, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 9, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Crazy - The four themes are hiding their frailty but it is easily distinguished.

18A. Area’s distinguishing qualities : LOCAL COLOR

29A. Bud Abbott’s partner : LOU COSTELLO

48A. Fly off the handle : LOSE CONTROL

59A. Jurisdiction whose decisions may be appealed : LOWER COURT (From C.C.: In my submission, I used Lemonade's fun clue: Trial setting whose unappealing decisions may be appealed.)

68A. Off one’s rocker, and a hint to what the four longest puzzle answers have in common : LOCO

Argyle here. After the pyrotechnics of last week, it's good to start the week with a puzzle that is more in tune to a laid back summer day. The climbers in the corners are a nice touch.


1. Norway’s most populous city : OSLO

5. Sonata finales : CODAS

10. Trident-shaped Greek letters : PSIs

14. Sentence subject, usually : NOUN

15. Film critic Roger : EBERT

16. In real time : LIVE

17. Risk or Clue : GAME

20. NW, vis-à-vis SE : OPP. (opposite)

21. Jury member : PEER

22. Phantom’s hangout : OPERA

23. Work like a sponge : ABSORB

25. Flood zone procedure, briefly : EVAC. (evacuation)

28. Little bite : NIP

31. Gym shirt : TEE

32. Marvel superheroes : X-MEN. comic books and now movies.

33. Those, in Cuba : ESAS

34. Porgy’s love : BESS

35. Gelatin made from seaweed : AGAR

37. Fly high : SOAR

39. Stretch across : SPAN

42. Garr of “Tootsie” : TERI

44. Tide type : NEAP

47. Sunbather’s souvenir : TAN

51. Sinusitis-treating MD : ENT. (ear, nose, and throat Doctor)

52. Kindle Fire alternative : iPAD

53. Jot in the margin, say : NOTATE

54. Ritzy Twin Cities suburb : EDINA

56. At it : BUSY

58. Soup cooker : POT

62. Versatile tubers : YAMS

63. Parts of history : ERAs

64. Hägar the Horrible’s wife : HELGA. from the comic strip.

65. Chase, as flies : SHAG

66. Flit : DART

67. Lazybones : IDLER


1. Like accurate hockey shots : ON GOAL

2. Street performer’s stand : SOAP BOX

3. All at once, as a payment : LUMP SUM

4. Tip jar addition : ONE

5. Star Magazine stars : CELEBs

6. Clarinet cousin : OBOE

7. Formal orders : DECREEs

8. Palindromic constellation : ARA

9. Letters on a Cardinal cap : STL. A baseball cap.

10. Fall heavily : PLOP

11. Last letter in June, e.g. : SILENT E

12. Keys that may be tickled : IVORIES

13. Bright wraps : SERAPES

19. Fashion’s Chanel : COCO. №5 was her biggest fragrance.

21. Fork point : PRONG. No tine this time.

24. Vast body of water : OCEAN

26. Pickle brand with a stork mascot : VLASIC. With a Groucho delivery.

27. To boot : ALSO

30. Revered Mother : TERESA

34. Football’s Favre : BRETT. Maybe retired?

36. At the peak of : ATOP

38. Irritate : ANNOY

39. Braced (oneself), as for a challenge : STEELED

40. Mythical box opener : PANDORA

41. Like many '60s -'70s protesters : ANTI-WAR

43. Energy drink with a bovine logo : RED BULL

45. Wyoming tribe : ARAPAHO. Close allies of the Cheyenne tribe and loosely aligned with the Sioux. Arapaho is an Algonquian language. (Wiki.)

46. Washington’s river : POTOMAC. Washington threw a dollar across the Potomac but a dollar went a lot farther in those days.

48. Tall-tale teller : LIAR. Too harsh. Let's just say embellisher.

49. GM tracking service : ONSTAR

50. “C’mon already!” : "LET'S GO!"

55. Cheep digs? : NEST. Out on a limb?

57. Yen : URGE

60. Energy, in feng shui : CHI

61. British ref. work : OED. (Oxford English Dictionary)

62. French designer’s monogram : YSL. (Yves Saint Laurent)
