, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 16, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 Patti Varol

Theme: Discrete Approach - Catching someone's eye but hiding it in the theme entries.

17A. Annual Time honoree: PERSON OF THE YEAR. Hey

27A. Nickname of a Nobel-winning novelist: PAPA HEMINGWAY. Ahem

47A. Doesn't get confused, as facts: KEEPS STRAIGHT. Psst

60A. Verbal nudge found in each set of puzzle circles: ATTENTION GETTER

Argyle here. This is Patti's second Tuesday in two weeks. A bit funky but fun.


1. Sherbet flavor: LIME

5. Exhalation of relief: [SIGH]

9. Rumor, to a rumor mill: GRIST

14. With 5-Down, "Spanglish" actor: ADAM. 5D. See 14-Across: SANDLER

15. Capital of Samoa: APIA

16. Vitality: [OOMPH!]

20. "__ who?!": SEZ. "Sez me; that's who!"

21. Throw in: ADD

22. Selection for a reading: PASSAGE

23. Like LAX and JFK: INTL. Airports that are INTernationaL.

25. __ colada: PIÑA

26. Plant, as seed: SOW

31. Under the intended pitch: FLAT. (music)

32. DVR button: REC. (record)

33. Mogadishu is its cap.: SOM. (Somalia)

34. "Shush!": "CAN IT!"

36. Concern for an orthodontist: GAP

38. NFLer again in 2016: LA RAM

42. Old tape initials: VHS. Video Home System (VHS)

44. Detective Spade: SAM. Can you remember his comic book ads for Wildroot Hair Tonic?

46. Greek letter that would be last in English: ZETA

50. "The Greatest" boxer: ALI

52. __-chic: hippie-influenced fashion style: BOHO. "BoHo" is an abbreviation of Bohemian Homeless. Much, much more in this Wikipedia entry. Fashion

53. Knee-baring skirt: MINI

54. Letterman's successor: COLBERT. Stephen Colbert.

56. Like a texter who types ":-(": SAD

57. Winter illness: FLU

63. Trusty mount: STEED

64. Advertising award: CLIO

65. Gradually withdraw: WEAN

66. Makes by working: EARNS

67. Green Hornet's sidekick: KATO

Van Williams Bruce Lee Green Hornet 1966

68. Betting numbers: ODDS


1. Gym class punishment, perhaps: LAPS. I remember them well.

2. Cannes concept: IDÉE

3. Oft-molded almond confection: MARZIPAN. We see it often in the bithday cakes that show up here. (Thank you, CED)

4. Ambulance letters: EMS. (Emergency Medical Services)

6. Apple with earbuds: iPOD

7. Picture file suffix: GIF. (Graphics Interchange Format)

8. Something stuck in a bonnet: HATPIN. Both are vintage now. Well, except for Hat Day at the Saratoga flat track.

9. Misses military roll call, maybe: GOES AWOL

10. Rob __: cocktails: ROYs. Ruination of a good Scotch.

11. "Whatever works": "I'M EASY". But I'd have a Rob Roy if you're buying.

12. Wolfgang Puck's restaurant: SPAGO

13. Pitched: THREW

18. Inaugural recitation: OATH

19. Puts on the museum wall: HANGs

24. One born there: NATIVE

25. "Guernica" muralist Pablo: PICASSO

27. Rank below cpl.: PFC. (Private First Class)

28. __ française: À LA

29. "Family Guy" daughter: MEG

30. Like the '69 N.Y. Mets: AMAZIN'

35. Diver's sickness: THE BENDS

37. Bit of butter: PAT

39. Found a new home for, as an unwanted present: REGIFTED

40. Olympics entrant: Abbr.: ATH. (athlete)

41. Yoga class need: MAT

43. Baseball or golf: SPORT

45. Nearsighted cartoon character: MR. MAGOO

47. Off-__: askew: KILTER. See 25-Down.

48. Cornball routine: SHTICK

49. Executive's confidante: AIDE

50. Make __ for: argue in favor of: A CASE

51. Ton of, slangily: LOTTA

55. "It's __ fun": BEEN

56. Foul mood: SNIT

58. Set the pace: LEAD

59. Coffee servers: URNS

61. Suffix with pay or Cray: OLA

62. Couple: TWO
