, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 2, 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018, C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Get IT?

17. *Mother of Donald Jr. and Eric: IVANA TRUMP.

26. *Laurence Fishburne's "What's Love Got to Do With It" role: IKE TURNER.

35. *With 41-Across, two-time NBA All-Star named for an NBA Hall of Famer: ISAIAH.

41. *See 35-Across: THOMAS.

51. *Swimmer with five Olympic gold medals: IAN THORPE.

60. *Early 20th-century muckraker: IDA TARBELL. Awesome.

48D. Expert computer operations group ... to which the answers to starred clues belong?: IT TEAM.

Melissa here. I come, like all the regulars, with a heavy heart today, but I know Santa would want the show to go on. I'm guessing that C.C. consulted with him on this puzzle, which feels a bit comforting. Do you feel him? I do.


1. Low-pH compound: ACID.

5. Creighton University city: OMAHA.

10. Silly: DAFT.

14. Running behind: LATE.

15. Spanish bar food: TAPAS.

16. Falls back: EBBS.

19. Pacific Rim continent: ASIA.

20. Disney collectible: CEL.

21. __ anglais: English horn: COR. -->

22. "Casablanca" actor Peter: LORRE.

24. Dublin residents: IRISH.

30. Dried chili in Mexican cuisine: ANCHO.

31. Tiny tunneler: ANT. Dig the alliteration.

32. Colorful tropical fish: TETRA.

33. Cause of red cheeks: ROUGE. Or joy.

36. Biol. or geol.: SCI.

38. Spa treatments: PEELS.

40. Courthouse figs.: DAS. District Attorneys.

43. Woody thicket: COPSE.

45. Extends a tour: REUPS.

46. Sunbather's goal: TAN.

47. Place for a Fitbit: WRIST. My daughter and I just got each other one for an early Mother's day gift. Nifty little devices.

53. Perfume compound: ESTER.

54. Take a pass: SAY NO.

55. Buccaneer's domain: SEA.

57. __ chi: martial art: TAI.

58. "The Boss Baby" voice actor Baldwin: ALEC.

63. Sport with periods called chukkers: POLO.

64. Intoxicating shrubs: COCAS.

65. Fidel's successor: RAUL.

66. Throw out: TOSS.

67. Contest submission: ENTRY.

68. Band boosters: AMPS. Nice clue.


1. Keys on a keyboard: ALICIA.

2. Luray attraction: CAVERN. Cool video on this page. Anyone been?

3. Slanted, in a way: ITALIC. Ohhh.

4. La-Z-Boy room: DEN.

5. Aptly named "Airplane!" autopilot: OTTO.

6. Two-party system?: MARRIAGE. Haha.

7. "The Simpsons" storekeeper: APU.

8. Village: HAMLET.

9. __ of tea: A SPOT.

10. Start of a message to magazine subscribers: DEAR READERS.

11. What some vote in: ABSENTIA.

12. Christopher A. Wray's agcy.: FBI.

13. Bag-checking org.: TSA.

18. "Gesundheit!" evoker: ACHOO.

23. Well-worn tracks: RUTS. See here.

25. Tex-Mex seafood dish: SHRIMP TACOS.

27. Patella: KNEECAP.

28. Periods of history: ERAS.

29. Root word?: RAH.

34. FedEx alternative: UPS.

35. Many a cable co.: ISP.

36. __ butter: cosmetic moisturizer: SHEA.

37. Gives legal advice: COUNSELS.

39. Symbol of the second-largest state: LONE STAR.

41. Prefix with angle or cycle: TRI.

42. Pallid: ASHY.

44. Use foul language: SWEAR.

46. Walked all over: TROD ON.

49. Make airtight: SEAL UP.

50. Quavering musical sounds: TRILLS.

52. In reserve: ON ICE.

56. "Child's play!": EASY.

58. On point: APT.

59. Bath bathroom: LOO.

61. Pretend to be: ACT.

62. Push-up top: BRA.