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Mar 20, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: Densmore, Krieger, Manzarek and Morrison - Better known as "The Doors" and whose song, Love Me Two Times(3:20) is appropriate because each theme is a pair of doors.

17A. *Where some carry keys : FRONT POCKET. FRONT door needs no explanation but POCKET door may, except for Splynter. A POCKET door is the type that slides into the wall. I hope you can look at this video(0:26) and not think the Starship Enterprise; I couldn't.

26A. *Behind-the-scenes area : BACKSTAGE. BACK door, STAGE door

37A. *Peugeot or Renault, e.g. : FRENCH CAR. FRENCH doors, may be exterior or interior. Who remembers CARs with suicide doors?

51A. *Campaign in rural areas : BARN STORM. BARN door, STORM door

60A. School entrances, or, in a way, what each answer to a starred clue has : DOUBLE DOORS

Argyle here. I hope Pam will forgive my facetious theme interpretation. I doubt The Doors ever crossed her mind. I'm always impressed by these doubled theme entries. Throw in some decent fill, no Naticks that I could see and you have a very good Tuesday puzzle.


1. Stove fuel : GAS. "Now we're cooking with GAS." Things in the kitchen became much easier once the wood/coal stoves were replaced by GAS.

4. Consent (to) : ACCEDE

10. Sauna sounds : AHs

13. Tiny troublemaker : IMP

14. Drink ordered dry or dirty : MARTINI. A dirty martini contains a splash of olive brine or olive juice.

16. Cheer word : "RAH!"

19. Pie __ mode : À LA. The Cambridge Hotel(NY), said to be the birth place of this dessert is to appear on Chef Ramsay's "Hotel Hell" later this spring.

20. New Mexico art colony : TAOS

21. Volcano output : ASH

22. Flavor : SAPOR

24. Author Ferber and actress Best : EDNAs

29. Reno roller : DIE. Nice alliteration.

30. "Now I __ me down ..." : LAY

32. One more : ANOTHER

33. Two-time N.L. batting champ Lefty : O'DOUL. He started as a pitcher, left because of a sore arm and came back as a power hitter. Won the batting title in 1929 and 1932.

35. The Beatles' "__ Love You" : PS I. This version(2:08) has Andy White on drums. Trivia runs on the screen during the song. Andy White now lives in New Jersey. link.

36. Physics particle : ION

40. Coppertone letters : SPF. (sun protection factor)

42. Remote batteries : AA's

43. Krispy __ doughnuts : KREME. Mmmmmm, donuts.

46. Nonbeliever : ATHEIST

48. "This __ ripoff!" : IS A

49. Farm worker? : ANT. Did anyone actually have an ant farm?

53. Slow, to Schumann : LENTO. Schumann was a German composer.

55. Brazilian writer Jorge : AMADO. Took all the perps to bring him in.

56. Velvet finish? : EEN. Velveteen.

58. "Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves" singer : CHER. This clip was the most visually interesting that I found.

59. Grafton's "__ for Corpse" : C IS

64. One for Monet : UNE. French.

65. Evaporated : DRIED UP

66. MGM mascot : LEO. The lion.

67. Airline to Stockholm : SAS. Scandinavian Airlines or SAS, previously Scandinavian Airlines System.

68. Trattoria desserts : GELATI. Well! It appears it is both singular and plural. Help?

69. Time workers: Abbr. : EDs (Editors). The magazine.


1. Like geniuses : GIFTED

2. Medium with a lot of talk : AM RADIO

3. Ate, as soup : SPOONED

4. Price to pay: Abbr. : AMT. (amount)

5. Bullfighter's cloak : CAPA. Spanish for cape.

6. "Road" film co-star : CROSBY. "On the Road to..." pictures starred Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour.

7. __ Sketch: drawing toy : ETCH A

8. Hägar creator Browne : DIK. His son, Chris Browne, continues the strip.

9. Suffix with benz- : ENE

10. Wind River Reservation tribe : ARAPAHO. In the heart of Wyoming. Map.

11. Kind of lamp with a tungsten filament : HALOGEN

12. One who doesn't hog : SHARER

15. "__ Easy": Ronstadt hit : IT'S SO. Clip.(2:41)

18. Decoding org. : NSA. (National Security Agency)

23. Something to wear : ATTIRE

25. Sot's speech problem : SLUR

27. Money : CASH

28. Atlantic Division NBA team : KNICKS. The New York Knickerbockers, commonly known as the Knicks, are a professional basketball team based in New York City.

31. Balt. Orioles' div. : AL EAST. The Baltimore Orioles are a professional baseball team based in Baltimore, Maryland.

34. Step on someone's toes, so to speak : OFFEND

35. Mac alternatives : PCs. (personal computer)

38. Brussels-based defense gp. : NATO

39. Shrinking sea : ARAL

40. Marathoner's need : STAMINA

41. They may be coined : PHRASES

44. Street opening : MANHOLE

45. Became a contestant : ENTERED

46. Gadget you can count on? : ABACUS

47. "This ___": "How strange" : IS ODD

48. Well-heeled Marcos : IMELDA. She is an elected Congresswoman - in the Philippines.

50. Sculptors' subjects : TORSOs

52. Resist authority : REBEL

54. Earth-friendly prefix : ECO

57. Neither an ally nor an enemy: Abbr. : NEUTral. Only three more letters, seems unnecessary to abbreviate. Fixed: with a tip of the hat to D-otto.

61. Common URL ender : .ORG

62. Slangy about-face : UIE

63. Printer resolution meas. : DPI. (dots per inch)


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to Spitzboov (Al), who sent me this beautiful Annin flag when I became a US citizen in 2010. Spitzboov often finds delightful clips for us to enjoy. Off the blog, he always gives me wise advice and solid feedback on various crossword ideas.