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Aug 2, 2017

Wednesday, August 2, 2017, Debbie Ellerin

Title: "For the apparel doth oft proclaim the man"-  Polonius in Hamlet

Husker Gary reporting in from the mall with a humpday puzzle by Debbie Ellerin where she describes four types of people using an article of clothing for each. A very straightforward grid where the SW corner did give me pause with FOODIE, LEEDS and the non-programming logic term of 
51. Logician's word : ERGO - Cogito ergo errat (I think, therefore I err)

Here are Debbie's theme entries, two are singular and two are plural:

17. Ineffectual exec : EMPTY SUIT - As Gertrude Stein said, "There's no there, there!" We all know some.

28. Pioneers : TRAIL BLAZERS - One of my TRAIL BLAZER heroes. She was just tired of being treated badly

44. Self-important sort : STUFFED SHIRT - After a few risqué images came to mind, I immediately thought of this ultimate example

60. Traitors : TURN COATS - Two of the most well known

These fills from any clothing store made for a lovely device. Let's try on Debbie's other fills for size:


1. Cold shoulder : SNUB - I am now seeing these cold shoulder tops in schools

5. Track competition : MEET - The world only cares about the one that comes every four years and in 2028, it's in LA

14. "Red" nuisance : TAPE - 9. Multitudes : SLEWS  of this helped me decide to get out of my summer business 

15. Spitballs, to class clowns : AMMO

16. One-named "Tik Tok" singer : KESHA - She's in a court fight with Kemosabe Records (no, really) 

19. "The Addams Family" actor John : ASTIN

20. Itty-bitty : WEE - A 5' 4" baseball Hall-Of-Famer known to be able to place the ball or "hit 'em where they ain't"

21. A time to dye : EASTER - See Judas above

23. Final check? : MATE - Do you see how white can checkMATE in one move?

24. Await with trepidation : DREAD - What I feel when I blog. What mistake did I make?

26. A-list : ELITE - A-LIST was Agnes and C.C.'s theme yesterday

33. Bagel flavor : ONION

36. Like overly graphic tabloid stories : LURID - If it bleeds, it leads!

37. Padre's hermana : TIA - Dad's sister is your aunt

38. Keystone State Ivy : PENN 

39. Purple shade : LILAC - Even LILACS have different shades  

40. Prepare to travel : PACK

41. Tiny amount : TAD

42. Topples (over) : KEELS - When it's fake, it's called a FLOP

43. Tough spots : FIXES

47. Multitude : FLOCK

48. Spiteful : CATTY

52. Pago Pago resident : SAMOAN - SAMOANS Rommel and Toke will be freshmen playing football at Oregon State University this fall, 5,000 miles away from their Pago Pago home 

56. Fish often smoked : EEL

58. "Live at __": The Who album : LEEDS - Recorded on Valentine's Day 1970 at the University of LEEDS

62. Jackie's predecessor : MAMIE

63. Smallest bills : ONES

64. Massive landmass inhabited by masses : ASIA

65. Trapshooting : SKEET - Two at a time with an over/under shotgun

66. Japanese soybean paste : MISO

67. End of Oktober? : FEST


1. Crock-Pot concoction : STEW

2. Pointed a finger at : NAMED

3. Word with cut or crust : UPPER - This UPPER cut from Mike Tyson was "all she wrote"

4. Get into the pool? : BET - These were the winning squares for each quarter for the last Super Bowl pool if you BET on these squares shown and wrote in your name. The overtime would have been a moot point.

5. Ancient fortress overlooking the Dead Sea : MASADA

6. Flightless birds : EMUS

7. Put out : EMIT

8. Reusable grocery bag : TOTE

9. Jamaican genre : SKA

10. "Fantine's Arrest" B'way show : LES MIZ - Ann Hathaway said it was very hard to lose 25 lbs. and play Fantine who was a   "starving, miserable whore"

11. It's put on heirs : ESTATE TAX

12. Chinese side dish : WHITE RICE - I prefer it to brown or fried rice

13. Playing with a full deck : SANE - The Statler Brothers sang of the consequences of not having a full deck using these lyrics

18. Hanker (for) : YEARN

22. Archaeological treasure : RELIC

25. Ian Fleming's alma mater (and the school that expelled James Bond) : ETON

27. Youngster : LAD

29. Coming-clean declaration : I LIED

30. Breaks in the action : LULLS - Baseball is a great game that has too many LULLS

31. Full of chutzpah : BRASH  - John McEnroe was the BRASH player everyone loved to hate. He put butts in the seats!

32. Fifth Avenue landmark : SAKS

33. Makes a decision : OPTS

34. Slob's opposite : NEAT FREAK - I fulfill one of these roles at our house

35. "If you would be so kind" : INDULGE ME

39. Vichyssoise veggies : LEEKS - Julia Childs' ingredients for the soup I can't spell on my best day

40. Keystone State univ. : PITT

42. Chain whose website has a "Find a Colonel Near You" feature : KFC - The Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Samoa is in the village of Tafuna

43. Former French capital : FRANC

45. Gastronome : FOODIE - One of ours will be blogging here tomorrow!

46. "Just watch me!" : I CAN SO - Hold my beer and watch this

49. Kid around with : TEASE

50. Himalayan legends : YETIS - It was there year to bring cole slaw to the imaginary monster picnic

51. Trees with ovate leaves : ELMS

53. Elementary bit : ATOM

54. Bond category, for short : MUNI 

55. Mining hauls : ORES - Bauxite ORE from which most all aluminum has been made. BTW, why does everyone still say "tin foil" when it's not tin?

57. Test for a future atty. : LSAT - Granddaughter is studying for it now.

59. Filming site : SET

61. Big, clumsy type : OAF

I hope Debbie's puzzle suited you and you are now ready to comment:

The Grid: