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Dec 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012, Peter A. Collins

Theme: A bit of sugar, a pinch of salt AN' A GRAM make a 7 layer cake.

This puzzle has all kinds of layers, with six different iterations of the letters in GLARE the icing which holds the cake together. Mr. Collins is am active constructor who has published more than 60 NYT puzzles since beginning in 2006 and almost 20 in the LAT. We last saw him in his HOMES puzzle, and I did my first write up of the INVISIBLE MAN collaboration he had in October. The theme involves the straight solving of five starred clues which each have a single word fill;  the final across entry as the reveal  along with the grid spanning 7 down tell us we need anagrams of GLARE to pair with the starred fill to create the hidden answers. As discussed in his interview which I have linked before, Peter likes hiding things. His cluing is excellent, in this odd,  difficult, but Mondayish grid with 78 words, only 63 open squares and lots of 3 and 4 letter fill. This did not make it easy, and I needed lots of work to get any traction.The theme did not help until the reveal. and even then, it was not a slam dunk. Some really interesting clechos as well.

let's get to work, with the unusual aspect of 1 across as a theme answer, but it is balanced with 73 across as the reveal. Symmetry.

1A. *Century maker : BUICK.(5) (REGAL). To me this is the odd clue out because both the answer and the anagram relate to the car company while the rest have different meanings when paired with the anagram.

23A. *Name of eight English kings : EDWARD (6).(ELGAR). You all know I loves me a good anagram almost as much as Jerome does,  but this one almost did me in. The other came easily but this COMPOSER of Pomp and Circumstance and others was not in my brain. Ed VIII is the one who abdicated for the American Divorcee, Wallis Simpson and may have been a strong sympathizer with the NAZI government.

25A. *Engenders : FOSTERS (7). (LAGER). Hi Kazie. Make you feel like you are back in OZ? (0:15)

55A. *To whom Hamlet said, "O, I die" : HORATIO (7) (ALGER). The incredible popular AUTHOR of children's feel good books, who may also have been a pedophile.

60A. *Certain psychic : MEDIUM (6) (LARGE).The easiest of the GLARE anagrams.
and the two part unifier...

73A. Reason to wear shades (and a word for which you have to 7-Down to find a word, different in each case, that can follow a starred answer) : GLARE.(5).

7D. See 73-Across : CREATE AN ANAGRAM.(15).


6. Berlin beef? : ACH. This German exclamation of frustration was a difficult clue for a three letter fill even with the much favored alliteration.

9. They may be lost or frozen : WAGES. Another thoughht provoking clue/fill combo.

14. Ishikari Bay city : OTARU. Luckily we had this seaport back in early November.

15. Before, before : ERE. Finally, one I could fill with confidence!!!!

16. How holes are rarely made? : IN ONE. Lovely golf reference. The closest I ever came I used a 61D. Pitching wedge, e.g. : IRON. You could not see the hole because of huge sand trap in front, and when I saw it was 2" away....

17. Red Square honoree : LENIN. The controversy continues. LINK.

18. Title in a Shakespeare title : GENTLEMEN. Once upon a time there two of them in Verona.

20. Chair part : ARM. Leg also fits; why do we anthropomorphize the furniture?

21. Karmann ___: classic VW : GHIA. The school doctor had a silver one, and thought he was all that when I was away at high school.

24. [As written] : SIC. From the Latin meaning THUS.

27. Pageboys et al. : DOS. Hair dos, not like the NBC pages.

28. Down Under runners : EMUS. More from the Australia.

30. Banks of Chicago : ERNIE. Let's play two, great hitter and shortstop for the Cubs. Won MVP on last place team.

32. Suffragist Julia Ward ___ : HOWE. Most famous for her Civil War POEM, and the song,  both of which were related to abolitionist, who also inspired 53D. "John Brown's Body" poet : BENET. Steven Vincent Benet wrote this Pulitzer prize winning narrative poem. BIO. Anyone seen LINCOLN?

34. Michigan, to Mitterand : ETAT.  President Mitterand from France would call a state....

36. Tippler : DIPSOmaniac. An actual historic medical term for an alcoholic. Not related to the wonderfully wittily clued  perpendicular 37D. What might involve reminiscing about old flames? : PYROMANIA.

40. Hindu teacher : SWAMI. Not.

42. Sajak sale : AN E. Johnny's first fame came when he replaced Edgar Bergen as the host of Who Do You Trust, a game show.

43. Arab League founding member : EGYPT.

44. Carpentry joint component : TENON. Our resident carpentry experts have waxed philosophic about this term in the...

45. History : PAST.

47. Many presidential periods : ERAS. Is the Bush Era over or is JEB coming on strong?

48. Joined a jam : SAT IN. Not trouble, not jelly but a musical JAM, Hit it JazzB.

50. Business opening : AGRObusiness. I cannot find any word other than AGRIBUSINESS, but do I pick a nit?

52. Kentucky Colonels' org. : ABA. American Basketball Association and home of the three point shot. They were a really Fun FRANCHISE. even if the clue is now obscure.

57. Glove box item : MAP.

62. Comes together : GELS. Which word came first, this or gelatin?

63. One-time link : AT A.

64. Seeing red? : IN ARREARS. A very nice clue from the accountants using red pencils to show losses.

66. Hues : TINTS.

68. Sombrero wearer : SENOR. and the clecho 69. Sombrero, e.g. : HAT.

70. Mark Twain, for one : ALIAS. Not just a nom de plume.

71. Emotionless : STONY. Her stony stare was unnerving.

72. Poehler of "Parks and Recreation" : AMY. She is divorcing her SNL and Parks co-star Will ARNETT.(4:41).


1. Hurled weapons : BOLAS.  These have been around for centuries. LINK.

2. Development sites : UTERI. What a cute clue and timely for someone who has a new granddaughter. However, all my mind conjures are bad Groucho Marx images. "What a revolting development this." or "Does this place have womb service?" Close your eyes and hear his voice.

3. "Atonement" author : IAN McEWAN. This somewhat controversial British author is often clued for his Booker Prize for Amsterdam. Did anyone watch the MOVIE?(1:50)

4. Champagne shout : CRI. Just a French word.

5. Panda's skill, in a 2008 film : KUNG FU. Never watched THIS.(1:22).

6. Auspices : AEGIS. A nice word which lawyers like to use to earn their fees.

8. Egg source : HEN. More fertilization focus?

9. Carefree quality : WILD SIDE. Performed by Melrose Plant's favorite SINGER.

10. From the top : ANEW. The "A" word.

11. Snap : GO MAD.

12. Janvier, across the Pyranees : ENERO. last week  and back again, Spanish January this timed paired with the French.

13. Elates : SENDS. A nice 50's word, ("Elvis really sends me.") that hangs on like HERE. (4:18).

19. Seagull relative : TERN. They always come in pairs because we all know a good tern deserves another.

22. It often winds up in a yard : HOSE. Winds up, get it! Really cute.

26. Some Deco works : ERTES. The most popular CW artist.

29. Office joggers : MEMOS. Jogging the memory not jiggling the jogger.

31. Alpine peak : EIGER. marti, how come I get to sanction this clue so often?

32. '40s-'50s D.C. initials : HST. Harry S. Truman. he had no middle name “S” but was given the initial as a tribute to both his maternal grandfather, Solomon Young, and his paternal grandfather, Anderson Shipp Truman. He never went to college, which these days would likely preclude him from being the President.

33. Have a mortgage : OWE. Closed 20 first time home buyer mortgages this month so far with 6 or 7 more to go. Fun.

35. South American forest dweller : TAPIR. The babies are cute.

38. Place to chill out : SPA. I actually sweat more there.

39. TDs may end them : OTS. Over Times in football.

41. Dashing, maybe : IN A HURRY. Nicely crafted clue, not Clark Gable, but someone who is late.

46. Follow : TAIL. Something for all you potential PI's or stalkers, this instructional  VIDEO.(4:16)

49. Hefty volume : TOME. Weighty is more the common phrase.

51. Attend alone : GO STAG. As opposed to stag parties, or stag movies?

52. Screwy : AMISS. As good as a mile?

54. Hersey's "A Bell for ___" : ADANO. Another war related Pulitzer winning TOME.

56. Irritable : TESTY. We are almost through, not time to get testy.

58. Rose oil : ATTAR. Fragrance. I believe the word works for any of the flowery scents; that is my two cents worth.

59. Outmoded : PASSE. Is corny humor passé?

65. "Now I get it!" : AHA. Well it is about time, the puzzle is almost done. I hope you are feeling great as it would be terrible if you were....

67. Not well : ILL. Especially as we enter the holiday party time. Each year the list seems longer and starts earlier. Great if you like free food and booze, just be careful. I hope you all had some potato latkes, if not stop by and I will get them ready. Counting down to Charlotte's first airplane flight when they come south  for the holidays. Thank you Mr. Collins for a fun  work out and for the rest for reading and commenting. Only 2 more 2012 Fridays left.
