, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 10, 2009

Wednesday June 10, 2009 Donna S. Levin

Theme: KNIT ONE, PURL ONE (57A: Directions appropriate for the activity suggested by the last words of 20-, 33- and 42-Across)

20A: Tingly feeling: PINS AND NEEDLES

33A: Through and through: DYED-IN-THE-WOOL

42A: Control tower concern: FLIGHT PATTERN

NEEDLES, WOOL & PATTERN simple suggests knitting, right? I am not a knitter. I don't know what kind of directions KNIT ONE, PURL ONE really are.

I am, however, a DYED-IN-THE-WOOL paper puzzle solver. I like having all the clues in front of me, writing, erasing, re-writing, sipping tea, snacking on nuts, etc. Working the on-line puzzle is just not relaxing. How about you?

Also, are you left-handed or right-handed? Kazie mentioned yesterday that "Lefties always look for connections and the "big picture", whereas righties seem to think more lineally, step by step". I am right-handed, but I think randomly, not "lineally".

Anyway, come to the Comments section and let me know which your dominant hand is. I am curious to know if we actually have more left-handed solvers than right-handed ones. Lefties are supposed to be good at solving problems.

My solving path today is rather jagged. But I got the job done. Favorite clues are TEAL and GYMNAST.


1A: SFPD alerts: APBS (All Points Bulletins)

10A: Term referring to a prev. citation: IBID. Short for Ibidem, meaning "in the aforementioned place". I forgot how it differs from OP. CIT. (in the work cited).

14A: Crux: MEAT. Wrote down GIST first.

15A: Greek market: AGORA

16A: Two-fifths of one quarter: DIME. I calculated 2/5 of 1/4 and got 1/10, so I wrote down DECI. Was not thinking of coin.

18A: Pricey mushroom: MOREL. Made me think of Dennis and his incredible moral sinew. I imagine he has a gruff voice.

19A: Educ. catchall: ELHI. EL(mentary) + HI(high school). I wrote down ET AL. I fall victim to this answer all the time.

23A: H.S. equivalency test: GED

25A: Monitor, briefly: CRT. For old computers.

29A: W.C.'s "My Little Chickadee" costar: MAE. Easy guess. Have never seen "My Little Chickadee". Was MAE West considered a sex symbol? She does not look hot to me.

37A: Proofing mark: DELE. And UNDO (59D: Backwards-arrow command)

38A: "Stroke" shouter, for short: COX (Coxswain). Stymied. "Stroke" is not a familiar command to me.

47A: Strange thing: ODDITY

51A: __Lingus: AER. Headquartered in Dublin. I like their three-leafed shamrock logo, green & leafy, very Irish.

52A: Canyon and Sierra: GMCS. Got the answer from Down fills.

62A: Surface magma: LAVA. Holy hot wick flow-er! Magma is beneath the earth's crust.

63A: Flared dress: A-LINE

64A: Tree of Knowledge site: EDEN. I am glad Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

67A: They may be pulled by teams: SLEDS. I thought team refers to horses & oxen only. I wrote down YOKES first.

69A: Masculine principle: YANG. Yin and YANG.

70A: Fusses: TO-DOS

71A: Big top: TENT. I like this clue.


1D: Rock booster: AMP. Kept thinking of "Rocket booster".

2D: Tiny sound: PEEP. More familiar with the "Look curiously" meaning of PEEP.

3D: Adriatic port: BARI. Unknown to me. See this map. It's a seaport in southeast of Italy.

4D: Smarted: STUNG

5D: Fast time in Fallujah: RAMADAN. The ninth month in Muslim calendar. I don't think I have the will to fast. Nice alliteration in the clue.

6D: Ray and Peter's co-Ghostbuster: EGON. No idea. Obtained the answer from Across fills.

7D: Parliament members: LORDS. House of Lords. And House of Commons. And houses of troubles for Gordon Brown. Man, he is toast, done!

9D: Alito and Thomas are graduates of it: YALE LAW. Gimme. So is the future Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

10D: Fingered, as a perp: IDED

11D: Original host of "The Price is Right": BILL CULLEN. Had trouble getting his given name as I screwed up the upper right corner.

12D: Words upon arriving: I'M HERE

13D: Many Founding Fathers, philosophically: DEISTS. Oh, I just learned that there is a difference between deism and theism. I wonder if ever America will elect an atheist as president.

21D: Big rig: SEMI

28D: Like many high achievers: SELF-DRIVEN

30D: Cut with acid: ETCH

32D: Mohair source: GOAT. Angora GOAT, to be exact.

35D: Fenced, perhaps: HOT. I did not know HOT is a slang for stolen goods.

36D: __ 67: Montreal fair: EXPO

40D: "Dude": BRO. Is BRO an African American saying?

43D: Let __: stop obsessing: IT GO

44D: One dismounting from a horse, maybe: GYMNAST. Pommel horse. Excellent clue.

45D: URL, e.g.: ADDRESS. Nice clue too.

46D: Ducky color?: TEAL. Another great clue. Interesting name, cinnamon TEAL duck.

47D: Subject of "Annie Get Your Gun": OAKLEY

48D: Reply to "Gracias": DE NADA

53D: Rostropovich's instrument: CELLO. Thought of PIANO first. His name Rostropovich sounds like a pianist.

58D: Spacecraft beverage: TANG. The first time I had TANG is around 1987, some 30 years after its invention.

61D: Hibernia: ERIN. You should eat worm if you failed to get this one. I've mentioned on the blog several times that Hibernia is Latin for Ireland. And those who love everything Irish are called hibernophiles.

Answer grid.
