, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Various kinds of drops - The last word in the theme entries can be backed with DROP.

17A. Stuffy room need : FRESH AIR. Airdrop - Getting supplies in without actually landing.

21A. Smith, to Abigail Adams : MAIDEN NAME. Name-Drop - Claim to know famous people. Abigail was the wife of John Adams.

33A. Mello Yello rival : MOUNTAIN DEW. Dewdrop - A bead of water that forms overnight on blades of grass, if the humidity is high enough. Also the name, Dew Drop Inn; a bar of my ute.

42A. Door-controlling sensor : ELECTRIC EYE. Eye Drop - Used to try to hide the redness after staying too long at the Dew Drop.

54A. 1984 Prince hit : PURPLE RAIN. Rain Drop. The song seems to have a vigorous copyright defense. No clip of the original.

62A. Painted setting behind stage actors, or what the ends of 17-, 21-, 33-, 42- and 54-Across can literally have : BACKDROP

Argyle here. Not as tough as yesterday's but probably some can find some nits.


1. Curtain hanger : ROD

4. Exec's "Now!" : ASAP. "As Soon As Possible" but they really want sooner than possible.

8. Works for People, perhaps : EDITS. People Magazine.

13. '50s political slogan name : IKE. Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: "I Like Ike"

14. "Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself" gp. : ACLU. (American Civil Liberties Union)

15. Dead Sea discovery : SCROLL. Ancient text found in caves.

19. Overly affected : TOO TOO

20. Cab ride cost : FARE

23. UFO navigators, so they say : ETs

25. One-one, for one : TIE

26. Messy type : SLOB

27. In and of itself : PER SE

30. Tip holder : JAR

31. Me, to Matisse : MOI. or to Miss Piggy.

32. Language of Southeast Asia : LAO

38. Recipient of much Apr. mail : IRS

39. Baby seal : PUP

40. Overnight stopping place : INN. Do drop in for the night. And 48A. 40-Across postings : RATES

41. Anger : IRE

45. Like very familiar jokes : OLD

46. Acidity nos. : PHs. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a pH very close to 7. - Wikipedia

47. Road crew goo : TAR

50. Resort near Ventura : OJAI

52. Spanish month : MES. No particular month, just the word for month.

53. El Al home: Abbr. : ISRael

57. Purina rival : IAMS. Pet food manufacturers.

61. Error-removal aid : ERASER

64. DVD player error message : [NO DISC]

65. Lago filler : AGUA. Water in a Spanish lake.

66. Bustle : ADO

67. Uses Avis, say : RENTS

68. Put in order : SORT

69. Kentucky Derby action : BET


1. Repeated musical accompaniment : RIFF. JzB, what say you?

2. Pod vegetable : OKRA. Another podded plant.

3. XING sign critter : DEER

 4. "That's the spot" : AAH

5. Takes for a ride : SCAMS

6. Et __: and others : ALIA

7. 17th-century New England settler : PURITAN

8. First name in makeup : ESTÉE Lauder.

9. Anti-rodent brand : D-CON

10. Attaches, as patches : IRONS ON

11. Complete dolt : TOTAL IDIOT

12. Like many NFL replays : SLO-MO

16. Pop singer Lisa : LOEB

18. Dates : SEES

22. More in need of cleaning : DIRTIER

24. Entices : TEMPTS

27. Ballet bend : PLIE

28. Viscount's superior : EARL

29. Traditional New Year's Day procession : ROSE PARADE

30. Planet with the most moons : JUPITER

31. Gold rush figures : MINERS

34. Your and my : OUR

35. Unspecified number : ANY

36. Author Gardner : ERLE. Best known for the Perry Mason series.

37. Gets married : WEDS

43. Contributes for a joint gift : CHIPS IN for the married couple.

44. Melons with wrinkly rinds : CASABAs

49. Very dry : ARID

50. Start serving customers : [OPEN]

51. Courtroom panelist : JUROR

52. Former Ford autos, briefly : MERCs. (usual Mercury Grand Marquis)

53. Acquire, as debts : INCUR

55. For fear that : LEST

56. Shakespearean villain : IAGO. A character in Othello.

58. Many a Syrian : ARAB

59. Airplane __: cellphone setting : MODE. Wiki

60. Parking space : SPOT

63. "Krazy" comics feline : KAT. A fine note to end on.
