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Feb 11, 2022

Friday, February 11, 2022, Jeffrey Wechsler

Title: No Duh!

We have a somewhat unusual offering from our JW that features only three (3) themers! Is our reliable one slowing down? Not at all, as this puzzle is chock full of wonderful elements. 

1. The long non-theme fill are gorgeous. I have highlighted in my usual coloring chart - FRAGMENTSUBTRACT, FOR A PRICEGEOMETRICGONE TO POT, and RAY LIOTTA. The purple been in the LAT twice before; the blue has appeared but once (a 2009 Sunday); the red are making their first appearance here with the BOLDED a first appearance in any major publication. Considering how many puzzles are now published this selection is awesome.

2. The themers are each a five letter word ending in D paired with another word(s) that creates a familiar phrase, but by removing the D the fill is silly and evocative. 

3.    Most impressively, each of the remaining 4 letter words are an animal. The before and after phrases have nothing but letters in common. The baby reveal

60D. Silent assent ... or, in two parts, a hint to three long answers: NO D.

Can you come up with a similar concept that is put together so tightly? 

So here we go, the theme:

21A. Yogi's barber?: BEARD TRIMMER (11). I did LOL trying to picture Yogi and BooBoo in the salon. I think painting of toenails would be in order.

36A. Tusker as tutor?: BOARD OF EDUCATION (15). I have had boring teachers and I see this as a bonus pun within a pun. 

53A. Function of a straw man?: CROWD CONTROL (11). My favorite. 

The rest:

1. "Smooth Operator" artist: SADE. "Shaday" is a very impressive performer LINK.

5. Play groups: CASTS. A performance for an audience not just kids.

10. Pop of punk: IGGY. A one-time icon 

14. Miso go-with, often: UDON. Udon noodles are made out of wheat flour; they are thick and white in color. Best as fresh, they are soft and chewy. On the other hand, soba noodles are made out of buckwheat, with a strong nutty flavor. Many though have wheat in them also, which means they are not gluten-free.

15. Sean who played Samwise: ASTIN. He is the step-son of actor John Astin and his mother Patty Duke who appeared here recently.

16. Many August births: LEOS. Not all, I am a Virgo.

17. Panache: ZING


19. Unique: LONE. This was the lone correct answer.

20. Desire: YEN. Do Japanese Yen for Yen?

23. Cheesy Mexican appetizer: QUESO. Per WikiDiff: As nouns the difference between cheese and queso is that cheese is (uncountable) a dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk or cheese can be (slang) wealth, fame, excellence, importance while queso is melted cheese, used for instance as a dipping sauce.

25. One found among blocks: STREET. Nice misdirection, again not kids toys.

26. Related on mom's side: ENATE. We all know "natal." E is for girls, AG is for boys.

30. Tiffs: SET TOS. I do not think this phrase is as common as it was in 1743,  "bout, fight,"originally pugilistic slang,

32. Break into pieces: FRAGMENT. I did not even get to the 8 letter fill.

35. Troy, N.Y., campus: RPI. A CSO to our two Rensselaer Polytech graduates; do you recall who they are?

40. "Nice __!": TRY. THis clue is trying to suck you into the French trickery.

41. Do the math, perhaps: SUBTRACT. The second of the fun 8 letter fill.

42. Light courses: SALADS. That depends on the dressing.

46. "A moveable feast," to Hemingway: PARIS. A wonderful post-humously published look of his world and all the people who he interacted with in the 20s in Paris. I do not know if he was lampooning the religious connotation.

47. They work in lofty places: PILOTS.
Ha ha.

49. Scratching (out): EKING.

57. Ginza agreement: HAI. A simple yes will do in Japan in the Ginza section of Tokyo.

58. Formality: RITE. But are they really right?

59. California coastal county: MARIN. Chief Marin was the tribal leader of the indigenous in this wonderful area NW of San Francisco. A beautiful area with many beautiful  people.

60. Super star: NOVA. I thought noone like those cars? 

61. It precedes Romans: ACTS. Significant writings by early Christian authors to explain aspects of the Gospel. Those who are religious see them as sacred.

62. Hardly a libertine: PRUDE. This is a simple antonym. 

63. Word with season or mind: OPEN. Interesting choice as open season has some negative connotations while open mind is an important part of growth.

64. Vanquished: BEAT. And if they defeat me are they beat'nicks?

65. Trim and graceful: SLEEK

66. Bench press muscle: DELToid. The shoulder.


1. Bygone Devil Dog competitor: SUZYQ. Hostess brings back classic Suzy Q's after fans complain. The people have spoken and Hostess has answered. ... The iconic cake was originally released in 1961. 

2. One-consonant parting: ADIEU.

3. "Any man's death diminishes me" writer: DONNE. A religious philospher and poet who wondered as did Hemingway, for whom the bell tolls.

4. University dept.: ENGineer. A CSO to many of our regulars; you know who you are.

5. __ May: CAPE. Billed by New Jersey as America's original resort.

6. K2 locale: ASIA. Climb that mountain and try not to die.

7. Leading: STAR. Not my favorite clue/fill but I get it.

8. Adds sepia to, say: TINTS. Why sepia? 

9. Is bullish?: SNORTS. A very fun clue/fill, I can picture the bull getting ready to gore somebody.

10. "__ by moonlight, proud Titania" : Shak.: ILL MET. JW's continued inclusion of Will, this time from A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 2, scene 1, said by Oberon.

11. Like art using circles, squares, etc.: GEOMETRIC. I love this pair of nine letter fill.

12. Failed: GONE TO POT. Not initially related to marijuana but simply a cooking pot, but now the puns are endless.

13. River in Flanders: YSER. Our most common 4 letter river.

21. Old coffeehouse drum: BONGO.

22. Choler: IRE. In medieval science and medicine) one of the four bodily humors, identified with bile and believed to be associated with a peevish or irascible temperament. 

24. Blacken a bit: SEAR. Searing is a cooking style to preserve the juices in the food being grilled. 

27. Big letters in bowling: AMF. The American Machine and Foundry (known after 1970 as AMF, Inc.) moved into the bowling business after World War II, when AMF automated bowling equipment and bowling centers became profitable business ventures, and in subsequent years into many other manufacturing businesses. wiki. I hope Boomer comments, I grew up with the Brunswick/AMF rivalry.

28. Begins a round, with "off": TEES. From bowling to golf. If your first drive goes out of bounds you get teed off. Then you will...

29. Eventually become: ENDUP. Losing many golf balls.

31. Envy, say: SIN. Can any one but Bill name them from these?
32. "... but it isn't free": FOR A PRICE. More 9 letters and a multiple word fill.

33. Shoeless Joe Jackson portrayer in "Field of Dreams" : RAY LIOTTA. I loved him in GOODFELLAS as well and having his brain eaten. I find it surprising with his vowels he has not appeared more often.

34. Low wind: TUBA. Boom.

36. Band with members Jimin and Jin: BTS. The Korean Boy Band phenomenon. 

37. QB feeder: CTR. Center. 

38. Prospero's servant: ARIEL. More Shakespeare, this time from the TEMPEST.

39. Something to do: TASK.

43. Division with A's: AL WEST. A handy gluey fill.

44. Bugs address: DOC. What's Up?

45. Energetic dances: STOMPS.
48. Tie-up: SNARL. Traffic.

50. "Fingers crossed": I HOPE. Don't hope, do!

51. __ orange: NAVEL. I wonder how they get them out of the belly button.

52. Fairy tale figure: GIANT. Unless you live in New York, or San Francisco.

53. Maryland catch: CRAB. This is true, but if your careful and use condoms...oh you mean the seafood...nevermind.

54. Not subject to debate: TRUE. These days true no longer means not subject to debate.

55. Wheels: RIDE.  

56. Short jog: ONE-K. About 6/10 of a mile.

We are at the end of another tour and my typing and formatting skills have abandonment me. I had fun and hope you did; thanks Jeffrey and thank you all who read and write.