Now that's a hockey game "blow-out" - sorry, CanadianEh! Paul Coulter returns, having several LA Times puzzles under his belt - the last one was here back on a Monday in January 2024. Four 10- & 11-letter themers, no reveal, all definitions of the word/phrase 'blowout'. We have two bonus 9- and 10-letter fills* in the Down today, too - great fills, but usually frowned upon when two of the themers are the same length. Too many names, IMHO, a balance of 21 TLW and 22 4LWs, and no circles - they were in yesterday's puzzle, two weeks in a row. The theme answers;
17. Group that might enjoy a blowout: WINNING TEAM - there's a line about Brooklyn in Billy Joel's song "We Didn't Start the Fire" @1:35
30. Host who might throw a blowout: PARTY GIVER
48. Wheel that might experience a blowout: RADIAL TIRE - happened to me in my 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan doing 72mph on I-395 trying to make the Cross Sound Ferry in the summer of 2023 - I limped off the highway into a parking lot, determined not to miss the boat, and installed the spare in 13 minutes - and that's an accomplishment because the spare is on a chain you crank inside the van from the floor center to drop the donut beneath the vehicle 😜
63. Professional who might provide a blowout: HAIR-STYLIST - Everything you wanted to know about a HAIR blowout - here
And Away We Go~!
1. Cry like a baby: BAWL - crossing BOWL
5. First game of a doubleheader: OPENER - I am sure C.C. can't wait
11. Appear onstage: ACT
14. Sandwich cookie: OREO - two weeks in a row for me
15. Not tricked by: WISE TO - quit cracking wise - I am reading the first book of the Robert Crais detective series - a great read, and there's 19 more in the series - a new one in 2025
at the Council of Fashion Designers of America awards
19. Band's sound booster: AMP - I'm told this is an acceptable "non-abbr" here at the corner
20. Sooner or __: LATER
21. Melancholy: SAD - four syllables :: one syllable
22. Shake hands (on): AGREE
24. Lingering amount: TRACE
26. All alternative: NONE - briefly thought we were looking for a laundry detergent, as in TIDE
28. Spanish "those": ESOS - Español #1
35. Auden's "Musée __ Beaux Arts": DES - filled via perps, the Wiki
36. Video game archaeologist Croft: LARA - name #2 - there was a movie, too - but I am not an Angelina Jolie fan - shocking, but true
37. Place: LOCALE
38. Davis of "Stuart Little": GEENA - name #3 - the IMDb
40. [Not my error]: SIC
42. Some nesting figures: DOLLS - e.g., Russian Matryoshka
Incredible Artwork - sold at 61D. here
43. "On it, Captain!": "AYE - AYE~!" - Picard~! Picard~!
45. Gym cushions: MATS
47. Gymnast Suni: LEE - name #4 - becoming the common clue for this answer
50. Landlord's income: RENT
51. "Puppy Love" singer Paul: ANKA - name #5
52. "Bad, Bad" Brown of song: LEROY - name #6
54. Head of cabbage?: HARD C - "C"abbage - I know some Cornerites don't much care for these kinds of ( meta ) clues, but I am OK with them
57. __-Wan Kenobi: OBI - name #6
59. Pond buildup: ALGAE
62. Many moons __: AGO - many moons ago, there were no names in a crossword
66. Mojito liquor: RUM
67. Discounted: ON SALE
68. "Battle Cry" novelist Leon: URIS - name #7
69. Atlas page: MAP - AND - 60D. Atlas section: ASIA
70. Far from fresh: ROTTEN
71. Theater production: PLAY
1. Many a New Year's Day football game: BOWL - The Buffalo Bills are out, so I am rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles, but I am not watching the Super Bowl for the second year in a row - I even canceled my live stream TV service to prove it.
2. "Tosca" solo: ARIA - three-vowel crossword staple
3. Became shabby: WENT TO SEED* - from whence we get the phrase - another link here
4. Reclusive sorts: LONERS - HERMITS didn't fit
5. Private: OWN - as in, "it's my _ collection"
6. Pork-based dog treats: PIGS EARS - sorry, Irish Miss, but I am still waiting on my new house mate - but I do have another lead on where to look for a rescue Schnauzer~!
7. "¿Cómo __ usted?": ESTA - Español #2
8. "You __ bother!": NEEDN'T - I am tiring of these kinds of fill-in clues
9. In-flight info, for short: ETA
10. Mercury and Saturn: ROMAN GODS* - name(s) #8, waited to see if we were looking for auto manufacturers
11. Letting in light, as a door: AJAR - Also in yesterday's grid - and Meh. I have a diamond window in my front door, and three "lites" in my sunroom door - they let in light, but they're not ajar- especially when it's -5° outside . . . .
12. "The best is yet to __": COME
13. Use a keyboard: TYPE
18. 401(k) kin: IRA - I have an IRA that changed banks literally five times since I opened it, and every time it does, I have to jump though hoops to verify it - so I figured it's time to be done with the nonsense....
23. Insurance company with a spokeslizard: GEICO - my choice for car insurance
25. Tax pro: CPA - Certified Public Accountant - busy season is upon them - I just got my W-2
27. Olive in the comics: OYL - name #9
28. "The Dance Class" painter Degas: EDGAR - name #10
Oil, 1874, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
29. "Bye now": "SEE YA~!"
31. "Spider-Man" trilogy director: RAIMI - name #11, but we had him some time last week
32. Stereotypical Southern California teen of the 1980s: VALLEY GIRL* - Like I totally was going to insert Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl" clip, but I could not take a full five minutes of the dialect
33. Daytime talk show that ended in 2022: ELLEN - name #12, never watched
34. Button clicked by a password forgetter: RESET - ...part of the IRA fiasco was having to RESET my password with each acquiring bank, so I decided to cash out last week, penalties be damned
36. Secure a ship: LAY ANCHOR*
39. Water nymph: NAIAD - I knew this, but could not recall how to spell it; is there a "Y" in there~?
41. "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" singer Belinda: CARLISLE - Ha~! Same here - is there a "Y" in there~? She is the lead vocalist for the Go-Go's, too - and name #13
44. Antlered animal: ELK - I pondered RAM, but those are more like "horns"
46. Casual top: TEE - T-shirt
49. Disciple of Lao-tzu: TAOIST - name(ish) #14 - Taoism per Nat Geo
50. Prepare to store, as a sleeping bag: ROLL UP
53. Beam: RAY
54. Damage: HARM
55. Lago contents: AGUA - Español #3
56. Frolic: ROMP
58. Pesky kid: BRAT
61. Retail site with art and collectibles: ETSY
64. "So that's __?": "A NO~?" - I tried ALL - still don't like this type of fill-in clue
65. Low card in a royal flush: TEN
There's nothing LOW about being a "TEN"