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May 1, 2023

Monday May 1, 2023 Robin Stears


Happy May Day Cornerites!

sumdaze here with today's puzzle:        Daily Fiber Intake  

What? Not that type of fiber? about these?

17. Street art involving knitted wool: YARN BOMBING.
New to me. Here is the definition:  the action or activity of covering objects or structures in public places with decorative knitted or crocheted material, as a form of street art.
Here are 3 examples of YARN BOMBING.

28. Internet troll who takes over a discussion: THREAD JACKER.
I had THREAD hACKER until the O'JAYs fixed things. I have not heard of this term but it makes sense if you think of a carJACKER as someone who 'takes over' someone else's car.

44. Concept in particle physics: STRING THEORY. Proposed in 1968 by Italian theoretical physicist Gabriele VenezianoSTRING THEORY provides a theoretical framework in which all particles, from photons to quarks, are one-dimensional strings as opposed to zero-dimensional points.    MasterClass explanation
xkcd comic
58. Access points for some treehouses: ROPE LADDERS.  

YARNTHREADSTRINGROPE. The first word in each of 4 long entries is in the 'twine family'. Today's solve lacked starred clues, reveals, and circles. It was a clean, Monday-level puzzle with a congruity that could help out, should one need a hint. Thanks, Robin Stears !

1. Mother's nickname: MAMA.

5. Wound: INJURE.

11. Leopard or lynx: CAT.  
a leopard and a Canadian lynx

14. Actor Alda: ALAN.  
Hawkeye (ALAN Alda) needs help with a crossword puzzle. M*A*S*H  (31 secs.)

15. Oklahoma athlete: SOONER.  Oklahomans earned this nickname when the
 Oklahoma Territory was opened for settlement through land claims races in 1889. Each race began with a pistol shot. Those who jumped the gun were called SOONERs.

16. The Grand __ Opry: OLE.  The last time this word was in a puzzle I blogged, I went to their website so I could report on who was performing that day. I've been getting pop-up ads from them ever since....

19. Can. lawmakers: MPS.  Members of Parliament  (Hi CanadianEh!)

20. "ru 4 real!?": OMG. Both could be a texting reply to outlandish news.

21. Famous __ cookies: AMOS.  Hawaiians have unofficially adopted Wally AMOS. He was stationed at Hickam AFB on Oahu from 1954-1957. Years later, and after selling his Famous AMOS company, he started The Cookie Kahuna shops in HI.

22. Remainder: REST.  Nice angle! No time for a nap now as I still have to respond to the remainder of the clues.

23. Bird that may wake up the farm every morning: ROOSTER.  Mine crowed throughout the day.

25. Minnesota neighbor: IOWA.  Their border is along 
43º 30′ N.

"...Iowa voters preferred a state whose greatest length would be between the Mississippi River on the east and the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers on the west. Once Congress accepted these rivers as boundaries, it limited Iowa’s northern extent. Congress decided on 43º 30′ because it was near the divide between the watersheds of the southward-flowing Des Moines and Iowa Rivers and the northward-flowing Blue Earth River." source

33. At the right moment: ON CUE.
In the movie Funny Farm (1988), Chevy Chase and Madolyn Smith are out of their element when they buy a farm in Vermont. In this scene, they are now jaded and are trying to sell it to another optimistic couple. (1:06 min.)
I hear these words in my head whenever I see something stereotypically idyllic.
"CUE the deer."

36. Insufficiently: MEAGERLY.

37. Close by: NEAR.  

38. Fresh as a __: DAISY.  and 
38 Down. Kennel barkers: DOGS.
My neighbor has a Jack Russell Terrier named DAISY. For some reason, DAISY has decided she does not like my DOG. OTOH, my DOG is neutral about DAISY.

40. Smart-mouthed: WISE.  and 
51 Down. Smart-mouthed: SASSY.

41. Dangling pieces of jewelry: EAR DROPS. I have not heard earrings called this before.

43. Brewery shipments: CASES.  
47. Young woman: LASS.

48. Cleans one's teeth, in a way: FLOSSES.  Only FLOSS the ones you want to keep!

52. Pottery wheel material: CLAY.

55. Panorama: VIEW
How birds see the world (Larson)
56. 401(k) kin: IRA.  Both are ways to save for retirement.

57. Chest bone: RIB.  
62. "It's __ good": ALL.  
Bob Dylan's It's All Good (2009)

63. Pancake mixture: BATTER. Up!

64. Self-images: EGOS.

65. "Toodles!": BYE.

66. Like a lawn: GRASSY.  
67. Extremely: VERY.

1. Big city bigwig: MAYOR.  Not just "big cities" but small cities and fast food restaurants can have MAYORs, too!
2. San Antonio landmark: ALAMO. I have visited there but did not get to see the basement. #Pee-wee's Big Adventure

3. Emmy-winning actress Martindale: MARGO.  
I did not recognize her name; but, after seeing her photo, I realize I have seen her in many dramas.
This is a photo from The Americans. DH liked her in Justified.

4. __ Arbor, Michigan: ANN.

5. Chemically related compound: ISOMER.  Def:  one of two or more compounds that have the same chemical formula but different arrangements of the atoms within the molecules, which may result in different physical/chemical properties.

6. "That'll do": NO MORE.  It's what parents say to kids who are acting silly.

7. ZipRecruiter listings: JOBS.  website

8. Bi- minus one: UNI.  Think "number of wheels on a cycle".
UNIcycle stunts (3 min.)

9. Darth Vader's grandson Kylo __: REN.  Darth Vader is Princess Leia's bio-dad and Ben Solo, aka Kylo REN, is Leia's son. Here is a family tree:
P.S.  The actor who plays Kylo REN is Adam Driver, a former US Marine.

10. Rowing machine, familiarly: ERG. I need to memorize this one -- along with Opi nail polish, Eli Yale student, and British singer Rita Ora.

11. Beckoning word: COME.  The Japanese hand gesture to beckon someone to COME closer is with the palm facing down. This is why Manaki-neko (Beckoning Cat) has his paw facing downward.  
12. Swiss ski destination: ALPS.

13. Exam: TEST.

18. Wash: BATHE.

22. IndyCar venues: RACEWAYS.

24. In a way that's meant to last: STURDILY.

25. "Beware the __ of March": IDES.

26. Member of the "Love Train" soul group: O'JAY.
Love Train was released in 1972.
It reached #1 on both the R&B Singles and Billboard Top 100 charts.
This video is of their 2006 performance on Letterman.
They still got it!

27. Tail movement: WAG.  
29. Horse-and-buggy sect: AMISH.

30. Singer Kristofferson: KRIS.  He starred with Barbara Streisand in the 1976 remake of A Star is Born. This is the steamy album cover for the movie's soundtrack.
31. "If all __ fails ... ": ELSE.  
32. Some deli loaves: RYES.

33. Tip jar bills: ONES.  Tipping - World Map

34. Nicely organized: NEAT.  like today's puzzle

35. "Virgin River" novelist Robyn: CARR.  There seem to be several books in this series.
39. Some rentals, for short: APTS.  APartmenTS

42. Genetic material whose first letter stands for "ribo": RNA.

43. Stadium throng: CROWD.

45. Submits tax returns online: E-FILES.

46. Name associated with the Great Chicago Fire: O'LEARY.  They said it was her cow that kicked over a lantern.  
O'LEARY's Cow by Johnny Horton
49. Prolonged battle: SIEGE.

50. Shortstop's blunder: ERROR.

52. Grumpy sort: CRAB.

53. __ of the valley: LILY.  
As it turns out, this is the birth month flower for May.
54. Skilled: ABLE.

55. Pet docs: VETS.  Has anyone seen Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet? She is VERY skilled/ABLE.
58. Supreme Court justice known as "Notorious," initially: RBG.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg (3/15/1933 - 9/18/2020)

59. Boat blade: OAR.

60. School support gp.: PTA.  "Group" is abbreviated, so is "Parent-Teacher Association".

61. Actor Patel: DEV.  DEV is a 33 year-old British actor. His breakout role was in 2008 as the lead in Slumdog Millionaire.
Here's the grid:
Time to cut the cord! Have a great week, everyone!