, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Michael B. Berg


Showing posts with label Michael B. Berg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael B. Berg. Show all posts

Mar 25, 2025

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Michael B Berg

Double Double, Boil and Trouble ...  Does food with a double name taste better?

17-Across. * Japanese hot-pot meal: SHABU SHABU.  Shabu-shabu is a Japanese hot pot dish featuring thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in water, served with dipping sauces, and cooked tableside, similar to fondue.  The name "shabu-shabu" means "swish-swish" in Japanese, referring to the sound of the ingredients being stirred in the pot.  Although I have never heard of Shabu Shabu, it sounds very similar to Chinese Hot Pot, which I have enjoyed.

26-Across. * French chocolate confection: BONBON.  Bonbon is a French chocolate candy which is round on top, flat at the bottom.  The outside shell is harder and made of chocolate, with few decorations. Inside is a softer filling.  I am familiar with Bonbons.

28-Across. * North African dish made with semolina: COUSCOUS.  Couscous is a traditional North African dish made small steamed granules of semolina that's typically steamed and served with stews or as a side dish.  It's a staple food in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and countries in the Middle East.  I am familiar with, and eaten, couscous.

48-Across. * Portuguese hot pepper sauce: PERI PERI.  The term "Peri Peri" refers to a type of chili pepper used in these sauces, originating from Portuguese-African culinary traditions, especially in Mozambique and Angola. The primary ingredient in these sauces is the Peri Peri chili, also known as the African bird's eye chili.  This is not a food I am familiar with.

50-Across. * Sichuan noodles: DAN DAN.  "Dan Dan" refers to Dan Dan Noodles, a spicy Sichuan noodle dish that translates to "carrying-pole noodles" because of the street vendors who once sold it from poles balanced on their shoulders.   I am not familiar with this dish.

And the unifier:
64. Event with two headliners, or a description of a restaurant check that includes any of the answers to the starred clues?: DOUBLE BILL.

I found today's puzzle had some extra crunch for a Tuesday.

1. Seven Sisters attendees, historically: WOMEN.  The Seven Sisters are a consortium of seven prestigious, historically women's colleges in the northeastern United States: Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Vassar, Radcliffe, and Wellesley.  The Seven Sisters were formed in 1926 to address the difficulties in women's colleges faced in raising endowment money and to served as female counterparts to the male Ivy League colleges.  the name, Seven Sisters, refers to the Pleiades, a constellation of seven sisters from Greek mythology.  Barnard College is affiliated with Columbia University.  Vassar College became co-ed in 1969.  Radcliffe College merged with Harvard University in 1999.

6. A third of the UAE?: ARAB.  As in the United Arab Emirates.

10. Rock blasters: AMPS.

14. Fast Amtrak train: ACELA.  This train (or 49-Down) appears with some frequency in the puzzles.  //  68.-Across Philadelphia commuter org.: SEPTA.  The latter stands for SouthEastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.  //  And 49-Down. 14-Across line: RAIL.

15. Song for a single voice: SOLO.

She should sing SOLO that no one can hear her.

16. Bruise: HURT.

19. Gobi Desert locale: ASIA.  The Gobi Desert is in northern China and southern Mongolia.  It's known for its dunes, mountains and rare animals such as snow leopards and Bactrian camels. The sand dunes are said to sing when the wind blows. Many dinosaur fossils have been found in the Gobi.

20. Hash brown base: POTATO.

21. Planet simulated by NASA on Mauna Loa: MARS.  Everything you wanted to know about Life on Mars while still on earth.

23. Brief "Spare me the details": TMI.  Textspeak for Too Much Information.

24. "Sorta": -ISH.  This i also becoming a crossword staple.

33. Bassoon cousin: OBOE.

34. Sleep lab study: APNEA.  Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses, called apneas, can last for several seconds to minutes.

35. Subj. for a business major: ECON.  As in Economics.  This is becoming a crossword staple.

37. Like a swaddled baby: SNUG.

40. Window sticker: DECAL.

41. Pledge: VOW.

42. Grace under pressure: POISE.

43. Minor issue: SNAG.

44. Bit of good fortune: BOON.

45. One who is often on track?: RACER.

46. Nabe in L.A. and NYC: NOHO.  If you are in Los Angeles, the Neighborhood is North of Hollywood.  If you are in New York City, the neighborhood is North of Houston (Street).

52. Entered an election: RAN.

53. Medical pen prefix: EPI-.  Another crossword staple.

54. Antarctic floater: BERG.

57. Son of Daedalus: ICARUS.  He's Greek to me.  Icarus famous for his tragic death after flying too close to the sun on wax-and-feather wings, ignoring his father's warnings.

62. Baloney: LIES.  I think of the term Baloney as meaning more of foolishness than of lies.

66. Duty: TASK.

67. Crowd sound: ROAR.

69. Opposed to: ANTI.

70. JCC alternative: YMCA.  The Jewish Community Center might an alternative to the Young Men's Christian Association.

71. Kettle emanation: STEAM.

1. Ant-Man partner: WASP.  Comic super-heroes.

2. Diez menos dos: OCHO.  Spanish math.  10 - 2 = 8.

3. Charcuterie staple: MEAT.  Charcuterie is a branch of French cuisine devoted to prepared meat products, such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit, primarily from pork.  It's really just a fancy word for cold cuts.

4. Idris of "The Wire": ELBA.  Idris Elba (né Idrissa Akuna Elba; b. Sept. 6, 1972) is a British actor who portrayed Stringer Bell in The Wire.

5. Like sextants and tide charts: NAUTICAL.

6. Bonfire residue: ASH.

7. Wander freely: ROAM.

8. Actress Jessica who co-founded The Honest Company: ALBA.  The Honest Company is known for its safe, eco-friendly products, particularly for babies.  The company was founded in 2012.  Jessica Alba (née Jessica Marie Alba; b. Apr. 28, 1981) was one of the co-founders.

9. Mint julep liquor: BOURBON.  Yummers!

10. "That's the answer!": AHA!

11. "How lovely for you": MUST BE NICE.  Said sarcastically.

12. Of the utmost quality: PRIMO.  This makes me think of Primo Levy (July 31, 1919 ~ Apr. 11, 1987), a Jewish-Italian chemist and Holocaust survivor.  He also wrote The Periodic Table, a collection of short stories based on elements in the periodic table.

13. Darken, as wood: STAIN.

18. Meh-worthy: SO-SO.  Another Double, but not a food.

22. Bawl: SOB.

25. Egg, in Ecuador: HUEVO.  More of today's Spanish lesson, but this time in the kitchen, not the math lab.

27. "Out of the question": NO SOAP.  I think of this as being an old-timey expression, although its origin is not clear.

28. Scoundrels: CADS.

29. Kick off: OPEN.

30. Most mysterious: UNCANNIEST.

31. Poseidon, for one: SEAGOD.

32. Rocky road serving: SCOOP.

36. Pet's human: OWNER.  It's actually the other way around.  The Pet is the human owner.

38. Library patron, e.g.: USER.   I couldn't live without my fabulous public library.

39. Mel B and Mel C bandmate: GERI.  Members of The Spice Girls.

42. Leia Organa title: PRINCESS.  Hand up if you knew Princess Leia's surname.

44. More than parched: BONE DRY.

47. Montreal NHLer, to fans: HAB.  The Montreal Canadiens, a professional ice hockey team in the National Hockey League, are also known as the "Habs", which is short for "Habitants".
50. Follower of Charlie?: DELTA.  Letters in the NATO Alphabet.

51. Bee-related: APIAN.

55. Word with bed or head: ROOM.  Anyone remember Max Headroom?

56. Tostada topping, briefly: GUAC.  Yummers!

58. Plan a getaway for, perhaps: ABET.

59. Malodorous: RIPE.

60. Skin and hair care chain: ULTA.
61. Shut loudly: SLAM.

63. Enjoy Vail: SKI.

65. Bikini top: BRA.

Here's the Grid:


Jul 3, 2024

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, Michael B. Berg


 I never knew the first line....

Splynter reporting for duty - another quick solve this Wednesday, albeit containing circles, but with very few names, a small number of 3LWs, and a theme that, while I don't use the term, was understandable - synonyms for family, "found" across two words in the theme answers.  I suppose AA would be my version of a 'found family', and certainly the 20 employees at the Pipe Organ company.  Some alliteration going on, as well - CLAN, KIN, CREW, KITH.  One eleven-, two thirteen-letter, and one spanner for the theme answers, and an 11-letter reveal;

16. Road division: TRAFFIC LANE - Keep your LaSalle between the lines~!

A GM/Cadillac Concept Car - very cool, and clearly where the Corvette came from

23. Task that's a piece of cake: WALK IN THE PARK

36. Home of Christopher Robin's friends: HUNDRED ACRE WOOD

46. Japanese dramatic form with elaborate costumes: KABUKI THEATER

Gene Simmons, before KISS

58. Closely knit community that provides social support, or what 16-, 23-, 36-, and 46-Across contain?: FOUND FAMILY

And Away We Go~!


1. Adele's "Water __ the Bridge": UNDER

6. Salsa choice: MILD - AND -
6D. Salsa choice: MELON - never heard of this variation

A recipe for you

10. Covertly include on an email: BCC - I get this a lot in crosswords

13. "Nope" and "Get Out" director Jordan: PEELE - filled via perps; his IMDb

14. Mountaintop nest: AERIE

15. Sound from a warm tub: AHH - I seriously want to swap my cast iron bathtub to a Jacuzzi

18. Reed of the Velvet Underground: LOU - before my time, but I know of him

19. Like most prime numbers: ODD

20. Thai neighbor: LAO

21. Band output: MUSIC - this is a song about "family", right~?

I crossed my old man. . . .Don't Take Me Alive, Steely Dan

28. Accurate: TRUE

29. Burgundies: REDS - quit wining - get it~?

30. Dough: MOOLA - bread, cheese, cash, fundage~!

31. Open a tad: AJAR

33. Fundraiser for STEM programs: PTA - STEM is "new" for me in crosswords; I don't recall seeing it during my last blogging stint - Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

40. Gp.: ORG

41. Walkman maker: SONY - the original iPod

I still have one

42. Quite a distance: MILES

43. "Stat!": ASAP

45. AirPlay tablet: iPAD - I'm a PC

52. Soccer Hall of Famer Lalas: ALEXI - More here

53. Aardvark's snack: ANT

54. Vegan milk choice: OAT - I make my mac N cheese with Soy Milk

57. Streamlet: RIA - learned by doing crosswords

63. Apple on a teacher's desk, perhaps: MAC - clever - could be both computer AND fruit

64. Simmers with rage: FUMES - >😡<

65. Low point: NADIR

66. Pokémon trainer Ketchum: ASH - no idea, but glad to see a non-tree/bat clue for "ASH"

67. Small samples: SIPS

68. Pic-sharing app: INSTAgram - I am still planning to do a better Organ blog, and an Instagram page, too - here's the latest from The National Cathedral organ renovation


1. As many as: UP TO

2. One with deep knowledge of a subject: NERD - of what subject can you say you're proud to be a NERD~?

3. Completely mistaken: DEAD WRONG - I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken

4. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear" film: ELF - sorry, but I simply cannot stand this "holiday classic".  At All.  Period.  End of Comment.

5. NBA official: REFeree - also hockey, football, etc.

7. 401(k) alternative: IRA

8. Songwriter/actor __-Manuel Miranda: LIN - Filled via perps

9. Considered: DEEMED

10. Model material: BALSA - oh, those models . . . .

11. Gospel singers: CHOIR - CHOIR is also a division/chamber of some pipe organs; the main divisions are Great, Swell, Pedal; and additionally, Choir, Solo, Positiv & Antiphonal

12. Toss away: CHUCK

14. Fruit from a Brazilian palm: ACAI

17. Sort: ILK

22. FedEx rival: UPS - UPS wins~!

Sumo Delivery vans

24. "__ Lang Syne": AULD

25. TV producer Norman: LEAR - Creator of "All in the FOUND Family"~?

26. "Fast Car" singer Chapman: TRACY

27. Munich mister: HERR - and the funny female equivalent. . . .


28. Series of gigs: TOUR

30. Old electrical unit: MHO - learning moment for me - the Wiki

31. Bring home from the pound: ADOPT - I would SO love to adopt a dog - but if I am in the field for work, I'd need to find a dog-sitter, and I'm not a big fan of that idea

This would be my pick - a Schnauzer

32. Abbr. at the start of a day planner: JANuary

33. Pictures that don't need to be shaken: POLAROIDS - Ah.  This is true - the "instant" photos of old did NOT need to be shaken - more info here

34. Pigeon-__: TOED - I went with HOLE first; pigeon-TOED, like last week's "TOE-IN" of a car's alignment, describes someone who walks with their toes pointing "in"

35. Spots that may be classified: ADs - and advertisement is referred to as a "spot"

37. "Titans" actor Morales: ESAI - something something crossword Morales = ESAI

38. Radiate: EMIT

39. Diaper bag cloth: WIPE - oh, duh; I parsed it differently, and was trying to think of the fabric a diaper bag is made from

43. Stereo input letters: AUX

44. Flat-bottomed boats: SKIFFS

46. Cosmic fate: KARMA

47. Name on a false document: ALIAS

48. Sandy spot: BEACH - I am not a summer person, and having lived in a place made of, and surrounded by sand, desperately needed to move north - the irony is that I USED TO live in Connecticut, because Long Island was made by a glacier scraping off the surface of CT.

49. Jockey rival: HANES - possibly Splynter's most beloved product~?

I couldn't decide - but the center image includes a crossword reference

50. Loose __: ENDS

51. DOJ branch: ATF - Department of Justice, and the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms now includes Explosives in their wheelhouse - should they change the name to "FETA, FEAT"~? Or better yet, "FATE"!?

55. Touched down: ALIT

56. Supermodel Banks: TYRA

59. Yes, from Yves: OUI - Frawnche

60. Strike caller?: UMPire - Baseball for C.C.

61. Vader, as a boy: ANIkin - Skywalker, the father of the Star Wars "family"

62. Guy: MAN - and one last family "guy"

 Be safe and enjoy being with your family this Fourth of July~! 

Since I can rarely get to read the comments on the day, I decided to add a "FLW" to the end of my blog. . . .
From Last Week - CED, I loved your "Laser Bird"~!  TTP - I watched the clip, but that's not the quite it; it really does sound like "pew-pew" - I have been waiting to capture a sound bite from my window, so I can add it here, but I think "mating season" may be over.  zzzzzzz - send me an email.
