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Mar 14, 2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021, Jeffrey Wechsler

 Title: Pi DAY.

My first Sunday blog, and my first time not needing to try to create an appropriate but entertaining title. Today is March 14, which in our shorthand world is 3.14. Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (3.14) and was coined by Physicist Larry Shaw in 1988 as it is also the birthday of Albert Einstein. Happy birthday, Al.  HISTORY.  Now it is a celebration of eating pies, not a bad thing.

As I have mentioned I went to boarding school for high school and my sophomore year I was paired with George Harvey who had a goal in life to memorize Pi to 100 places. He was at  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510. 

On to JW's creation, he has taken 7 in the language expressions and inserted "PI" in various locations to bring us new and whimsical phrases. Obviously, with a 21 x 21 grid, there is room for a lot of nice words and we get ENDOWED,  FINE TIP, OPACITY, PILES IN, SECRETE, SOJOURN,  TIE DYES, BEST CASE,  LAKE ERIE, LORRAINE, PRANCING, IN GENERAL,  JUMPSTART,  KEEPS AT IT, and YOU CAN TRY. LEANA and ESALE, are also new. We have much work to do so let's get started.

The theme:

24A. Shrimp dish ordered online?: INTERNET SCAMPI (14). I really liked turning the awful internet scam into a very popular dish.

34A. Not someone you'd want in the cockpit?:  VACANT             PILOT (11). I get the vacant lot, but I think "not something" you would want in the cockpit makes more sense.

45A. Candidate's concern after the latest poll?: OPINION DIP (12). A fun conversion from food this time. See 24A.

68A. Hook during a typically slow period?: OFF-SEASON                PIRATE (15). Our friend the Captain is back without Peter or Smee.           

93A. Physician for longshoremen?: PIER DOCTOR (10) An ER doctor might be what these hard workers need.

99A. No-brainer card game?: STUPID POKER (11). With all the varieties people make up like 3s and one-eyes kings are wild...

117A. Like most clouds, compared to cirrus clouds?: NONE THE WISPIER (14). I hope you know your CLOUDS.

No time to rest, on to the rest.


1. Yellow smoothie fruit: PAPAYA. A very important fruit in our home for  ส้มตำไทย (som tum), which uses the papaya before it ripens. 

7. Chick's sound: PEEP. Hence the expression, not a peep out of you.

11. Turin-based automaker: FIAT. FIAT is an acronym that stands for “Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino”, which means Italian Automobile Factory of Turin. 

15. One going through an eyelet: LACE. Shoe, shoe.

19. Anthology compiler: EDITOR. He/she makes the selections as opposed to correcting them. Our Rich does some of each.

20. Loud sound: ROAR. A clue that needed perps because after all, it could have been BURP.

21. For the most part: IN GENERAL. Another fill you need to work for and wait.

23. Squeal on: RAT OUT. Since 1902 it has been a police informant, made more specific in 1934 when it became to turn traitor and act as an informant. Originally from rats off a sinking ship.

26. Equestrian action: PRANCING. Did you ever expect to see dressage to a foul-mouthed rap song? Viewer discretion advised.
28. Sticks in a parlor: CUES. Billiard parlors, not pool halls.

29. Gulf of California state: SONORA. We have seen this Mexican state often recently. 

30. Simile words: AS A. We the young actor ASA Butterfield introduced as an alternate clue.

31. Divert: SHUNT. avert, deviate, move, rechannel, shift, sidetrack, swerve, switch, transfer, deflect, divert, redirect, swing, turn, veer, wheel, whip, swivel, twist, whirl, zigzag, bend, curve, sway
reverse, turn back.

33. Mumbai apparel: SARIS

39. NYSE events: IPOS. Initial Public Offerings.

43. Effect, as a law: ENACT. A good way to explain Effect vs, Affect.

44. In its current condition: AS IS. Important real estate term.

51. Lows: NADIRS. Zenith was not only a TV.

53. Complete: UTTER. I hear "disregard."

55. French region associated with an eggy dish: LORRAINE.

56. Decorates tees: TIE-DYES. Most of us are of an age that has personal experience in both wearing and creating. According to the media it recently made a comeback as one of the biggest fashion trends of 2020.

58. Hurl insults (at): SNIPE. Another use a very "hot" word.

60. Ricoh rival: NIKON. Are they STILL?

61. Retired jet: SST. Making a COMEBACK also?

62. Fertile: LUSHIRELAND?

65. Hit with a water balloon, say: DOUSE. We had some multi-story buildings in high school and balloons...

67. Restaurant kitchen array: OVENS. I never thought of them as on display. 

72. Russian milk drink: KEFIR. It used to be a SECRET not it is on sale at PUBLIX. More Russian influence a word I only know from solving puzzles 89A Ukase: EDICT.

75. Driver's target: SCREW. Really nice misdirection but I am not sure I would have it followed by...

76. Punctilious to the extreme: ANAL.

77. Shakespearean "Shake a leg!": HIE. JW sneaks a Will S in.

80. Online exchange: E-SALE. Made up word that is probably in the dictionary by now. 

81. Carouse: REVEL.

83. Temporary stay: SOJOURN. They cannot agree where the word comes from but it sounds French to me. LINK.

86. Toledo is on it: LAKE ERIE. The official lake of the Corner.

92. Defensive castle feature: TURRET.

95. National symbol: FLAG.

98. Bawl: WEEP. So sad...

101. Soft drink options: SODAS. As opposed to the "hard" drinks of real men!

106. Humiliate: ABASE. An old-fashioned word which I saw often in books in school. 

108. Discernment meas., in meteorology: VISibility. A link to our not so cirrius theme fill, and to THIS.

109. Tolerates: ABIDES.

111. Fish tank buildup: SCUM. I wonder how the red betta is doing.

112. Optimal: BEST CASE. Scenario. 

121. Carried with effort: HAULED

122. Doesn't give up: KEEPS AT IT. A very Jeffrey fill with multiple words.

123. Prayer wheel spinner: LAMA. Buddhists unite for the Prayer wheel,  in Tibetan mani chos 'khor, a mechanical device the use of which is equivalent to the recitation of a mantra

124. Missing the mark: ERRING. I almost put this one red, but that would have been a red 'erring.

125. CEO's helper: ASST. Anyone's helper.

126. Like venison: GAMY. A new four-letter WORD?

127. "The Killing" actress Mireille : ENOS. This ACTRESS has appeared in many shows, both evading zombies and dealing with polygamy, which is ironic as she is a Mormor. I like HANNA which is coming back for a third season.

128. Exclusive date: STEADY. I never tried it, I either married them or I did not.


1. One in cuffs, maybe: PERP. A Corner favorite word.

2. Month after Shevat: ADAR. It ended today giving us Nissan and the PESACH holiday in two weeks.

3. Filled food truck buy: PITA. So many food trucks.

4. Very much: A TON.

5. "Take a shot at it": YOU CAN TRY. Another classic JW fill.

6. Con __: ARTIST. Another time? 

7. Puritan: PRIG. "a conceited, narrow-minded pragmatical person; a dull, precise person; one who cultivates or affects propriety and offends or bores others," 1753, originally in reference to theological scruples (1704

8. Very long time: EON.

9. Celebrate an anniversary, say, with "out": EAT. Where you might start with...

10. Like veggies in platters: PRECUT. Crudites.

11. Marker choice: FINE TIP.  

12. Supermodel Sastre: INES. She has appeared in puzzles often but not MOVIES.

13. FBI figure: AGT.

14. Hardy title teenager: TESS.

15. CNN medical analyst Wen: LEANA. A nice change from sebaceous cysts but still controversial. 

16. Protective suit: ARMOR.

17. Blue Grotto isle: CAPRI.

18. Sewing machine inventor Howe: ELIAS. Appropriate after highlighting Mr. Singer.

22. Army sgts., e.g.: NCOS.

25. Flee: RUN.

27. Valley known for viticulture: NAPA. Viticulture- wow? I think it means vines?

31. Small opening: SLIT. Not necessarily...for you Richard.

32. Talk show VIPs: HOSTS. Yeah, right/

34. HVAC system openings: VENTS. No vents. you die/

35. Nin of literature: ANAIS.

36. Officer trainee: CADET.

37. Etching supply: ACID.

38. Terre Haute sch.: ISUIndian State University. 

40. Enters en masse: PILES IN.

41. Tokyo-born peace activist: ONO.

42. Newton honorific: SIR. Isaac. 

45. Betelgeuse's constellation: ORION. We have not seen this clue since April 24, 2015.

46. Negative afterthought: OR NOT. I love you so much ...

47. Unworldly: NAIVE.

48. Water container?: DIKE.

49. Aware of: IN ON.

50. Bank conveniences: PENS. They stopped attaching so they could not be stolen and now give away thousands; they about a week's worth of ink, but hey it is free!

52. Word with interest: SELF. Made tricky by being near banks.

54. Gave money for: ENDOWED. Mostly Universities.

57. Figure (out): SUSS. A very common word in our write-ups and comments.

59. Part of a moth's life cycle: PUPA. John Lamkin, where are you?

63. Hide: SECRETE. Add an "E" to create a verb.

64. March __: HARE. Sure that was my first thought, not!

66. Significant times: ERAS. EONS and ERAS?

68. NFL Titan, when in Houston: OILER. The original team was the Houston Oilers led by quarterback George Blanda.

69. Let go: FREED. Goes with...

70. Break, as ties: SEVER.

71. Very much: A LOT. Of there is of...

72. Growth in a wet forest: KELP. In the oceans.

73. Actor Morales: ESAI. They do love his vowels.

74. Expert's discovery: FAKE. How do you "discover" a fake? You may reveal it...

77. Impresario Sol: HUROK. The MAN.

78. Goddess of peace: IRENE. My mother's name and she was all of that.

79. Shift key neighbor: ENTER.

82. Elevates: LIFTS.

84. Give fresh energy to: JUMPSTART. Your car?

85. Nabisco brand: OREO. Nice clue.

87. Noisy disturbance: ROW. Not a boat.

88. Bar supply: ICE. Tin, look away.

90. Game that might end in a library: CLUE. With Miss Scarlett and the knife.

91. Dance genre: TAP.

94. Murkiness: OPACITY. I know all too much about opacity especially as it relates to post-cataract surgery. LINK. I did include the gruesome part but I did suffer from this after my surgery and despite YAG laser surgery to fix it, my eye has never been the same. Last Saturday, I awoke with no usable vision from that eye, which has always been my "good eye." So please forgive any errors or deficiencies.

96. With 97-Across, words before "good reason": GIVE. 97A. See 96-Down: ME ONE. Give me a good one for using this kind of referential cluing?

99. Free thing to try: SAMPLE.

100. Something done after a meal: DISHES.

101. Pioneering decaf brand: SANKA. Orange is the new black pioneer?

102. Orchestral pair, at a minimum: OBOES. Please explain why.

104. Skillful: ADEPT.

105. Drill bit purchases: SETS. I always have gotten mine as part of other purchases.

107. __ stop: BUS.

110. Chase, as flies: SHAG.

111. Exercise activity: SWIM.

112. Bali products: BRAS.

113. Medical breakthrough: CURE.

114. Et __: and others: ALIA.

115. Transmit: SEND.

116. Avant-garde: EDGY.

118. Touchdown hr. calculation: ETA.

119. Holm of "The Hobbit": IAN. Played Bilbo in the LOTR trilogy.

120. Punk subgenre: EMO.

I am worn out, but I hope the sojourn was fun; thank you Jeffrey and C.C., and all who read. Lemonade out.