, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012, Steve Salitan

Theme: Danny Thomas starring in Make Room for Daddy, of course I am too young to remember this show so I must have seen it on TV Land.. Each of the four theme answers are two-word names of Television Shows, with the second word describing a type of room. We have only seen Mr. Salitan with themeless Saturday offerings recently, but he put together a nice grid with lots of interesting long fill along with the theme. I kept looking for a pun on the show names, but they were straightforward, and the reveal buried at the end confirmed the only other link between the shows.

17A. Gene Rayburn-hosted program with a six-celebrity panel : MATCH GAME. Who did not love Charles Nelson Reilly. GAME ROOM is probably where we had the TV in those days.

35A. Sitcom that received 17 Emmy nominations in 2011 : MODERN FAMILY. Hmm, I guess I must start watching this show. I take it back, the TV was in the FAMILY ROOM.

41A. 2000s high school drama : BOSTON PUBLIC. One of the many shows from David Kelley, but starring such great names as Chi McBride and Fyvush Finkel. PUBLIC ROOM is more common a phrase in England I think, or maybe any room open to the Public, I guess many might have TVs in them, like at a Pub?

60A. Jon Stewart vehicle, with "The" : DAILY SHOW. Contemporary humor on Comedy central, I never watch. SHOW ROOM. Ironically, this is not the room where you watch your shows, but where you go to shop for the new TV. And the unifier....

48A. Den, often, and in a way, what 17-, 35-, 41- and 60-Across end in : TV ROOM.

Let us see where Steve takes us.


1. Result of a dough shortage? : DEBT. Well I was thinking of the invention of bagels, or doughnuts. Not a great start.

5. Java neighbor : BALI. Geography, rats. All part of Indonesia, I think.

9. "Godzilla Raids Again" setting : OSAKA. I hate starting 0 for 3, but Tokyo also fit. Time to start looking at the downs.

14. End of a court game : ALAI. Jai Alai. We just had cesta recently.

15. Finished : OVER. Will solving this ever be over?

16. One learning the ropes : PUPIL. Why ropes? Why not ropes?

19. Key component : EBONY. Piano keys. LINK.

20. City south of Juneau : SITKA. More geography, A harbor city where the Alaska cruise ships go.

21. Org. that works with vets : SPCA. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; veterinarians not veterans.

23. Photog.'s blowup : ENLargement.

24. Telly Savalas trademark : NO HAIR. More old TV trivia, Kojak. I had a hard time sussing this one.

28. Home near a fire : TENT.

32. Protected side : LEE.

33. Nancy's comics cohort : SLUGGO. Quite the cute couple.

34. Assortment : OLIO. I nominate this as the official word of the Corner, to go along with Loon, the official bird, and Morel the official picture. C.C.? (From C.C.: I like this choice. DF is good too, though 2-letter.)

37. Cal Ripken, for one : ORIOLE. Of the Baltimore persuasion.

40. Long-billed birds : IBISES.

45. Nobel Institute city : OSLO. For Jerome and our Scandinavian contingent.

46. Rubbed off : ERASED. Sorry, my mind did not go in that direction when I first saw this cue. I guess some of the old DF from this site is rubbing off on my innocent mind.

47. Sot's shakes : DTS. Delirium Tremens.

50. Watcher : EYER.

51. Down : MOROSE. If you are UP are you LESSOSE?

52. Hail, to Caesar : AVE. Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant. Hail Caesar, we who are about to die salute you. The great things we learn doing puzzle.

53. "The Loco-Motion" singer Little Eva's last name : BOYD. Did not know the name (her middle name was Narcissus) but know the SONG.

55. Iraqi port : BASRA. More geography, I need a refresher course.

57. Traffic light signal : ARROW.

64. "Mean Girls" star : LOHAN. Can you say Train Wreck? She is no Nancy.

65. Cookie Monster pal : ELMO. Sesame Street.

66. Meeting place for Plato : STOA. Back again, feeling its OATS?

67. Plunders : LOOTS.

68. Deeply absorbed : RAPT. How to describe all of your current state of mind as you read my words.

69. "___ knowledge..." : TO MY.


1. Distressed gal? : DAMSEL. Oh goody, one I know. EXAMPLE. For our own Dudley.

2. Lancelot's unrequited lover : ELAINE. Oh my, not Guinevere, but this MAIDEN.

3. War component : BATTLE.

4. Bit of time : TICK. Or tock?

5. Peat source : BOG.

6. Gardner of film : AVA. Beautiful, married to Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra. This LINK is for you Kazie.

7. Moon vehicle : LEM. Lunar Excursion Module.

8. Words spoken in a huff, perhaps : I RESIGN. No politics from me.

9. Crude org. : OPEC. I really like this clue, nice play on words.

10. Like quarks : SUBATOMIC. Physics, right up there with geography.

11. G.I. Joe's address? : APO. Army Post Office.

12. Clan members : KIN. or Kith? Right Sylvester?

13. Rita Hayworth husband ___ Khan : ALY. Another movie beauty from the past.

18. "Star Wars" hero : HAN SOLO. Harrison Ford, I would not mind kithing him.

22. Side views : PROFILES. I like my left side best, or is it the right?

25. Rival of the past : OLD ENEMY. When I was in high school, Jenny...oh never mind.

26. Color chart component : HUE.

27. Cabinet dept. : AGRiculture.

29. Some Ivy Leaguers : ELIS. The Yalies.

30. Where many a felucca is sailed : NILE. Hahtoolah, did your husband sail your felucca while you were in Egypt? No clue. I know they must be sail boats.

31. Plays (with) : TOYS. With my emotions, the rat.

35. Lake transport : MOTOR BOAT, Nice long fill

36. Follow, as rules : ABIDE BY. Another Friday fill.

37. Reed in a pit : OBOE.

38. Far from bleak : ROSY. All rosy cheeked.

39. Man, for instance : ISLE. Off of Great Britain.

42. Poker : PRODDER. For some reason this makes me think of Allan Sherman.

43. Former Egypt-Syr. alliance : UAR. We are back in Egypt.

44. Seji Ozawa led it for nearly 30 yrs. : BSO. This is a gimme for us in Massachusetts who love the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The best.

47. Race for, as the finish line : DASH TO. I was lucky I had the perps filled here.

49. Saint Lawrence ____ : SEAWAY. In Canada, and maybe our last geography of the day.

54. Dominates : OWNS. Novak Djokovic owns Nadal.

56. Second: Abbr. : ASST. Who said, "I would like to introduce you to number two."

57. The whole enchilada : ALL.

58. Literary hopper : ROO. Kanga's baby in Winnie the Pooh.

59. Air density symbol : RHO. More PHYSICS.

61. Chef's recipe words : A LA. Carte. A LA Mode.

62. Sitter's challenge : IMP. Tyrion?

63. Fortune : LOT. Well it is my lot in life to finish up and get out of here. See you next time.

Answer grid.

See you next week, same time, same channel...
