. Like Marti, didn't realize it before. Thanks to all who teach me new things every day!

LaLaLinda said...

Al Cyone @9:19 ~ Well put! I couldn't think of a good way to explain it. I, too, find it humorous. :-)

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

A nice, easy-breezy start to the week, truly appreciated after Saturday's and Sunday's downers. Got a kick out of seeing "nacre" as I just used that yesterday playing Words With Friends.

Nice job, Jennifer, and good expo, Argyle. (Wonder what's wrong with Cruciverb this time?)

I have to call after 4:30 today to see if I'm to appear for Jury Duty tomorrow. My ID # is 4, which leads me to believe I'll be summoned.

Have a merry Monday.

Argyle said...

Thank you, Kent. Huzzah! It was running little circles in my brain but I couldn't corral it. I was thinking of Niles Crane. The phrase was, "Huzzah for the shopkeeper!" uttered by Mr. Burns at Ned Flanders' Leftorium upon his purchase of a left-handed can opener.

kazie said...

My only trip-up today was wanting SHALE before SLATE.Busy time this month getting ready for all kinds of things, hence my absence last week. this week looks like being wet again here. Reminds me of the expression "slow as a wet week".

I watch TBBT all the time and have never noticed them saying Huzzah!. Maybe that's because it's totally unfamiliar to me too and I don't catch on to what they are saying. I'll have to listen more carefully.

Our newspaper has just upped their subscription rate by $7 a month, and I'm thinking of dropping it. Then I'd have to print the CW from online, so not sure yet.

Irish Miss said...

Kazie @ 9:36 - my newspaper is $7.50 per WEEK. I have often thought about canceling, but I don't like reading online. It is a good paper and I know I would miss it, so I'll continue to pay and complain!

Anonymous T said...

Hi all:

I have an ill daughter in the CASA, so I got to play early.

Love Jennifer's puzzle and Argyle's write up (I forgot how much not a CRONE LINDA was).

At first I thought YAHOO! a physics puzzle, but ROYAL and CRIME don't have maths behind them (ok, some stats in the latter, but not real calc. or even TRIG).

Trip ups - NADia at 35d and AVIs at 64a. Otherwise, just my dyslexia messing up my spelling (see below).

I always thought Huzzah! was something people said before throwing a wine-glass into the fireplace. I thought it was a Jewish tradition, but what do I know about that and Punjabis? Not much. UGH solidified SIKHS spelling.

Kathy - NACRE was all perps for me and OCEAN made me re-think my vowels in SCEA^wNE. Those with their UTF ALT strings on Sat know what I'm sayin' :-)

Have a great day!

Cheers, -T

CrossEyedDave said...

Argyle, it took me a while to Grok the Bye Bye theme title...

I found this curiosity on YouTube under "making waves." Reading the video comments is interesting, & bound to cause an opinion.

Plus this video has lots of interesting side links, like these hooligans having fun.

Argyle said...

In the 80's this afternoon; A/C in the window this morning.

Misty said...

I love a speed run on a Monday morning--and this was a delightful one! Many thanks, Jennifer--and you, too, Argyle, for showing us the A to Z in Amazon.

Marti, your kid-lit story idea is really cute. Hope you do it.

Fermatprime, I found Merl Reagle's Sunday puzzle a real challenge, but had to laugh out loud when I finally got the Mother's day message hidden in all those MALCOLMs. Great fun.

Have a great Monday, everybody!

Bill G. said...

Good morning! This wasn't as easy for me as for most of you guys apparently. HUZZAH, NACRE, ACROSTIC, the 'puddle bottom earth' clue, etc. I completely agree that 'Demand from' is not the same as ASK OF. Seems off quite a bit.

It's going to be hot here this week. Brush fires will be right around the corner I'm afraid. Watch out Lucina. The hot weather is coming!

Lucina said...

Hello, friends! Argyle, thank you for explaining the arrow in Amazon! It never occurred to me.

What a really great start to the week with a clever puzzle. Thank you, Jerrifer Nutt.

It was a swift sashay so all I can say is I loved the clue for PEW and at 9D, flirted with NIH before settling on CDC with CRONE and DECAL.

I've heard HUZZAH at the Renaissance festival, too.

A friend, not the CLASS REP, informed me that our 60th class reunion is next year. I think I'll get a glamor shot taken for the program. I mean, why look my age?

Interesting information about the SIKHS.

If you do write that kid lit book, it will flame the interest mostly of little boys who love all that stuff and there is never enough to satisfy them. Teachers and moms everywhere will thank you.

Yes, Bill, we are on the eve of our hot season. Wednesday, 100.

Have a lovely Monday, everyone!

buckeye bob said...

There was a TBBT episode where the guys are in Sheldon’s apartment and shout Huzzah! in unison about something, but I can’t find a video of it on YouTube.

Here is a scene from TBBT where Sheldon says Huzzah! after the guys attend a Renaissance Festival.

Sheldon says Huzzah

And of course commercial interests kick in:

Huzzah tee shirt

Tinbeni said...

Argyle: Nice write-up. Especially enjoyed the ROYAL WAVE link.

Al Cyone @9:19
Yup! That is a precise explanation of THAT cartoon.

Bill G. I AGREE, 45-D, "Demand from" for ASK OF seemed a weak clue/answer.

For the second Monday, in-a-row, the closest thing to a booze c/a was 4-D, "Gin flavoring" SLOE.

I remember, a while back, a Google article about "Hidden messages in Company Logo's":
Link text ... My fave was the "MOM" in Wendy's collar.

A "toast" to ALL at Sunset ... with some Pinch!

desper-otto said...

Buckeye Bob, thanks. I can now say I've heard someone say "Huzzah!"

CED -- I can just hear Julie London or Ella Fitzgerald singing "Waimea River, Waimea River"

PK said...

Hi Y'all! Fun & fast! No unknowns, but took some perps to remember SCROD. Thanks, Jennifer. I got the theme with no problems, unlike yesterday. Thanks, Argyle.

Too sad about LINDA Ronstadt. She has Parkinson's which has robbed her of her voice. My baby brother had a beautiful singing voice which is gone for the same reason. Enjoyed hearing her recording.

Interesting SIKH facts. Good to hear from you again, Vidwan! I miss you.

Thunderstorm in the wee sma' hours. Raining again now.

Anonymous T said...

I stand corrected on Huzzah. I do vaguely recall hearing it at a renaissance festival once. Not that I'm the sorta dork that hangs out at those... (ok, I would be if DW would let me :-))

I was in a bit of a hurry this morning and forgot to mention how much I liked 43a and 36a. Marti - I'll buy that book.

I went to youngest's school this morning to see her show off her Mindstorm robot her & peers have been working on all 5th grade year. They programmed it to move about a map and get "energy pills." It neat.

Then I went to lunch with her and her friends.


I had all my booger jokes ready for SHOCKVALUE. They were a hit.

It was fun to be 10 again.

Thanks Tin for the subliminal messages (They Might be Giants). I thought they were outlawed, but I SEE they are still in vogue.

Cheers, -T

Lucina said...

Yes, AnonT proves my point. Any book about boogers, worms, slimy creatures and the like is sure to be a hit with the male species.

To the anti-lemon anon:
You don't seem to realized that Karma works both ways and it is not up to us humans to dispense it. Any cruelty, malice or libel will surely revert to you eventually as will acts of good will and kindness.

Anonymous T said...

Lucina - these were 5th grade girls! And the GT* crowd ta'-boot.

We AGREE on karma. The Anon snark should be TASED and go away EGGO-faced...

Sorry, that pun PAILs.

Cheers, -T
*Gifted & Talented - the supposed smart kids. Booger... hehehehe...
/ fixed

Lucina said...

Well, just add 5th grade girls and probably 4th, too, to Marti's growing list of potential readers.

Steve said...

Nice start to the week! Thanks for the write-up, Argyle.


kazie said...

Irish Miss,
Yes, that's what our paper will cost too after this increase, but I don't happen to think it is as good as it should be for that amount.

Thanks for the Sheldon clip. I must have missed that one!

Lemonade714 said...

Fun Monday, as is generally all of Jennifer's work and Argyle's as well.

Enjoy the Logo talk, though it all is a product of the psychology of influencing consumers, which was part of my undergraduate study. Love your link Tin.

HH, I thought I was good at remembering baseball players from the 50's, but I had no idea witch one was Mr Crone.

Lucina thank you for having my back, but he/she has to live with all that bile.

Bill G. said...

AnonT, I LOVED WKRP but I'm sure you already knew that...

Speaking of 5th grade boys, another word that will often send them into paroxysms of laughter is 'underpants.'

I like the concept of karma. The trouble is, when it comes back to reward somebody who deserves it, we remember it fondly. When something bad happens to a not-so-nice person, we can say, "Karma is a bitch!" However, when the bad guys get away with it or the kind/thoughtful person goes on unrewarded, we tend not to notice it so much...

Charlotte said...

Lucina@2:00:"To the anti-lemon anon..."

I never would have thought Anon@7:20 was being "anti-lemon" until you mentioned it. I just thought he/she was adding a cute name for Marti's insect book, like JC Junebug or Chappy Chigger.

Lemonade714 said...

Kathy Laurie, are you related to Hugh?

Irish Miss said...

Huzzah! No jury duty due to no pending matters. I won't be called again for at least 6 years. That is surely worth a toast at sunset, Tin!

PK said...

BillG: you are so right about the underpants laughter. I made a book of pictures of my oldest son growing up along with clips of my published columns with family stories. The thing my grandsons like best in the whole book is a picture of their dad in his tighty whities doing a muscle man stance. Brings on gales of laughter and is the first thing they hunt for when the book comes out.

thehondohurricane said...

Has anyone heard from HG, D- O, or Ave Joe? They may be getting whacked by the storms in the mid-west.

I'm not one for much prayer, but I think it would be appropriate today.

Avg Joe said...

No issues here, Hondo. It was an interesting night and there's a lot of damage in several areas, but all we suffered were frayed nerves (and several bouts of satellite TV outage). And so far....there are no reports of any significant injuries in Nebraska. I hope that remains the case. As of now, it's all to the east of us, but that only means others are in for an equally interesting night.

Thanks for asking.

desper-otto said...

Hondo, desper-otto here, reporting for duty. Actually, I've already been here a couple of times today. I wish we'd get a little weather, even if it's bad. This year could be shaping up to be another 2011 drought! Bring on the sturm und drang!

Abejo said...

Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Jennifer Nutt, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

Was busy all day, dentist, church, email communication, etc. Finally got started on the puzzle. Did mine in the paper today. Dudley said that cruciverb was not working. Good thing I used the newspaper puzzle.

Got through easily for the most part. Had to get perps for STURM. Also for NADAL.

LINDA Ronstadt is also one of my favorites forever. Too bad about her health.

I do not think I have ever had a ROYAL FLUSH without wildcards.

Book Club tonight. We read "Defending Jacob" by William Landay. Excellent novel. Lots of courtroom action and tricky clues.

I still have to do Sunday and Saturday puzzles. Had a busy weekend. Maybe after Book Club.

See you tomorrow.


(sighea his)

HeartRx said...

Hmmm, I wonder if kiddie lit pays more than xwords? In any case, I don't think I'm ready to give up my day job, LOL!!

Dudley said...

Wonder what happens if you write about Slithy Toves....

Bill G. said...

I'm glad to hear from the mid-westerners checking it. I hope everybody stays safe. I wouldn't mind a little of that snow that hit the Rockies. It's about 90 here and I'm not a happy camper.

This has got to be one of the funniest animal videos ever made courtesy of the BBC. I first saw it a year or two ago and I just came across it yesterday. I was smiling and laughing all over again. Even if you saw it before, I'm guessing you will enjoy it another time. Silly animals!

Bill G. said...

Hands up for being a big Linda Ronstadt fan. Her Blue Bayou is beautiful. I also love her duets and trios with EmmyLou Harris and Dolly Parton. Their Mr. Sandman is even better than the original, I think.

Yellowrocks said...

Just back from visiting my little sis in PA. Great day.
Abejo, Defending Jacob is a fantabulous novel. I would love to hear your club's discussion. I highly recommend this novel.

Anonymous T said...

Bill G. That animal video was funny...

Well, I just got back from eldest's school awards ceremony. Eldest broke down today and told me she was just playing sick because she needed a "mental day" and time to catch up on her French homework.

The irony: the teacher THAT she ditched was the one handing her the award for best student in humanities tonight!

I should have never shown her Farris Bueller.... Any WAGERs that I don't get parent of the year?

Ave. Joe glad to hear you made it through unscathed. HG?

Cheers, -T