, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 16, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: By the (old) numbers - When are Roman numerals not numbers? Hic et nunc!

1A. *"Sorry to say ..." : "I FEAR ..." (1)

9A. *Peaceful hand gesture : V-SIGN (5)

18A. *Novelty glasses in comic book ads : X-RAY SPECS (10)

30A. *Yellow Brick Road creator : L. FRANK BAUM (50)

48A. *Power sources for some toys : C BATTERIES (100)

60A. *Ones with a 1.0 GPA : D STUDENTS (500)

68A. *MGM Resorts reward program : M LIFE (1,000). If you would like more information, click here.

70A. Like each starred answer's first letter, when used as a numeral : ROMAN

Adsum, sum Argyle. If you did like I did and got the unifier first, this was a relative easy solve. But still, you have to be in awe of the construction. Finding entries starting with a single letter; going 1 to 1,000, in order; maintaining normal crossword symmetry. Wow! Very Scrabbley, too. Two 11-letter risers!


6. QBs' scores : TD's. Some football but there will be more baseball, you bet.

14. Winnie-the-Pooh's creator : MILNE

15. Years and years : EON

16. Cake invitation that Alice accepted : EAT ME. Only in Wonderland, guys.

17. Spaghetti sauce brand : PREGO

20. Dry, like some Spanish wine : SECO. or Portuguese.

21. Get ready to advance after a fly ball : TAG UP. See, baseball.

22. Cereal "for kids" : TRIX. Crazy rabbit!

25. Maniacs : MADMEN. Crazy guys!

35. "__ Lama Ding Dong": doo-wop hit : RAMA. Crazy, man, crazy! They don't write like this anymore. Link(0:15)(2:30)

36. D-backs, on scoreboards : ARI. What? More baseball. Arizona Diamondbacks.

37. Hard-time crime : FELONY

38. Picked from a lineup, briefly : ID'ed. Cute pairing.

39. Manly to the max : MACHO

41., e.g. : URL. Internet address.

42. Tire in a trunk : SPARE

43. Suffix with refer : ENCE

44. Dali or Degas : ARTIST. A surrealist and an impressionist.

46. MLB dugout boss : MGR. Major League Baseball.

47. Raleigh's state: Abbr. : N. CAR

50. Saint of Ávila : TERESA. Born the province of Ávila, Spain.

52. Dip in the pool : SWIM

53. Baghdad native : IRAQI

57. "One day only!" event : SALE

64. Piano foot lever : PEDAL

65. "__ and the Night Visitors" : AMAHL. Christmas classic.

66. Argentine aunt : TIA. Uncle : TIO

67. Pong maker : ATARI. I wonder if Forrest Gump ever played Pong.

69. Secret agent : SPY


1. Little rascals : IMPs

2. Pull the trigger : FIRE

3. Vehicle with a charging station : ELECTRIC CAR

4. Long-haired cat : ANGORA

5. Rock's __ Speedwagon : REO. Ridin' The Storm Out(4:15) I thought this is an appropriate song to link, given all the weird weather we had this spring.

6. Schoolbook : TEXT

7. Bilingual TV cartoon explorer : DORA

8. Stocking tear : SNAG

9. Big name in scooters : VESPA

10. Patsy : SAP

11. Suffix with Israel : ITE

12. Yukon automaker : GMC. This link sort of explains the difference with Chevrolet.

13. Super __: game console : NES. (Nintendo Entertainment System)

19. "Delish!" : "YUMMY!"

23. "Inside" dope : INFO. OK, this clue didn't make sense to me. INFO is INFO, whether it is "inside" or "outside".

24. '60s-'70s Jaguar : XKE

26. Faucet trouble : DRIP

27. Classic palindrome : "MADAM, I'M ADAM"

28. Come into view : EMERGE

29. __ Raiders: consumer advocates : NADER'S. Ralph.

30. Feel sorry about : LAMENT

31. English Channel country : FRANCE

32. Book jacket passage : BLURB

33. Main blood vessel : AORTA

34. Like a dark room : UNLIT

40. In this place : HERE

42. Hearty bowlful : STEW

44. Without __ in the world : A CARE

45. Ave. crossers : ST's. Avenue/Street

49. Meet, as a challenge : RISE TO

51. Edge along : SIDLE

54. Army insects : ANTS

55. Makeup smudge remover : Q-TIP

56. "My word!" : "I SAY!"

58. Tomb Raider's __ Croft : LARA. Video game far removed from Pong.

59. Tiger Woods's ex : ELIN Nordegren.

60. Hydroelectric facility : DAM

61. Tee size letters : S-M-L

62. __ chi: Chinese martial art : TAI

63. Old TV dial letters : UHF.(Ultrahigh frequency): 300-3000 Megahertz VHF (Very High Frequency): 30-300 Megahertz

64. Golf standard : PAR
