, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 6, 2015

Sunday, Dec 6, 2015 Gail Grabowski

Theme: "Second Shift" - The second letter is shifted into the third letter, and the third letter becomes second letter in each new theme entry. 
23A. Gust that rattles the blinds? : SLAT SHAKER. Salt shaker.

25A. Humor among buddies? : CRONY JOKES. Corny jokes.

44A. Where mixologists learn the ropes? : TRAINING BAR. Training bra.

55A. Commonplace ballet technique? : STOCK PLIE. Stockpile. One word.

76A. Holiday season store statistic? : WRAP SPEED. Warp speed.

84A. Buzzers that can't be seen? : HIDDEN FLIES. Hidden files.

108A. Ordinary dolt? : COMMON CLOD. Common cold.

110A. Termite? : WOOD CRAVER. Wood carver.

37D. Tools for removing reputation stains? : BLOT CUTTERS. Bolt cutters.

40D. Complaint department? : CRAB COUNTER. Carb counter. Notice the O and the C in 37D's CUTTERS are the only connectors between two huge sections of the grid? Ideally there should be more flow.

Can you imagine the amount of research work involved collecting these theme answers? Don and I discussed a similar theme a few years ago, ours with a "Bottoms Up" approach though.

Gail likes to put two themers in Down slots. She also carefully designed her puzzle so none of the fill is longer than 8-letter long.

Typical Gail grid, smooth and clean. I did flounder in the SNEVA/NA'VI area.


1. "SOS" group : ABBA

5. Race site for more than 300 years : ASCOT. Not EPSOM.

10. Traffic stoppers? : NARCS. Drug traffic.

15. Goes on and on : YAKS

19. Tradition born under King Kamehameha II : LUAU. All crosses.

20. The "It Girl" Bow : CLARA. Alexa Chung has been the "It Girl" for a few years.  

21. Youngest of three dramatic sisters : IRINA. Chekhov's "Three Sisters". MASHA is the middle sister. Five-letter also. Olga the oldest.

22. Inner: Pref. : ENTO

27. No longer used : OBSOLETE

28. Tweeting source : NEST

29. "Très sexy!" : OO LA LA

30. Rich deposit : LODE

31. Nouveau-Mexique, e.g. : ETAT. I thought it's some kind of cuisine.

33. Put away : SAVED
35. Plumbing piece : ELBOW. I had to ask Boomer. Turns out it's the same as Ell.

38. 1983 Indy 500 winner Tom : SNEVA. We had him before. His name just constantly escapes me.
39. Sprint, for one : TELECOM

43. Colorado tributary : GILA

48. Genetic info carrier : RNA

49. Heaps : A TON

50. "Rubáiyát" rhyme scheme : AABA

51. Rare indication? : RED. PINK as well.

52. Peanuts, say : SNACK

54. Gere title role : DR. T. Three-letter Gere answer has to be Dr. T. 

59. Steadfast : STABLE

60. NYSE regulator : SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)

61. Cancellation of a kind : STET. Another tricky clue.

62. "__ we all?" : AREN'T

63. Tracks down : TRACES

64. Made judgments on diamonds : UMPED. Lovely clue.

66. Winner of 82 PGA Tour tournaments : SNEAD (Sam). Nailed it. Golf trivia rarely stumps me.

67. Pipe cleaner : DRANO

68. Zen enlightenment : SATORI

70. "That sounds bad!" : OH GOD

71. Chiefs coach Andy : REID. Easy crosses.

72. Short lines at the register? : UPC. Short stands for Abbr. Good old clue.

75. Garfield, e.g. : PET CAT

78. PX customer : NCO. PX = Post Exchange.

79. Start of an attorney's conclusion : I REST (my case)

80. Masters gadget : TEE. Golf again.

81. Kiddie-lit monster : OGRE

82. D-Day city : ST LO

83. Round fig. : CIR (Circle)

88. Split-resistant lumber : TEAK

89. "Whatever you say, honey" : YES DEAR. Nice colloquial phrase.

92. Sends : MAILS

93. Cheap shots : BARBS. Please don't engage those mean anonymous posters. They don't deserve your time or attention. My hard-learned lesson over almost 8 year's work with this blog.

94. Greenery-covered, as walls : IVIED

96. Liable to snap : EDGY

97. Heath-covered wasteland : MOOR

99. Captivate : ENAMOR

102. Mystery writer Buchanan : EDNA

104. Solitary sort : LONE WOLF. Evokes a dark image.

112. Generous offer : ON ME

113. Backspace over : ERASE

114. Did some whittling, say : IDLED

115. Hindu melody : RAGA

116. American-born Jordanian queen : NOOR. The beautiful Queen Noor.

117. Trifled (with) : TOYED

118. Tips off : TELLS

119. Keycard receiver : SLOT


1. "One more thing ... " : ALSO

2. Light source : BULB. Lovely clue as well.

3. They're heard in herds : BAAS

4. Bank offering : AUTO LOAN

5. Had a yearning : ACHED. How I wish my grandma were still alive. She never complained. Just quietly dealt with the pain of her bound feet and arthritic hands.

6. Political list : SLATE

7. Encrust : CAKE

8. Smelter raw material : ORE

9. Carwash challenge : TAR

10. Line at the beach? : NICE TAN. Not Bikini line.

11. LAX postings : ARRs

12. Real cards : RIOTS

13. "Inside Politics" airer : CNN. Hosted by John King.

14. Repeat : SAY OVER

15. Start of a quaint business sign : YE OLDE

16. "Diana" singer : ANKA

17. Co. known for music compilations : K-TEL. What does the K stand for?

18. Former Cubs slugger : SOSA

24. Brake : SLOW

26. "Piano Man" pianist : JOEL (Billy)

28. "Avatar" race":  NA'VI . Another old friend whose name escaped me.

31. Room-size computer unveiled in 1946 : ENIAC

32. Jack's value, sometimes : TEN. Asked Boomer. He said it's Blackjack.

34. Somewhat : A TAD

35. "Holy moly!" : EGADS

36. Bath quantity? : LITRE. Bath city.

38. Clog cousin : SABOT. Do people still wear Sabots?

41. Rouen relative : ONCLE. Or TANTE.

42. Fabricates : MAKES

44. Mom's mealtime encouragement : TASTE IT. Is/was your mom a good cook? Mine wasn't. But my dad was. So was my grandma.

45. Critiqued : RATED

46. Drudgery : GRIND

47. Veggie sometimes pickled : BEET

52. High-end violin : STRAD. Or AMATI.

53. Tandoori bread : NAAN

56. She adopted Tigger : KANGA

57. Hospital holding area, briefly : PRE-OP

58. Principal roles : LEADS

59. Big steps : STRIDES

61. Fat-shunning fellow : SPRAT. So sad. Eat real stuff, just in small amounts.

65. Hang-around-the-house wear : MOCs

66. Scintilla : SHRED

67. Mower handle? : DEERE. Nailed it.

68. Highly seasoned : SPICY. Have you tried Trader Joe's spicy sushi rolls?

69. High-altitude home : AERIE

70. Was in the hole : OWED

71. First host of "America's Got Talent" : REGIS

73. High-tech classroom : PC LAB

74. Concocts, with "up" : COOKS

77. Tom Sawyer's aunt : POLLY. I don't think UNCLE TOM is allowed in LAT grid.
80. Lose energy : TIRE. Verb.

82. Sci-fi film classic : STAR WARS

84. Do cover : HAIR NET. Hairdo.

85. Fixed : EMENDED

86. Zip, in Zaragoza : NADA

87. Pudding fruit : FIG

90. Romantic evening switch : DIMMER

91. Rachael Ray sautéing initialism : EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). Actually, EVOO is good for salad. Regular olive oil is ideal for sautéing, right?

93. Transvaal settler : BOER

95. Hold up : DELAY

97. Item sold in a kit : MODEL

98. How music may be sold : ON CDS

99. Business sch. subject : ECON

100. Prohibition : NO NO

101. It's used in rounds : AMMO. Too hot a topic to touch.

103. Shot contents : DOSE

104. Lounge around : LOLL

105. Mirror shape : OVAL

106. Component of some small Ferraris : LEGO. Got via crosses.

107. Kegger venue : FRAT

109. HUN neighbor, to the IOC : CRO. OK, Croatia.

110. It may be dry or sparkling : WIT. Not WINE!

111. Laudatory verse : ODE

Happy Birthday to our sweet Lucina, one of the few blog regulars I've met in person. Always a joy to read her cheerful and upbeat posts.

Windhover & Lucina, July 24, 2015