, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, October 4, 2024, Gary Larson, Amy Ensz


Oct 4, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024, Gary Larson, Amy Ensz

Good Morning, Cruciverbalists.  Malodorous Manatee here with a Friday offering from frequent contributors/collaborators Gary Larson and Amy Ensz who are dillgently trying to help us Get ER Done (but, hopefully, in a manner significantly different than the one our friend, above, appears to be employing).

At six places within the grid we are asked to append the letters E and R to a common expression and, thereby, create appropriate answers to the clues.  To make things even more interesting, today we get a mixture of themed-answers placed both Across and Down in the grid.  Here is where we are asked to get ER done:

17 Across. Die-hard independent?: PARTY HATER.   A reference to political parties and people who are not convinced that either of the two dominant ones have the answers.  Derived from: Party Hat

28 Across. Baked potato?: HOT TUBER.  From: Hot Tub  A potato being, of course, a TUBER.

48 Across. Diamond heist?: ICE CAPER.  From: Ice Cap  CAPER being film noir/tec - speak for a robbery.

63 Across. Problematic dental patient?: DRILL BITER.  From:  Drill Bit  Ouch!

11 Down. Gauge on an oil rig?: WELL METER.  From: Well Met which is an archaic adjective used as a salutation, or part of a salutation, meaning "glad to meet you".  It is also carries connotations of suitability and propriety.  It's based on a different meaning of "meet," an adjectival/adverbial usage indicating something is literally or figuratively the right size for a given situation.

35 Across. Quality-control inspector at a knapsack factory?: PACK RATER.  From: Pack Rat.  A pack rat is a hoarder.  Not to be confused with the Rat Pack.

The grid:

The rest of the clues and anwser-ers:


1. Floor it: SPEED.  Put the pedal to the metal.  Step on the accelerator.  An automotive reference.

6. Grasps: SEES.  Understands.

10. Exchange: SWAP.

14. Eighth Greek letter: THETA.  See also 62 Across.

15. Do roadwork: PAVE.  Better to see this than something to do with TAR.

16. Deli sandwich: HERO.  How The Hero Sandwich Got Its Name

19. Came to rest: ALIT.

20. Alpine cheese from Italy: ASIAGO.

21. Vexes: RANKLES.

23. Support on a course: TEE.  A golfing reference.

24. "Stay" singer Lisa: LOEB.  Not in this solver's musical wheelhouse but they've TEEd it up so:

27. Ode or haiku: POEM.

Our clever Chairman
Crafts amusing Moe-kus but
Eschews writing M-odes 

30. One of Bo Peep's charges: EWE.  LAMB was t00 long.  RAM would have fit but would not mesh with the perps.

33. Incident that hurts one's credit score: REPO.  REPosession.

36. Hence: ERGO.

37. Place atop: SET ON.

39. "To the stars," in mottos: AD ASTRA.  Today's Latin lesson.

41. Facility that's in a constant state of ferment: BREWERY.  Nice wordplay.  Beer is fermented.

43. Kitchen gadget: RICER.  Sometimes PARER.

44. Carp kin: DACE.  Both are fish.  While we have previously seen DACE in our puzzles this solver did not recall the word.  Thanks, perps.

46. Writer Bombeck: ERMA.  A frequent visitor.

47. Comics shriek: EEK.  Sometimes we see EKE as in to EKE out a living.

51. Rolling in dough: RICH.  Slang.

53. Henry VI's school: ETON.  If it's a reference to English royalty, the school is almost always ETON.

54. Apollo vehicle, briefly: LEM.  Lunar Excursion Module

57. Netflix title role for Lily: FRANKIE.  Lily Tomlin I know.  The show I don't know.  Thanks perps.

60. Gender-neutral ethnic identity: LATINE.  As contrasted with Latino or Latina neither of which is gender-neutral.

62. Ninth Greek letter: IOTA.  See also 14 Across.

66. "Couldn't agree more": AMEN.

67. Country whose name comes from a Gaelic goddess: EIRE.  Ireland.

68. Not fully trusting: LEERY.

69. Shredded: TORE.  Will it be TORN?  Not this time.

70. "Out!": SCAT.  SCAT also has other meanings.

71. Barnett of CBS News: ERROL.


1. Mid-Mar. figure: ST. PAT.

2. Lunar cycle component: PHASE.

3. Supercreepy: EERIE.  Halloween is less than a month away.

4. Blues guitarist Baker: ETTA.  Often clued with a reference to ETTA James.

Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad

Same Song - A Different "Take"

5. Company that invented black-light fluorescent paint: DAY-GLO.  Until solving this puzzle yours truly was unaware that DAY GLO colors traced their name back to a specific company.

6. Upscale bathroom installation: SPA.  Somewhat convoluted cluing, IMMHO.

7. Down: EAT.  Slang.  Down has many meanings (e.g. feathers, a direction, nail it down) so this one had to be sorted out.

8. At any time: EVER.

9. Oaxacan wrap: SERAPE.  Oaxaca tips us off to a likely Spanish answer.

10. Lose: SHAKE.  As in to get away from someone who is following you.  My Labrador loved it when, in a "cops and robbers" flick, someone would say "Let's see if we can SHAKE the tail."

12. "Songversation" artist India.__: ARIE.  A frequent visitor.

13. Double boilers, e.g.: POTS.

18. Owl: HOOTER.  Not a themed answer.

22. Like Vikings: NORSE.  I love NORSE puns.  They're Frigg'n hilarious.

25. Robinhood alternative: E-TRADE.  Both are platforms for trading stocks.

26. App issue: BUG.  A tech reference.

28. Socks: HOSE.  Used as a noun.  Not as in punches someone.

29. Excavator-maker: BOBCAT.

31. Compost bin helper: WORM.  I saw a pack of gummy WORMs that said “No artificial flavors.”  Who buys gummy worms hoping they’d taste as close to real worms as possible?

32. Grammy winner from Donegal: ENYA.  A frequent visitor.

33. Uncommon: RARE.

34. Actress Falco: EDIE.  A frequent vistior.

38. Amphoralike vessel: EWER.  Not a themed answer.

40. Take in: TRICK.  As in "I've been taken in".

42. Get a second opinion?: RE-POLL.   Okay, but this solver has never heard this used.

45. Part of the upper deck?: ACE.  A playing card reference.

49. Takes to task: CHIDES.  My ex-wife used to CHIDE me about everything.  She was a real multi-tsk-er.

50. Empower: ENABLE.

52. Idiotic: INANE.

54. Soda purchase: LITER.  Hand up for first guessing it was a flavor or a brand name and not a size.

55. Año Nuevo month: ENERO.  Spanish lesson.  The New Year happens each January.
56. Streep of "Only Murders in the Building": MERYL.  Are there other Streeps?

57. Order: FIAT.  From the Latin:  Let it be done.

58. Tony who holds the Cowboys record for most touchdown passes: ROMO.  Dak Prescott holds the single-season Dallas Cowboys' record for most touchdown passes.

59. Playwright Bogosian: ERIC.  Perhaps better known for his role as Captain Danny Ross in Law & Order Criminal Intent.

61. Layer: TIER.  Hen was too short.

64. 401(k) rollover target: IRA.  rollover IRA is a retirement account used to move money from a former employer-sponsored retirement account, such as a 401 (k) plan, into an IRA without losing its tax-deferred status.

65. Tennis mulligan: LET.  A do-over.

Well, that will wrap things up on a day where we visited, or were visited by, ERMA, ETON, EIRE, ETTA, ENYA, EDIE, and ERIC.  Was that a sub-theme?


Subgenius said...

No reveal. But then, none really needed. The puzzle essentially solved itself. There weren’t too many obscurities, either. Pretty easy puzzle for a Friday, I thought. FIR, so I’m happy.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Tried SAD for "Down." Nope, EAT. Enjoyed the outing, and your Norse puns, Mal-Man. Got the theme with PARTY HATer, and that made the whole trip easier. Thanx, Gary, Amy, and Mal-Man. (Your sub-theme missed ERROL -- EERIE.)

IRA Rollover: When I retired my 401K contained pre-tax, after-tax, and Roth contributions. Vanguard split things into a conventional IRA and a Roth, putting all of the after-tax money into the Roth. Not sure that was correct, but I didn't complain.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIW, missing ehE x ADASTRe and hAkE , BOBkAT (which I erred to accommodate hAkE,) and iWiR x SiT ON and iRMA. I can never remember irma/erma, and had never heard of the Robinhood platform. Combined with ADASTRA, the fun was sponged out of this puzzle for me.

Thanks to our MalMan for another fine review.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Glad that the shippers and union reached a truce. I mentioned Monday (I think) that the scuttlebutt here was a 2-day strike, which turned out to be three.

Anonymous said...

Took 9:05 today to ... get to the ER.

Never saw the theme, but figured it was the usual Friday add/subtract a letter or two.

I didn't find this one particularly fun.

I didn't know the order of the Greek letters, but did know the Spanish (enero) and the Latin (ad adstra), but not Latine.
I knew today's actress (Meryl), but not the Lily title/show.
I didn't know dace or the playwright -- and, it bothers me how we spell "playwright".

I also thought the clue for spa was convoluted, and that the Cowboys TD passes clue should have specified game, season, or career.

Tehachapi Ken said...

This was an interesting Friday entry, notable for some clever and deceivingly spare clueing in places.

For example, 10 Down, "Lose," which turned out to be SHAKE. As in, I guess, "Cheese it; it's the cops." Or 7 Down, "Down," which means EAT. Of course: down is a verb. Or 6 Across, "Grasps," which turns out to be SEES.

I like it; sort of a beauty in its simplicity.

There were a few names which would have been befuddling without neighboring friendly perps. [I wonder how many people named Errol were named after the dashing Errol Flynn]

All in all, a worthy Friday-appropriate puzzle, says I. Nice job, Gary and Amy.