, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 8, 2018

Sunday April 8, 2018 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme:  "Low Flow" - L is changed into FL in each theme entry. (Thanks for the extra L observation, Lemonade.)
22A. Interfaith service attendees? : COMBINATION FLOCK. Combination lock.

28A. Arsonist's alibi? : FLAME EXCUSE. Lame excuse.

56A. Cause of business failure? : CORPORATE FLAW. Corporate law.

62A. Distinguished screwballs? : GREAT FLAKES. Great Lakes.

72A. Uproar over a controversial win? : VICTORY FLAP. Victory lap.

80A. Niche market for airport bookstores? : FLIGHT READING. Light reading.
106A. Dumpster hoverers? : PACK OF FLIES. Pack of lies.

117A. Hygiene product for very big teeth? : SUBSTANTIAL FLOSS. Substantial loss.

Five F's are added to the start of last words, three to the first. Quite consistent, key to this type of letter addition/deletion/substitution puzzles.

Jeffrey also gives us a 140-word grid. LAT Sundays are normally 144. Look at the top/bottom edges, they're usually divided into 4 parts. Jeffrey the Master only uses 3. He also places six solid non-theme 9's, two of them are paralleled.


1. Humanities degs. : BAs
4. Dangerous thing to fall in with : BAD CROWD. Great debut fill.

12. Enhances : ADDS TO

18. Exiled, with "away" : SENT

19. Nonconforming : IRREGULAR

20. Kitchen gadget : PEELER. Here is my favorite. I got it from our local Asian store.

21. Eponymous reader : UTNE. Reader.

24. Conquered after being lost, as territory : RETAKEN

26. Part of it is on L.I. : NYC. We also have 127. Manhattan region : EAST SIDE And 4. Bombers' home? : BRONX

27. __ food : HEALTH

32. __ resources : HUMAN

34. Ornamental shrub : YEW

35. Gurus' retreats : ASHRAMS. So many people are seeking enlightenment, but Buddha achieved his only after he left his wife and kid.

37. Ill-gotten gains : GRIFT

42. Sheep group : FOLD

44. Pre-adulthood stages : PUPAE

46. Venerable retailer : SEARS

49. Even once : EVER

50. Reliable sort : TROUPER. Always thought it's TROOPER.

52. Glitzy rock genre : GLAM

54. Goliath, to David : FOE

55. Levelheaded : SANE. You just can't rattle D-Otto. Last winter when he discovered he had permanent retina damage, he dealt it with humor, carrying on his Meals on Wheels work as usual. Always cool. Always a do-er.

59. State requiring "Stat!" : URGENCY

61. Enterprise bridge figure : SULU

64. More than not : MOST

67. Unrefined : RAW

70. "The Goldbergs" airer : ABC

71. "House" actor Epps : OMAR
76. Eponymous salad creator : COBB. Never had it. Some food just don't appeal to me. 

79. "That is my intention" : I MEAN TO

87. Emulate a condor : SOAR

88. Spherical organ : EYE

90. "Star Wars" saga fixture : LEIA. Boomer would have commented on the three vowels.

91. Equanimity : BALANCE

92. First word of "Send in the Clowns" : ISN'T. "Isn't it rich?".

93. WWI battle river : SOMME

95. Stop on the briny : AVAST

97. S.F. commuting system : BART

98. 16th-century Sorrento-born poet : TASSO. We had him before. And 125. 98-Across' lang. : ITAL

100. Cape user : MATADOR

102. SALT subject : ABM

103. Barely bested, with "out" : NOSED

111. Like Stephen King's Pennywise : CREEPY

114. Medium power? : ESP. Nice clue.

116. Golden quality? : SILENCE. No. 1 requirement for being a Ninja.
122. Yawn-inducing : DULL

123. One changing lines, perhaps : EDITOR. That's Rich.

124. End of an ultimatum : OR LEAVE IT. Feels like partial-ish to me. YMMV.

126. Yes : ASSENT
128. Sardine catcher : NET. Dried sardines are important in Korean cooking. Base of broth.


1. Stimulating nut : BETEL

2. Women's fashion chain : ANN TAYLOR. For career women.

3. Really angry : STEAMED UP

5. Radius location : ARM

6. Young socialite : DEB

7. Pixar output, briefly : CGI

8. Track competitor : RUNNER

9. Brand including Regenerist products : OLAY.  I still like the Olay original.

10. Defiant reply to a dare : WATCH ME

11. Soft & __: deodorant : DRI

12. Sleep disorder : APNEA

13. Make less dangerous, as a snake : DEFANG. You can find live snakes in many restaurants in Guangzhou. Live fish too.

14. Acer rival : DELL. Also 16. Acer employee : TECH. My screen is Acer.

15. Vending machine opening : SLOT
17. TV planet : ORK. Mork & Mindy.

18. Banzai Pipeline feature : SURF. Also  57. Grounds crew concern : TURF

19. Frozen drink brand : ICEE

23. Omega, to a physicist : OHM

25. London's __ Gardens : KEW

29. Ruth wore one : CAP. Baby Ruth. (Correction: I meant Babe Ruth.)

30. What kilowatt hours measure : USAGE

31. Knickknack perch : SHELF

33. Its Space Command has HQ in Colorado : USAF. Hi Bob, are you still reading our blog?

36. Capital of Eritrea : ASMARA

38. Alter, as a tailor might : RE-SEAM

39. First Family name : IVANKA Her kids speak Chinese.

40. Dueling party : FENCER

41. Low cards : TREYS

42. Consumer protection org. : FTC

43. Conquistador's treasure : ORO

44. Pacific Rim nation : PERU

45. Eurasian border river : URAL

47. Opposite of a squeaker : ROUT

48. Lowly worker : SERF

51. Tom of "Newhart" : POSTON. Boomer met him at a charity golf tournament once.

53. Math subj. : ALG

58. Information source, with "the" : WEB

60. All over the world : GLOBAL

63. Bookkeeping no. : ACCT

64. Champagne cocktail : MIMOSA. Do you guys like Kombucha?

65. Hurricanes form over them : OCEANS

66. Embarks : STARTS

68. Furry TV ET : ALF

69. License holder? : WALLET. No hesitation from me.

72. Stop by : VISIT. Tablet will take Argyle a bit longer to figure out. In the meantime, please continue sending cards to below address. He enjoys our cards.

D. Scott Nichols
Room #219
Wesley Health Care Center
131 Lawrence St.
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

73. GPS data : RTES

74. Foolish one : YO-YO

75. Food in a humility metaphor : PIE

77. Spheres : ORBS

78. Vanquish : BEAT

81. Hall of Fame chef De Laurentiis : GIADA. Know her of course. I did not know there's a Culinary Hall of Fame though.

82. Wreaked state : HAVOC

83. Tinkered with : DABBLED IN. Thought of TTP, who will probably still enjoy tinkering with things in his 90s. DIY takes curiosity and talents. 

84. "Soon" : IN A MINUTE

85. ATM giant : NCR

86. Procure : GET

89. Full-figured model born Melissa Miller : EMME. I did not know her original name. That's quite close to Marisa Miller the model below.

94. Archipelago with an eponymous wine : MADEIRA

96. Storied vessel : ARK

99. Big weight : ONE TON

101. Java creation : APPLET

102. Workers' org. formed in 1886 : AFL

104. Vasarely's genre : OP-ART

105. Word for word?: Abbr. : SYN. Another great clue.

107. Actor Davis : OSSIE

108. Raised symbol of resistance : FIST

109. Brilliant display : ECLAT

110. Market : SELL

111. They're chewed in pastures : CUDS. I'm glad I'm not a cow. I can't imagine eating the same food day after day.

112. Wrigley Field stats : RBIs

113. Sunrise dirección : ESTE

115. "Do the Right Thing" pizzeria : SAL'S

117. "Many fresh streams meet in one salt __": Shakespeare : SEA

118. Little piggy : TOE

119. Sol preceders : FAs

120. CXII halved : LVI. 56.

121. 20-volume ref. : OED

Splynter said "Hi". He is now working as an AutoCAD drafter for Westhampton Architectural Glass. I'm happy that he left that winery. I was afraid they would sabotage his hard work with AA.

Yeah, PK, try Dave's suggestion. Google Gmail. You should get your account back.
