, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 9, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015 Carol Hacker

Theme: Synonyms - Terms for changes in elevation.

17A. Past one's prime : OVER THE HILL

25A. Perilous course to go down : SLIPPERY SLOPE

43A. Achieves one's goal : MAKES THE GRADE

58A. Interest-paying institution : SAVINGS BANK

Argyle here. My first thought was this has a lot of echoes from recent puzzles. "Late in life" / "Over the hill" Ageism? We had a puzzle from Ms. Hacker last fall but still have no information about her. Personally, I found this effort rather flat with few redeeming qualities. I hope I'm missing something.


1. Works with yarn : KNITS

6. Anheuser-__ Brewery : BUSCH

11. Solomon, for one : JEW

14. Valium drug company : ROCHE. Swiss health-care company.

15. Snow-block home : IGLOO

16. Logger's tool : AXE

19. Doc for a kitty : VET

20. Thickness-measuring instrument : CALIPER

21. Hiker's tool : COMPASS

23. Mauna __ : LOA

24. Actress Zellweger : RENÉE

30. Margarita condiment, in Mazatlán : SAL

32. Tiny amt. of time : NSEC. (nanosecond)

33. Ballet skirt : TUTU

34. Vote in : ELECT

36. Tom Collins liquor : GIN

38. Red giant with a carbon-rich atmosphere : C STAR

39. Say with assurance : AVER

40. Red-shirted bear : POOH. No pants.

42. Prefix with bar : ISO

48. Skin openings : PORES

49. "Saw __": second "Saw" sequel : III

50. Popeye's adoptee : SWEE' PEA

53. Lacking a handle? : UNNAMED

57. Bother a lot : IRK

60. Alphabet finale : ZEE

61. Where embryos develop : UTERI

62. Do-or-die poker bet : ALL IN

63. Finale : END

64. Heat-resistant glassware : PYREX

65. Writer/director Allen with four Oscars : WOODY


1. McDonald's founder Ray : KROC

2. __ Scotia : NOVA

3. Atlantic republic at the edge of the Arctic Cir. : ICEL. All I'll say is that it's been used before(still doesn't make it right).

4. Roller-coaster ride feeling : THRILL

5. Climactic tennis match situation : SET POINT

6. Oktoberfest quaff : BIER. The 'k' clues it as German.

7. "That turns my stomach" : "UGH!"

8. Deli machine : SLICER

9. Ant complex : COLONY

10. Watson's associate : HOLMES

11. Perked pot contents : JAVA

12. Couple that's split : EXes

13. Dampens : WETS

18. Piles : HEAPS

22. Furrier's hides : PELTS

24. Cookbook contents : RECIPES

25. Streamlined : SLEEK

26. Take down a __: humble : PEG

27. Navel variety : OUTIE. Belly button.

28. School support gps. : PTAs

29. Peseta replacement : EURO

30. Tailor's line : SEAM

31. Thomas __ Edison : ALVA

35. __ suzette: dessert pancake : CRÊPE

37. Christmas quaff : NOG

38. Logger's tool : CHAINSAW

41. Round gasket : O-RING

44. Cleans with a paper towel, as a spill : SOPS UP

45. War-ending pact : TREATY

46. Shot put competitor, e.g. : HEAVER

47. Devil, in Durango : DIABLO

50. Small or medium : SIZE

51. Small songbird : WREN

52. __ out a living: barely got by : EKED

53. Windows alternative : UNIX

54. Bueno's opposite : MALO

55. City near Tulsa : ENID

56. Big Apple fashion initials : DKNY. Donna Karan New York

59. Anger : IRE
